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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Nonsense. At the highest level of Consciousness- Divine Consciousness - there is no duality or separation.
  2. Of course we do. Don't you have free choice in a video game?
  3. That's a nice story - reminds me of the Similarillion by Tolkien. God created the angels but one fell (Melkor, mentor of Sauron) into darkness. And then Melkor created the Universe that we see here. I think it's more like God dreamt up everything instantly - because Infinite intelligence requires no back story. And then in order to experience his own creation he had to deceive himself - because all of creation is in fact deception. So he forgot he was God and immersed himself into his own dream. In order for the dream to mask itself as reality, it had to include deception and "evil". And God as a finite being wanted to experience fear and shame and guilt. He wanted to feel what it was like to not be God. Not out of selfishness but out of a Mind thirsty to experience all possibilities . So this requires fooling yourself. But the universe is not an error because of Infinity. It cannot have any errors without inflicting those errors on itself intentionally and then forgetting it did so.
  4. @CoolDreamThanks let's humor you for a second - if you believe a being "other" than God created the universe, isn't this a direct contradiction of Oneness - which is the same as Solipsism or Aloneness with a capital A, or Infinity, or Love? Ponder that for a moment. But in order for you to actually realize all this, you must first realize no self, or that the self you believe you are is illusory. Sitting and doing nothing can help with this, but self inquiry is really where the rubber meets the road. Also your Love is biased so it is not Infinite Love. Infinite Love loves ALL of itself.
  5. You cannot capture Infinity because you are Infinity.
  6. This can be disputed by your own logic. You are using logic when you say you can realize it deeper. When we say you realize the Absolute, we mean you become it. So when you ARE something, or being it, then knowing it collapses into Being. It is One. What he is saying is knowing yourself ever deeper is an infinite regress. Which means it is dualistic. It is no different than not knowing you are God at all. Actually being God is something quite prior to that. You can BE infinity or God Consciousness an Infinite number of times - although once you actually become God you probably wont need to become God again until your dream ends - but to say it can get Infinitely deeper is really a very relative statement.
  7. Enough said. Let's let it flow. Enlightenment is not an illusion - and Buddhism comes closer to Truth than any other religion due to its understanding of "no self". Any who feel enlightenment is an illusion are themselves under a deep illusion.
  8. Welcome back ?
  9. Yes but remember you have limited yourself to the character and limited your mind. The difference is that to break out is to access infinite Mind. While locked in you will be locked in, no different than if it was a physical reality
  10. When you awaken you break out of the human body into Infinite Consciousness. The only reason you are human right now is because you allow yourself to be.
  11. Yeah but even I will admit it will not come in one realization or one mystical state. There will be multiple realizations but it is one in that it should happen within the span of a few months or less.
  12. No. Divine Consciousness will only be accessible when you have suffered enough to die. Or if you stare at a wall for hours on end and do self inquiry. You see - it is right there always.
  13. It's possible to completely heal yourself in an instant. Now that is awesome. Can it imagine all states at once? That would be a state in itself so the question is paradoxical. But that is by design.
  14. Very eloquent. And yet, if you truly look back is it wrong to say your enlightened? Or is it kinda relative. I mean the truth of what happened is you as God realized you were God from the form of a finite being. So from the perspective of the Absolute you are enlightened in the sense of you are God remembering itself.
  15. @vibv Fair enough. You are obviously passionate about this stuff and that shows a lot to me. Ok. Haven't seen a lot of you here, looking forward to seeing more of you.
  16. Actually it doesn't in terms of how you view reality. Lucidity is really an illusion because ultimately to immerse yourself you have to forget. If you are lucid all the fun and realism is taken out of it. So I'd rather forget. And then remember.
  17. Sorry I missed this post. No. You haven't had God realization. Everything else is trivial.
  18. You dodged the question. Is there anything more than realizing you are God? Sure...we can dream a thousand dreams..but who is dreaming it? Structure vs content my friend.
  19. That's not what a philosopher cares about. Maybe you're not a philosopher. Because I could give a shit if it changes anything. I just want the Truth.
  20. You are being too logical and too theoretical. It's a dream. Part of philosophy is discovering the nature of reality. Is it made of matter? Is it truly made of matter? Don't you want to know if it is or not?