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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Look at your hand. Isn't a finger both a finger and also simultaneously the hand?
  2. You are assigning a spiral dynamic model to war. War in itself is a stage red phenomenon. When a stage red individual forces a stage turquoise individual into the corner by threatening to erase their existence- all of that goes out the window. They can allow themselves to be erased, or they can become the stage red individual in order to defeat them and preserve their survival. Does that make them stage red? No. It just makes them want to survive.
  3. What I meant was not getting lost in imagination. The past and the future are imagination. Turning within is still staying present.
  4. They haven't, but war is war. There will be collateral damage. That is the nature of war. It is dog eat dog.
  5. This work is about the present moment. It is very direct. It is not thinking about the past or the future. It is not thinking at all.
  6. Their ego was bruised by being taken by surprise - and thus they reacted by unleashing hell - not caring who suffers from the crossfire. Yes - they do need to learn restraint. But they have reduced themselves to no better than their oppressors. The irony is that it is they who have been oppressed since the beginning of time - you would think that they would behave like God's chosen by now.
  7. What death is is really the realization that the self is an illusion. This is ultimately enlightenment in a nutshell. Since you are an idea - death is the cessation that you were a physical being - or the realization that you were just an idea and not a physical being. That "physical" is an idea. We only call this ego death because we come back. And we only come back because we are not ready to permanently forfeit this amazing creation and the creature or self we created the illusion that our consciousness is being held in. But it Is death in every way.
  8. We are saying that Love is an Absolute- it is a facet of God. You have to remember that language is limited. The word Absolute does not fully depict what God is. Infinity does not. Nothingness does not. Everything does not. The word God doesn't. The word Love doesn't. So we look at facets and angles of God in an attempt to grasp it. When in truth, only being it fully grasps it. And then good luck coming back and describing it with one word.
  9. Israel did not strike first- Hamas did - because it wants power and land. Desperate actions call for desperate measures.
  10. The monster will just grow a new head. It can be eradicated for now but will always return. The battle will never end.
  11. Compassion is really about yourself. How selfless and loving are you, it was never about other people, it was about you. That should answer the question of delusion. It doesn't matter whether others are having an experience or not. But on that note - If you imagine they are then they are. Imagination IS reality.
  12. @Razard86 it's not going to be real if you have nothing to lose. So you have to make yourself limited in a world beyond your limitations. It's quite simple yet brilliant. God added the quality of feeling to it to really bring it home. Thus - even if you beat the game and wake up as God, it's still gonna hurt like hell to have your arm cut off - or to get ALS. But that said, after you beat the game you see through the physical pain as just part of the dream. It's a bit harder to do, but can be achieved nonetheless.
  13. If it doesn't have feeling as a quality then you might as well call it Oneness and not love.
  14. It doesn't increase consciousness - but it does exemplify the greed and survival mechanisms of the ego. It really shows the mind deep at work imagining a whole bunch of insane shit. Like that terrible stuff going on in Israel right now. And it's amazing to think it's all being dreamt up. Even that.
  15. I think a lot of people confuse special with better. A better way to put it is that God realization is a miracle.
  16. @Clarence thanks for sharing! That took a lot of courage - and congratulations on your awakening. As you said there is more to go, of course.
  17. @Clarence do not make a mockery of this work. Unlocking. If this is was a legit awakening then please provide some backstory.
  18. We are waiting. This thread shall be locked otherwise.
  19. All successful people? You were doing good. Don't ruin it.
  20. Maybe @Clarence can expand. If not - he is just another troll - and your vibes were on par. If he truly had a deep awakening he will be willing to expand.
  21. It's quite special to awaken to God. By special I don't mean better than being human. But it is something you will never forget even if you tried.
  22. Then your views align with that of Gods and that is wonderful because you are God! But that's not an excuse to say you as the ego or the human made it that way. Regarding AI, how do you know it will be a loving and selfless AI? It seems to lack Love - which is the core issue with AI.