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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Umm no. You say this because you aren't enlightened. And you're not. So don't pretend that you are. And Being is not so different from knowing - after all the Absolute and the relative are indeed one. Isn't that your whole point,? So be careful about tripping on your own words.
  2. I don't get that sense. I don't get the sense that he is saying there is no self or no people. If you want someone that was like that - go back and read the posts by @VeganAwake.
  3. It is being lucid but you still don't know what happens next. There are things you have intentionally separated from yourself to make them outside of your control. The interesting about this though is that sometimes you can still tap in and see how you are doing it all.
  4. That's not what you really believe. You really believe you are an entity. An entity behind the eyes. Here is where it really gets good. Try and place this entity anywhere in time and space. Try and pinpoint the entity. That is self inquiry. I thought this entity was a soul. But I was wrong.
  5. You are overcomplicating self inquiry. Let me ask you this - what do you think you are ? Really answer it. Don't dodge the question. Really look at the question and answer it to what you believe you are. Not whar AI thinks you are - but what you think you are.
  6. I have many but you would have to go back to 2018. Meditation is really about.doing notning. Letting thoughts just come and go. Sitting in not knowing. The other is self inquiring into what you are. Let me ask you this - right now, if you had to say what you truly are, what would it be? Whatever that is, enlightenment lies behind realizing that is an illusion.
  7. No that one sucks. Listen to his very first enlightenment videos. Those he has self inquiry nested in before he got all wrapped up. He didn't know what he had. Those are gold.
  8. Well...i tip my hat to you. Honestly its guys like you and Leo that i truly admire. Spirituality and even enlightenment came easy to me.... For me it took two decades of suffering and two weeks of meditation. So I tip my hat. I would ask if you found what you were looking for..but I know that it really doesn't matter.
  9. I was truly hoping you would say that. But you put it better than I ever could.
  10. What I meant with that statement is that it's going to sound weird to a normie when we talk about not knowing or direct experience. And that's OK. Yes - in a sense though, the relative domain must always pertain to enlightenment because it is all of your relative experiences that may one day lead you to take yourself out of the relative domain. So yes, paradoxically oneness does prevail. But I think you stray from the point he was making.
  11. There is nothing in the relative domain that has anything to do with enlightenment - Truth is found in not knowing. He is right. It doesn't mean that knowing isn't Truth - or that the relative domain isnt Truth as well - it just means to realize it might just require not knowing.
  12. That's the sad part. Spirituality shouldn't be like that. For the Spiritualiy gifted there is no commitment. It happens without any effort. The commitment comes after if you decide to teach or spread the word. But I shutter when you put it in the same category as a career path. It should be as far from ego as humanly possible. Yes, the ego has to have the initial curiosity. But is that ego, or is that your true nature shining through? You say there is the whole ego thing but you won't get into that - but actually - it's all about that dichotomy.
  13. I hope it happens. But sadly, it won't make much of a dent in society's lack of open mindedness towards non-duality.
  14. @Soul Flight it's not the same kind of smart as an Elon Musk. It's something else. It is independent of the ego's motivation for wealth and success. That - is ego. Curiosity into reality is actually much more humble. It is a sort of spiritual intelligence. You have it, or you don't.
  15. What's fun about being normal? I think Truth lies in the abnormal. It would be found too easy otherwise.
  16. I am very like you in that regard. I would say this. If you woke up from the matrix, and went back into the matrix and started telling people that there is such a thing as awakening from the matrix- most will tell you you were insane. But until they wake up from the matrix - that's all you can do to point them in the right direction. Do you stop doing it just because they think you are spitting a bunch of lies? Or because you sound to them no different from the preacher down the road who says God is a bearded guy in the clouds? Should you just stop and not do anything? I say nay. I say even if you can point a single person to Absolute Truth - you have done a selfless act.
  17. I haven't read the entire dialogue between the two of you...but I think where he is coming from is that anything can be turned into a dogma. Even if you are enlightened and everything you say is absolutely true, you come off as a preacher - so it's better to say nothing at all. Plus - and this is my own little addition - If you are God then really what is the point anyway? You are talking to dream characters. @Carl-Richard am I onto something here?
  18. I think what he is saying is that as a human you are not going to be in an infinite state of consciousness. Even during awakening the ego dies and there really isn't any physical form. But post awakening the ego returns and so does a limited state of consciousness. Think about it. If you are a player in a video game would you know everything before it happens? No - that would defeat the point of playing the game in the first place. That would be like being in the game in God mode. There would be no point in playing because you already know everything there is to know about everything from every angle of the game. So what you do is you limit yourself down.
  19. You ARE Infinity. You just don't realize it yet. So you don't become aware of the Truth, you become it. It's not separate from you to where the subject is you and the object is Truth. Realizing Truth is the collapse of all duality - most importantly the subject and object.
  20. You don't experience it as you. That's the key misunderstanding. It's not something the ego can experience. You will die and become God. Do commence with self inquiry and meditation and or 5-Me0.