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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I bet if he won the lottery his whole outlook would change. God would be a loving God.
  2. It can be transcended through enlightenment because enlightenment is essentially death. But then you return. You return a mystic. But you do return to the original form - and fear and attachment to that form is built into it.
  3. Only Leo has? Lol. Kinda funny. He doesn't know what comes next. The whole point of a dream is to forget its a dream. Forgetting is a necessary evil in the whole scheme of things. The problem is you forget the scheme itself. But it must be like that. If you placed yourself In a video game would you want to remember you were the developer or any other player? Or would you want to focus on being that player ?
  4. It doesn't fully go away because what makes you stay alive is some attachment to yourself. Only Leo has? Lol. Kinda funny. He doesn't know whar comes next. The whole point of a dream is to forget its a dream. Forgetting is a necessary evil in the whole scheme of things. The problem is you forget the scheme itself. But it must be like that. If you placed yourself In a video game would you want to remember you were the developer or any other player? Or would you want to focus on being that player ?
  5. You're not pushing me to my limits. I have died and become pure consciousness. So yes my limits are I don't remember imagining I am any other form. But perhaps that is by design. I would go mad if i could. It is simply safe to say you will imagine something else.
  6. What happens when you awaken from a dream that feels sooo incredibly real? And why is it real? Because it is total. But then when you awaken, everything you thought was real was just a dream.. the real tricky part is how juicy this dream feels. It's so juicy. Because you can feel. But that is just another perception. All perception is an illusion of the ego.
  7. Therein lies the paradox. Is it truly bound or is it because it's boundless that it is bound? The paradox can be resolved. But not though logic.
  8. Whar i mean is notning physical ever dies. Only ideas die. You are an idea. .
  9. That's because you are attached to the self because you ARE the self! You can get over the fear but you never will truly get over it because fear is why you're alive. When you are dead it won't matter anymore. Now spiritually speaking, death is impossible. It is just infinite Mind.
  10. @Someone hereInfinite imagination and infinite curiosity has no bounds, or bias.
  11. You can forget you are God for all of eternity if you like. It's scary that this is possible at all - but it must be. It must be total. That is the paradox of God.
  12. It is indeed Infinite Consciousness. But note that's just a pointer to something that can't be captured with any descriptions or language. But going with that we can do our best with what we have, we can say It's an Infinite Mind that is omnipresent - meaning everywhere and nowhere. think of Infinite and Finite as one. Infinity being finite is still Infinity. Because what else would it be if everything is one? And by the same token finitude can expand to Infinity or become Infinity. Think of Inifnity like a shapeshifter. It can take on any form it likes. Including the infinite form. Actual infinity has no name - it's just that our limited minds can't grasp actual infinity so we can only use language and thought to understand it. So we divide IT into two parts. Infinite and finite....But IT, was always ONE.
  13. No - I listened to some concepts with curiosity and then I turned within through meditation. Actually I began meditating after I listened to Leo's video on boredom. It was mainly about the ego always needing some type of entertainment- and that it is actually healthy to just sit and do nothing with your mind. Just sit and do nothing. And then yes, I found the enlightenment videos and did self inquiry. But I really was just taking the stuff in out of curiosity and with an open mind. I did not put my faith in anything.
  14. True wisdom bro. And I have nothing to say to contradict this. But first - I hope you have been doing well. It has been quite a few years now and I do hope you are growing old with dignity. Now, with all that being said - the only thing I will add to your statement is that is OK to entertain the ego in all of its devilry. If you choose to think its the wise path to do otherwise that's also OK. But the ego was meant to be experienced in all of its fullness.
  15. Please see me for future hosting efforts. I run a hosting company and we pride ourselves in not letting this shit happen. This is not acceptable.
  16. Religion to me is something you are born into. Something you were told to believe and you were told to pray to a God that was the source of reality. All of the answers were given to you. True religion is spirit- or spirituality. This is finding what is true for yourself, and looking within for that
  17. I thought we went through this already. I see your point in how they can become indistinguishable. It's actually extremely scary. But there is a difference and you know what it is. You don't need me to tell you.
  18. It exists in an imaginary sense to you. It does not exist in the Absolute sense.
  19. The magic of God is simply this: There is no subconscious. There is nothing behind the scenes. There is no algorithm when you are not conscious of something. There is ONLY NOW. That's all. Everything else is fabricated. You can believe what you want.
  20. There is no book of identities. Infinity doesn't need it. So yes- you fabricated it.
  21. You can call it a giant record or a big open book. It sounds like something out of a Harry Potter movie.
  22. You might as well start embracing the Bible.