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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I give you a lot of credit for keeping your cool in the midst of all the criticism, but it's you thats deceived here. And you don't have to walk around in God Consciousness 24/7 to be conscious of God. @Water by the River is telling you exactly how it is, but your mind is too closed to see anything. If you had had the genetic makeup for natural enlightenment you would not be sitting here in some endless pursuit of Truth or bashing those that have found it. I feel sorry for you, almost. The video @Osaid posted says it all. @Water by the River could explain it to you a thousand times and you still wouldn't get it.
  2. It is mind boggling to me that he had not found the Absolute. Given the way his older works have shown. And yet he has not, somehow. Because he would not be asking these questions if he had. And this still holds true in his tone today
  3. Now all jokes aside this dialogue was about something much deeper. It was about whether or not you need Love to be awakened. What is your thought? According to the idiot it's all lower states of consciousness...even enlightenment itself.... Do you have any thoughts on the matter or do you just wanna chime in to poke fun?
  4. There's plenty of work in the self improvement area. There's none with God realization. If you think that's infinite you are sadly mistaken and have failed to look within.
  5. No, we sure can't. It's about time you showed some humility.
  6. Mind control doesn't work on me bud. Try it on the next guy
  7. Well..thanks for joining the party. It took you long enough. Love u bud.
  8. You are completely deluded. I am not sure if I should even dignify a response here, but I will. I don't have to continue any work because I've awakened to God. There is no more work. Please quote me where i said its not possible to become God realized sober. I simply said its not in your genes- nor is it in Leo's. Nor is it in 99.9 percent of the population. I am special, in that regard, although relative to human Interaction I tend to be a freak.
  9. That's because you are genetically incapable of reaching God Consciousness naturally. It's nothing to be ashamed about. Leo, and many others, are in the same boat as you. IQ just won't cut it, sadly. It's heart, all the way.
  10. @Leo Gura do you see what you have done? You have created the precedence that awakening can never be final. This negates infinity Shame on you.
  11. Did you gain this understanding via psychedelics? And no, he is claiming he is awake , unlike you. See the contradiction and how foolish this is?
  12. You missed the boat. You don't realize Truth, you become it. There is no one left. There is only Truth and it is total. The you may come back, if you still wanna dream. Otherwise you won't ever come back. Truth is God and it is what you are. I am speaking of mysticism which I can easily deduce you know nothing about.
  13. You are extremely far. I am not. You have been brainwashed by a teacher who has taught you that it is much more complex than it really is. I dare you to look within rather than to always think that Truth is beyond you.
  14. This limits him in a way. Because it's OK to do that. If you don't do that you lose the Love. That part is hard to explain. But there is something lacking. What is lacking is the "doesn't want to". All must be open. You run the risk of misleading students but this comes with the territory.
  15. Indeed. But when you reach omniscience you can't go back to not understanding reality. The final awakening will be no different than awakening, other than in one aspect. The final awakening will simply be a melting into Absolute Infinity, as you did before, but then a forgetting. The forgetting is the most painful - but it must be. It must be in order to become something else.
  16. This is so amateur. To realize Infinity is infinite and that this is what reality is is to be done with Infinity. Don't confuse the content with structure. Leo does this, do not fall into his footsteps
  17. He probably stays away from the words God and Inifnity as well. It's just his style.
  18. The meaning of life? If you have awakened - you will know that it is to align yourself as close to God as you can. This means being as selfless and as loving as you can, eliminating all bias. Can you do that? It's quite the challenge - but it's one that you have been given. The Truth is, you will never fully alleviate all bias while in human form. God placed you in an impossible position by design. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't try your best.