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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I have not. But perhaps that is by design. I have reached omniscience. And it was a place of complete understanding of all of reality. That is all I needed. The rest just becomes a game.
  2. Again - you drift into imagination. Suffice it to say that you are an Infinite Mind lost in a dream that you are @Breakingthewall. Full stop.
  3. What do you mean? Are you asking if there are states of consciousness beyond human? There are states of consciousness much higher, yes, but the cost is that you must forfeit being human. You aren't ready to do that, and so, here you are, reading my words.
  4. You cannot escape the true part of it. You will always come back to it because you cannot escape it. You will never be able to escape your own mind. But maybe that's a feature and not a bug. Maybe it's because there is only one mind.
  5. Haha. But then what - alien mode? The difference between human and something else above human becomes an infinite regress. So basically- human mode only sucks because you are allowing it to suck. Yeah you have put certain things outside of your power. But you must in order to experience any limitation at all. As soon as you start picking what limits you are giving yourself you become unlimited. There are no grey areas.
  6. This doesn't change the fact that nothing is happening outside of your direct experience. Anything happening outside of your direct experience is something you are imagining. Is this not hard to get for you?
  7. No he talks about the cost of Infinite power. It renders everything meaningless. So it negates itself.
  8. It is pure literalness. Actuality. That's probably as close as words can get. Because words are built on top of this literallness. So they won't be able to capture it. How can there be evidence of something prior to evidence? You want scientific proof. But Einsten found that there was something mystical to reality, something prior to scientific law. Maybe it is the very thing from which scientific law spawned. It is a very powerfully molded thought by an Infinte Mind- giving it solidity. But this solidity, no matter how powerful it appears, is a thought nonetheless. There are nothing but thoughts. It's just that some seem so solid. That's how we are fooled into thinking there is a physical world.
  9. There is only one experience. Other experiences can only exist within your own experience.
  10. To understand what it's like to not be God but to be something else. This is within your Infinite power - to not just conceptualize it but to experience it
  11. If it wasn't literal it wouldn't be enlightenment now would it? If reality is a mind then why can't you die? Ponder that. Now - do you come back? Yeah. But that's only because you ain't done with the dream here. The body ceases to exist in enlightenment. If you aren't thinking of your body it ain't there. There is only Consciousness. A body doesn't need to be there. A body is only there if your sense of self is there.
  12. Truth will kill the ego. The ego is bias. And how is that not accurate? Enlightenment is becoming the Truth itself. It kills the illusion.
  13. But you don't have the same perspective. perspective requires limitation. If you free yourself of limitation, and of a perspective, then all must be allowed. Otherwise it wouldn't be unconditional Love.
  14. If you truly know what you speak then you know that Truth will not answer your ego's desires. It is not meant to do that. It will not help you make more money, or get you more girls. It won't quench your thirst for more. It doesn't have to. It stands alone. When you find it - you will find it for itself. And then you will go on with your need to survive. But your fear of death will be lifted. All of your human desires may continue. And you can continue to fool yourself that death is real, should you wish. But deep down you will know better. Now - I say to you - is there anything else worthwhile?
  15. Truth can't be that to the ego. Because then it becomes just another pleasure.
  16. If you had fhe cheat codes you would be God. In the dream you are not God - purely by design.
  17. The Truth will kill you. Sex will only make you feel good.
  18. Truth is not measurable. It is something beyond measure.
  19. Because you make it two separate things. You divide it.
  20. Sex and Truth? - what a combination Very sexy
  21. You find yourself "elsewhere". Meaning in the world of duality. So to say you aren't human is looking at it from the Absolute perspective. You are already divided and in the world of perspectives. So you might as well make the best my friend.
  22. Elsewhere is where you are supposed to forget about the Absolute. But this place is special. It is about speaking and talking about the Absolute. This where we can be free to talk about the Absolute from the Absolute perspective. And we shouldn't be shunned for it. For the same reason we should be able to experience the human experience out in the "world". This place is and should be a place where we come to discuss topics that transcend human existence.
  23. Be more specific...there is the personal development side and the spiritual side of Actualized. To which are you referring?