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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Come back to me when you have won a billion dollars in the lottery- and I'll take up the practice.
  2. Think of the Bible as just another thing you created as God to help you discover Truth or God. It is a breadcrumb. Jesus is a breadcrumb. And so is yahweh. (The Jewish God). It is very holy to speak of the Bible especially after awakening because it talks of God - that which you are. But it's content is just stories. Again- it was designed by your own Mind as God. Just like everything else. But it had a little more meaning in the dream - as perhaps does Leo. Only girls with big boobs have more
  3. That is called a synchronicity and yes it does work that way. But still, because you are in a finite state of consciousness you will never be able to completely manipulate the dream to your liking. Because to do that would be to be in God mode. God mode in terms of the dream doesn't exist because think about it - why would God need to actually play the game he has developed? Where is the fun in that? There isn't any. He has to actually forget he is God to get anything out of the experience. But the reason you see synchronicities and things that may pop up later from your subconscious mind is because you are indeed God dreaming the whole thing. But I wouldn't stake your life on shaping your reality via this method. Because it only works subconsciously. Or should I say, at a higher level of consciousness.
  4. It sounds like he's has had a bit of direct experience of this as well so I would not completely discount what he is saying as his belief.
  5. No it means you are God imagining everything. All beings including yourself. You are Consciousness imagining you are a self ..and that others are others. It's identical to a dream you wake up from at night- except the one who wakes up from this is God. And it's you.
  6. That is the ego's last stand. It's why it's so difficult to push beyond it. Honestly it will have to happen in a state of no mind- meaning that shift into God Consciousness. Or it has to happen after self inquiry reveals the Truth. But yes - it is most terrifying. Because all of your life you thought you were a self and that there was other. Oneness breaks this - and so, breaks your reality.
  7. Have you become directly conscious of it? If not - it's not true. So don't waste your time worrying about it.
  8. No it wasn' means its not something your human mind can grasp. You have to die, basically. Because while in finite form your view of infinite power will always be just one angle of infinite power. It can never be the whole thing because you have limited yourself. That's what it means to be limited. And when you do become omnipotent you will realize that you just are all things. Ask yourself what is the reason behind your desire to access infinite power, is it the desire to know what its like? Infinite power doesn't have this limitation.
  9. That's something you picked up from Buddhism.
  10. That's a perversion of Infinity. Selfishness is not going to give you God in its purest form. It gives you God as a finite being. So there's your Infinity. It's still God.
  11. No - this is an egotistical goal. As God this becomes meaningless. Becoming God means giving up all selfish desires, needs and wants.
  12. When I first joined here I wanted an online chat - where like minded individuals could come together to collaborate and discuss spiritual topics - but Leo quickly stopped me and warned that it would just evolve into a troll infested free for all. That's the problem with a forum and the problem with the internet and social media in general. This work really isn't about collaboration it is really about you doing the inner work- the spiritual practices. The meditation or the psychedelics. The self inquiry. All of it. Yes, the forum can be good and can actually trigger awakenings because you are openly discussing spiritual topics that you can't really discuss anywhere else - but the big awakenings are going to be found by you doing the spiritual practices. So I do suggest you do that. That post last week about getting off the forum if you want to awaken isn't wrong - but the forum isn't a hindrance either. It just should not be mistaken for the inner work.
  13. It means something now. Just as your dreams at night have meaning during them.
  14. Youre funny. Okay - well - no one asked you to transcend it. But if you want to reach ultimate liberation you will need to transcend death by becoming a mystic. Once a mystic, all fear evaporates. It is a much better life. But to do that you have to delve into spiritual practices. Otherwise just stay the course and carry on. Enjoy your life. But there will always be the fear of death looming over you until you awaken.
  15. That's like asking does God contain a history book of each passing moment. No, God is simply the present moment - and in that present moment everything else is contained. That's Infinity.
  16. it is it just can't really be explained. Your state of consciousness will expand 1000 fold and you will see everything is within your mind rather than external. The piece you are missing is that you are Consciousness itself - you can be that without being a self. The duality of self/other will completely collapse before your eyes.