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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Exactly- This is precisely why I have stated in the past that you either wake up from the dream or you don't. When you do, it is final. There isn't a waking up deeper. When you wake up from your night time dreams you wake up. You don't say to yourself wow - I can go back into the dream and wake up deeper next time.
  2. Good - but that's precisely why one should trust no human, not even himself, so no, i don't act the way i do because of human teachings - quite the contrary. So you should be shaking my hand
  3. Alien consciousness. And I'm with Ralston on the Love bit. Leo is afraid of non-dual teachings and Buddhism corrupting you and preventing enlightenment- but he got his notions of Love as an Absolute from those very same teachings. He thinks enlightenment is a delusion - and that's his delusion. If he had the chance to put àll of the psychedelics down for just one natural awakening I guarantee he would do it.
  4. He fell off the wagon after his 30 day psychedelic retreat. . It was done. Soon after he put out the Infinity of Gods episode and its been downhill ever since. Delusion can come up and bite you every time. The problem with delusion is you don't know it's delusion.
  5. Again it's not intelligence- it is open mindedness. And it you had a natural awakening you would know this is nonsense. But all of your awakenings were the result of a psychedelic change in consciousness- not a God change. So thus, I can easily deduce that your notions of alien consciousness also result from over use of psychedelics.
  6. I've validated every facet of awakening you talked about without any psychedelics. Even some , the highest, before you did. Maybe I need some for this one. But I remain skeptical.
  7. Did you have a direct awakening that told you that? No. A direct awakening is a complete understanding of reality. This is pure bliss. But you will never awaken as God to something that will say "this is Love". Because God doesn't work like that. You will become God. And you will become Love. So if you want to say God is Love I won't disagree but I prefer to call it Absolute Bliss. Because it will not be something you become directly conscious of. You will become directly conscious of the nature of reality and what it is.
  8. It was just the omniscience that gave you the feeling of Love.
  9. If I could tell you that you would be awake. And you wouldn't need to be here.
  10. Dude. You have lost it AGAIN. What exactly is the bullshit? Define it with your infinite intelligence or forever hold your peace.
  11. I never said I didn't have intelligence All beings have some form of intelligence. But being smarter doesn't necessarily lead to enlightenment. It's not that. It's something else.
  12. Being smarter has zero to do with it. I probably am a lot dumber than you. But I have the genes and you don't.
  13. It will never be the same as a natural awakening. No matter how much you want it to be. The only reason I know that and you don't is because I had one and you didn't. But you do know it deep down. It's the same reason you resent Ralston.
  14. Don't get pissed at me because he said you weren't awake. You've had your moments. But psychedelics won't do it. And you know it. And it breaks you up.
  15. I don't prefer the word Solipsism just like I don't prefer the word God or Love. All of those are just something realized beyond words. The point is - if he wants to dismiss the word Love perhaps he should dismiss the word enlightenment. But he doesn't. He had a very clear definition of that. From his perspective.
  16. Well - it sounds like Ralston dodged the question. And I didn't say other people don't exist. I said they exist with your mind as God. So if that wasn't clarified I hope it is now.
  17. Ralston is correct. Enlightenment does not include notions of Love. Because it is prior to notions. And yet - there is pure Understanding. For at its core that is what Consciousness and/or Being is. And part of this understanding is realizing you are God. Not the word God but the realization without notions or words. This, in essence, is Love - but not the word Love - rather pure bliss. Unity is bliss. Ralston still has a notion of other because he still teaches. Leo has stopped teaching altogether. This tells me he has more understanding than Ralston. Ralston's awakening was half baked. But then he went on to teach what he could. In none of his teachings will you find that all other exists within his mind. This is because he did not realize he was God. He did not fully awaken from the dream that is reality. Ask him that - rather than fooling with the notion of Love. For it matters not.
  18. The ego is self deception. It is an illusion after all. So why wouldn't it make perfect sense that it's end goal is to deceive?
  19. You are not creating God you ARE God. Though thats not enitrely incorrect because you created yourself in a paradoxical strange loop that is Infinity. But you are God creating formed reality on the fly
  20. You stab yourself in the foot. Because I can say the same for your words on Infinity So you may as well just hang it up and stop talking about Truth at all.