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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. You will realize you are completely alone. Call it whatever you want.
  2. Naw it's not. It takes a certain intelligence to intuit Consciousness is fundamental. This reality says consciousness is in the brain prior to indoctrination. Do not put a spin on it. If it were that easy we would all be awake. .
  3. Keep it here. It is a very important spiritual topic.
  4. This is precisely correct. The question "if a tree falls in the forest with no one around does it make a sound" Should intrigue you. If you answer quickly, then you don't have that type of intelligence. It should bother you because Consciousness is fundamental and you need to have a specific intelligence to grasp that Consciousness is fundamental. You have to know it in your bones before any indoctrination. That is spiritual intelligence.
  5. Dude really? You have sat down in self inquiry and asked yourself what you are - and that answer was that you were an idea?
  6. I don't consider myself luckier than you. My hard work wasn't done in the form of research and reading (although there was some). My way was via suffering - and the wiring for enlightenment. You - you may not have the natural wiring- but you have the other components. You have the open mind and the open heart. I bid you now, put the brakes on the sourcing. The framework is there and has been laid. Now - the time is to sit in direct presence. In actuality. Sit there and sit there for as long as it takes. Now is where the rubber meets the road. Now is where concept takes a seat and spirituality, true spirituality, not all the writings, comes in. That is where mysticism lies. It lies not in your books - but it does lie in actuality. Sit and dwell within that. How many hours have you put there? Has it been the same as your studies? Regarding Soul - he's grown a lot - I see it in his posts. And I respect that. But yes - I have two decades on him - so i can be the judge of who is awake. You can choose to disagree with the judge, as can he. But I didn't see him try and change the verdict. I also feel awakening doesn't make you special or better. I want it for you because it is a miracle - for no other reason. But you must take your head out of the sand for that.
  7. You can be a lot of things. But what do YOU think you are? If it is truly imagination, you have not realized it directly yet. So don't give me a whole bunch of BS.
  8. After awakening you might find the Bible extremely holy- which it is. But the one God is the one you must find for yourself. The holiness of the Bible is from men like Jesus who were enlightened- and then stories came from that. It is the holiness and Divinity of God that you feel. And the Bible will bring you closer to that.
  9. Genetics. Why wasn't Jesus a woman? The woman was born from the rib of the man.
  10. Your final awakening will be that you are completely Alone and One as God. All other is held within your mind. This is not the Wikipedia definition of solipsism so I don't brand it as such. It will just be a complete feeling of Aloneness. Where the Wikipedia definition is right is in the relative domain. It really doesn't matter whether solipsism is true in the relative domain. Because whether its true or not has no bearing on this domain. That is the whole point of the relative domain.
  11. @Someone here look at the Wikipedia definition. It really doesn't matter if it is the Absolute Truth. Because the rules of this game dictate that there are others - and we play the game according to the rules. When you are in a video game do you play it being conscious that it's not real or do you forget it's not real? Its the same thing here.
  12. @Water by the River without reading most of this thread I know a lot of what you said is on point. My challenge to you is to take all this super technical stuff and actually put it to the test for yourself. You have gotten a lot of great stuff from books and assembled it into what I have deemed is a very accurate theory. But a theory nonetheless. That's great. But now, How many hours have you yet sat in meditation and what methods have you used? Also, I might have been a bit harsh in the other thread. You are beloved here, but I would really like to see you become a mystic. That's the only reason I was being hard on you. You do have it in you.
  13. The waking dream is the one you should focus on being lucid in. This dream. In my night time dreams I have never been able to become lucid or awake because they can't go as deep as this dream. They are usually me just dreaming differing experiences and not realizing it was a dream until waking. I almost don't think that type of lucid dreaming really exists. But here you really can be lucid.
  14. @Mvpjouney that's the awakening part...I can't really explain that part- it is mystical. But if I were to try to explain it - which is all that we are doing here..I would say it is mystical. It's not a conceptual realization that the "i" is an illusion. It is literal and actual. The "i" actually falls away leaving only pure Consciousness. It is beautiful. It is something that really can't be captured with words. If it could - it wouldn't be awakening.
  15. Enter self inquiry. The key is an insight or a recognition into your true nature. This is enlightenment in a nutshell. If you realize what you think you are was an illusion - in that moment there will be a mystical shift. Conditioning has nothing to do with it. It is about realization and that's why it is called God Realization. In that mystical shift you will become God. Simply now I must warn you. Because you - if you do it right - you will indeed die. There is no guarantee you will come back. If you are prepared to accept the cost - then you just might reap the reward. But it is almost better to not know the cost. Just enter self inquiry with ignorance of any spiritual dogma. You are much better off. Because the ego will use this to corrupt your inquiry. Good luck. And combine this inquiry with sitting in actuality. Stare at your hand for weeks on end.
  16. Awesome. I love it For many - they are not self aware of the ego. They are within the ego. To look outside the ego- that's hard. But what is actually easy is spirituality. And yet the ego wants to steer you away from true spirituality. It brings you instead to religion - because that feeds its power.
  17. In his defense he does not think this. I know him long enough to know that. He is simply saying that Truth exists in both the relative and the Absolute domains. But where I side with you is that while this is true, you won't become God realized in the relative domain.
  18. Start speaking with your own words or you will be kicked out of here. I'm tired of seeing the stuff you've picked up from books. Speak from your own heart. This is why you aren't Awake yet. Because you got caught up in all the hoopla
  19. Here's where it goes full circle into what you are saying. You need a method of teaching. If you awoke a certain way, you will teach that way. And that's OK. We can't just say you will awaken every which way. There has to be the relative or a particular way in terms of the teaching. We could say that it is every which way i guess - but then there would be no need for teaching at all. Which is where the relative domain exists.
  20. None if it is a conspiracy. It's just what people have been born into. If you aren't Awake how can you plot against Awakening? Your job is to keep the mind open and entertain all possibilities. If you do that, you have a shot. This is why we speak of genetics. Most people just don't have it in them to think outside the box or to keep the mind open. They are born into one thing and they never ponder if there could be anything outside of that.
  21. Alright look. I'm going to wave the white flag here. You are correct. Awakening does one thing - it makes you so much more conscious. But that consciousness was already building through your life experiences. You gain consciousness every day. Every hour. Awakening just explodes you into a complete state of Godhood - and being completely omniscient. But that omniscience could care less about egoic desires, addictions. Or the overcoming of them. It cares only about a complete understanding of itself as God. All of that other stuff doesn't even exist. The stuff of addiction - the stuff of boredom - this is the stuff of the ego. Where I raise the flag is that the ego is also God, so the ego brings something back. It brings awareness back. The challenge then, as it was for Alan Watts, is if you WANT to entertain a Godlike existence as the ego. You may WANT to fall into the selfishness of the ego - or allow yourself to do so. That is your choice as God. Death is no longer a fear to you - not really.
  22. And I say don't completely throw that away...maybe to realize the Absolute you must leave the relative. And then, you can come back and say "hey wow - the relative was always the Truth right there in front of me - I just never knew it". So the non-dual talk that you think is not so non-dual, well - perhaps it is.