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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Wrong. You like to dance and I'm telling you fuck dancing. Stop fucking dancing. Awakening exists. This is a dream and its a super good one. You can awaken from it. Don't dance around that. You can wake up. Yes. Just like the matrix.
  2. Wrong. Reality is an absolute dream and you can awaken to that absolute fact about Reality. Get off of Nahms forum he is lost.
  3. What else is there but to know that you are God?
  4. I like you but do not spit foolishness here. We are here for a serious talk. If I wanted my girlfriend and not reality I would go fuck my girlfriend.
  5. As a whole it is one - boom you got it. But it will more than likely be broken into a group of realizations. This is only because your finite mind jumping into God Consciousness can only handle so much at once. You will jump into God Consciousness maybe 5 or 6 times until you get it all. The final one being that you have orchestrated this entire affair. And thats the most liberating. The first for example, will be to just wake up. To realize for the first time, that it has all been a dream.
  6. That is excellent. Now we are talking. I just poked you to push you deeper for your students- because you were leading them down a dark path.
  7. Then you haven't died yet. That's the point. You will become conscious of various facets of Truth but the final one will be that you are imagining the entire universe alone as God. This entire thing is yours and yours alone. All of it. It is all yours. That is awakening.
  8. Well, at least you're open to the possibility. That's more than I can say for your leader here. At least you think for yourself.
  9. You have not died and awoken. Wanna know how I know? Because I do.
  10. You're still the man in my book. But dude, really don't lose sight of your earlier insights. The problem with you is you questioned everything ad infinitum- to your own destruction.
  11. @vibv oh no no. You just havent died yet and became God. Right now, all of what we are talking about is a belief for you. It is, intuition. But no. You can die and become the Absolute. I am telling you here that this is not an illusion.
  12. We have guys here saying that meditation cannot bring you those states and I, from direct experience, can tell you it's the inverse.
  13. No one believes you are maximally consciousness but that rather there are divine states of consciousness. There are such divine states of consciousness that you will never reach these states with psychedelics and you will only reach them naturally, spiked by meditation. Psychedelics will never give you the divine states of consciousness I am speaking of and you will never get them with your genetic makeup.
  14. But here is what you miss. And this is so key. You must use the dream to escape the dream. That's all I will say.
  15. Paradoxical Stange loop which makes no sense to the rational mind. Enter the transrational.....
  16. It's fascinating. Quantum mechanics in general points to mysticism in so many ways if you look between the lines.
  17. As @Osaid pointed out this is not the case. When you reach mystical states of consciousness the ego will die and you will be in God Consciousness. This is what you could call a non-dual state or a mystical state. That is essentially what enlightenment is. It is not an idea. But it is becoming God. Becoming God Mind or the God head.
  18. No..we mean literal death. This is mysticism. You will literally die when you become Truth - and the ability to have this happen naturally is absolutely genetic - and if you think it isn't you are sadly mistaken. That's not to say you can't awaken if you aren't genetically geared for it - you can - but it may take you many more years of spiritual practice - sitting in meditation for decades.
  19. That's the spirit. You have to keep everything open at all times. I keep an open mind as well, I'm just telling you that when you find the real thing you won't need anything else.
  20. God is not human,, but thats not what he is talking about. He is lost in some other reality.
  21. and you are dead on with your logic - eerily dead on. But in the end , Truth will always prevail. It will always win. No matter how much you or I don't want it to. Alien consciousness is crap, and no one will brain wash me into thinking it is Absolute Truth because I have already found it. No, I have become it. If he truly died, he would not need alien consciousness or some higher level of consciousness. He would have died.
  22. It's mind boggling to me too, how he can't be enlightened. There is no way he could have taught what he did and not be, and yet, here we are. God is a tricky bastard. In the end go with your gut - that's how I roll.