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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. You are appealing to science but notice- science might just be within consciousness. So if we are asking questions of unconsciousness- perhaps we may not want to appeal to science.
  2. @An young beingThere's never unconsciousness. But you may forget what you dreamt. It is very illusory. It will make you think you slept unconscious. But you were conscious throughout. Forgetting is the miracle that God can do. Leo should make a video just on forgetting. It is a savior. But also it is a nightmare. Depends on how you wish to look at it. Or you can just forget.
  3. You can't stay away but I think spirituality is the last thing you need right now. You have to live your life. Get the heck off here and start living it.
  4. Lol. I love you man. This is some shit. I literally looked at the list of online users, saw your name, and thought of you And then you posted. Hang in there. You have something special- and that is your intuition. Honestly whether you awaken or not doesn't matter. But you will. You will because it's you.
  5. Leo will guide you to awakening. Ralston is worthless for that. But remember to take back your sovereignty after leo does that. It will be the most beautiful thing in the world.
  6. You wanted the Truth. Peter Ralston is exactly right. But whether he is awake or not - that is another matter. But in the end he is nothing more than an invention of the mind. So there's that
  7. There isn't a space between un and related. It's unrelated. There is your moderation.
  8. Huh? Speak English for us old dudes. I'm not up with the current hype.
  9. A calculator IS cheating to solve math To want to even look into the pursuit is genetically based.
  10. The actual identity is very mystical. Do you think it forms just by some algorithm? No. It's magical.
  11. Because it is total. When you are not God you are you. When you realize you are God you will become God. This is not where you are in life. In my opinion God realization should not be until your late 40's or 50's.
  12. Stay committed to life. Spirituality will come much later. Tune off the spiritual videos from Leo. This is stuff you will be ready for in your late 40s or 50s.
  13. He's not wrong you know. You just had to cheat. His students won't get anywhere because they lack the genetics.
  14. I beg to differ. I think your sense of identity is ingrained. That sense of identity is intangible- and the only reason you think it gets developed is because that's as far back as you can remember.
  15. You cut me to the quick. I am working on my humility. It is there. But there are times when a lack of it may come in handy. If you have put in the time - then indeed - i shall tip my hat. I apologize if I overstepped. We do that here from time to time.
  16. Its even prior to that. How you are wired dictates absolutely everything. It wasn't that you were bullied - it was because you were you that you reacted to that bullying in a certain way. You were born with a sense of self. That sense of self is your genetics. Genetics, after all, is imaginary. You are imaginary. But you came into this world - or to put it better - you were imagined into this world - a certain way. Here is where solipsism comes in. You are the only Being in existence- so of course you are open minded! If you weren't, who else would be? Who else would be there to discover God? Just God. It's a masterful mind trick. All of it. But we can play the game all day. It will be just another round.
  17. What is enlightenment. That is the question of the hour. If i could answer that with words, for it truly would not be enlightenment. So no, I cannot answer that. We should stop here. For everything thereafter is a feeble attempt to explain something beyond all explanation. Beyond all logic. All of this- this is entertainment. If you have awoken from the dream, then sit back and entertain yourself here. If you have not - then strap yourself in - plug up all the wires in the chair - and pull the plug. Get out of the matrix. Then and only then should you be here speaking about the matrix.
  18. I'm afraid it's not that simple. What your family deems is Truth/Love is something they will never question. They will never question what they were born into. And that's OK. But notice - from a young age you questioned everything. Your mind was wide open.
  19. Don't let it go to your head. The deepest stuff you made you didn't even know you made it. That's what makes it beautiful
  20. Perhaps you are right. But I can look into him because I am him. So I know deep down he hasn't really sat in self inquiry. He prefers to let things come from others. His brilliance shines, but nonetheless, that is not enlightenment. And yeah, who cares. Who cares. Well, maybe someone does. Maybe it does matter.
  21. Ancient texts are crafted with a modern hand. With our hand. He's a good dude. I just want him to do the work. He is lying about that
  22. Yeah - God has to justify to no one. But you ain't realized you are God, so you ain't God. Save us the bullshit dude. Call me out any day. I will do my best to back it up. With whatever words can do. But none of that shit matters. You wanna be sovereign as God? How many hours of meditation have you done? How much psychedelics. Don't be shy. Sovereignty makes shyness a moot point.
  23. In all of those 10,000 hours did you ever do self inquiry? I don't think you did. What do you think you are? What do you truly believe you are right now? Because one - I don't believe you. And two, if you spent that much time - which is a lie in my opinion - then yes, as an enlightened being I am going to poke you now. So have you truly sat in self inquiry? If so, what or who did you think you are? My friend - self inquiry is the key to enlightenment. It's not a bunch of this or that - it's not that. It's self inquiry. Leo didn't have the genetics for it. Perhaps nor do you. But have you tried it? I at least hope that you have. But I can surely tell you this - If you want enlightenment- it won't come from books. Leo is not actually enlightened. He only reached enlightened states via psychedelics. There is a difference.
  24. It's your masterpiece. That's the true masterpiece of the masterpiece.