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Everything posted by Inliytened1
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That applies to absolutely everyone. But Absolute Truth is Absolute Truth. It cannot be doubted or disputed because to doubt or dispute is already an aspect of Absolute Truth. It is second order. Falsehood, which says the Absolute isnt the Absolute, but that there is something beyond it, is second order. When you truly become the Absolute it thus cannot be falsehood, because it is Truth. Leo's brain is fried. Look to his previous works but do not look here for any answers. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I began reading it right before my awakening and it was excellent - mainly because it stated that the self you think you are is an idea. I didn't get far enough to see if there was anything about love..and i didn't need to read anymore after awakening. Overall i would say don't idolize him as some exalted Master. It can easily lead you to put all of your authority in him. And he's just another human. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well, that is just plain nonsense - you talk about misleading students. That is the most misleading of them all. Be careful of self deception. You fell prey to it. Which is sad because you put a really good series out warning against it. But that is the difference between awakening and a synthetic awakening like the ones you had with psychedelics. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because the specific word Love never came to mind..unlike my other awakenings where I realized nothingness, infinity, no self, Aloneness, and that God was mind. God realization itself is that already. Words are semantics so we have to be careful there. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I convulsed on the floor for hours from God realization/Love.. I think I know how deep it can get. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura I want to clarify my position on this. If Ralston does not acknowledge that Love and Goodness are not identical to Truth and properties of the Absolute then his enlightenment is half baked. That said, you don't need a direct awakening to Love or Goodness in order to be enlightened. This to me was already so obvious I didn't need it. I was already conscious of it. So you aren't going to bave a direct realization to something that is already completely obvious to you. You are going to have other realizations - such as no self, and Infinity, and that everything is held within your mind. Much stronger illusions. These types of things. So to say someone isn't enlightened because they didn't have the insight- oh my God, reality is made of Love, does not mean they aren't enlightened. I haven't really listened to much of Ralston, but if he is saying Truth does not have the aspect of Love and Goodness then I believe he is missing a huge part of Truth. But on the flip side to proclaim that an explicit realization to Love is necessary - it is not. Because when you become God- you become Love. The realization of both is redundant. -
Inliytened1 replied to De Sade's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That which is done by your imagination, is everything that can and will ever be done -
Inliytened1 replied to kamwalker's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@kamwalker Oneness. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thats not what i mean by states...i mean mystical states vs. normal human states. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Just open your rmind to the possiblity that this isn't enlightenment. Enlightnement is a natural awakening. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
evolved in what way? if its enlightenment - he is not. I can assure you that. He may know more about other stuff, but not about that. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
i will be sure to share it with you when it happens i dont think different states can be the same degree. I think different experiences are the same degree - but states go higher and lower. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Perhaps there is a reason why you don't understand it Think of Leo as a messenger - your little bird messenger. He brought the message but then he kept on chirping more messages. Know when to say, I got the message, and then close the window - aka hang up the phone. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Its very sad. But its also sad that I will never make the NBA. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It can be both. Enlightenment is not concept, and it is not of the ego. The ego dies and returns. It is only still in memory because the Consciousness of the ego and the Consciousness of God are one. The ego is God. So enlightenment is one and it is final, and you can return and reflect on that. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You aren't serious. If you were you wouldn't need his course. It's already all there. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Higher and lower states are the same thing as degrees. If they aren't then please explain what you mean? I've only smoked weed. But when it becomes legal in my state i will do DMT and 5-MeO. Not to awaken, but just for the experience. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That is obvious bro. - that Infinity is Now. but there are states of consciousness - and awakenings are reaching mystical states of consciousness. There is plenty to realize. I don't know where you have been going lately - but get it togther. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Heh - yeah, you're a genius too. i can tell, because you are here. Of course there are states of Consciousness. All there is are states of consicousness. That is one of Leo's best videos - and that is where myself and Ralston differ. There are nothing but states of Consciousness. Anyways, you're right there bud - but also realize that you ultimately need to go your own path - because that will truly show you what Truth is. Leo can't give you that, because he is a product of your imagination. That is the ultimate realization - to realize that he is you. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, this is just my intuition. but it goes a long way. When i feel it coming on, it is the Love of God washing over me, it is Pure Being. But it never goes to a full non-dual state of mystical consciousness anymore, because I've already awakened. So my intution tells me that one day there will be a permanent awakening. If you do not understand what I am talking about it is because you are not genetically gifted. Do not take that as a bad thing, you are just in the same arena as Leo. You have to rely on psychedelics to bring you to mystical states of consciousness - but it will not be the same as a natural awakening. Nothing ever could be. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I'm not kidding. And i want to ask someone a question..... @Loveeee Do you mind telling me what awakenings you have had? I will tell you mine. If you don't feel like it, that's fine too. It just seems like you put a lot of faith into Leo's teachings, but have you validated anything for yourself? That's why i was asking the question earlier, when leo answered for you, Again, I'm not denying that Love is God - but in not one of my awakenings did I become direclty conscious of this, and I have become conscious of a lot of things. This wasn't one, but I felt the Love of God in all of my awakenings, and I feel the Love of God and Reality everywhere I go now. In fact, i believe it was the human emotion of Love, and of suffering from that loss of love, that led to my enlightenment. Love is Being itself. But for me it wasn't like any of my awakenings where I had a specific insight that God was Love. Maybe I just haven't had that awakening yet, and I'm open to it. But i think all of my awakening is done, because it is final, as I mentioned, if it is natural. If it is natural, you will actually wake up from the dream, which can't be done more than once. It was a single event, but it was spread out over a 2-3 month period in which i spontanenously would shift into mystical states of consciousness. So it is still in a sense a single event because it can't happen again. That's why @Osaid is stating that Leo is not enlightened, and I hate to say this but I have to agree with him. It's a very final thing. I can't "wake up again" at this point. I still have moments where I feel it coming on - and it will wash over me sometimes - but it has already happened, so it's more just a feeling that i will have the permanent awakening at some point down the line, which is permanent death of the idea of the human i am, and the ego, (the body is held within the mind) and a subsequent melting into Absolute Infinity. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
actually @Water by the River has a lot more patience than I do for fancy explanations. I'm very much like Leo in that regard. Straight and to the point, which was why his style always resonated. But you guys have to learn to think for yourselves and know when to move away from a teacher. If you can't directly validate something, don't take it as true. And don't ever make any teacher your authority. Leo transcended all human teachings, and so should you. But there are guys here still stuck on following him off a cliff if he went, and that's scary. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
i had some massive natural awakenings over a few months period, but not one of them said to me, reality is Love. That said, all of it was Love without being said. It didn't need to be. @Water by the River is very on par wiith his explanation. But the final and most massive of them all is that all of this was my dream as God, as I was in God consciousness at the time. All other were held within the my mind as God, not the ego. But there is nothing outside of my direct consciousness and no objective reality, as it is identical to a dream. This was the most satisfying of all my awakenings, but also the most terrifying to the ego. So it was a double edged sword. -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No! It's more imagination! If you aren't conscious right now that I am imaginary, and you are talking to yourself- then you aren't awake. You have no material existence and you explore nothing but what I imagine you are exploring! You have no material existence whatsoever- you're simply a character in my dream. Ralston is another character, and so on. That's the highest Truth there is - but you can go on fooling yourself forever with all of this entertaining imagination that keeps you running away from the highest Truth that you are alone. You don't want to be alone, so you keep searching for something to tell you that you aren't. But you always will be. When you come to grips with that- that will be infinite Love ❤️ -
Inliytened1 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You may wanna rethink that ? gonna cost you a lot more suffering later if you stop.