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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. It's not an if - they would. Put yourself in the eyes of the Jews right now.
  2. @Breakingthewall the Hamas have been bred to wipe out the Jews far before what you have saying the Jews have done. The jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. To wipe them out has been the only agenda of many. And if you might be guessing that I'm Jewish by now you would be right. To Leo- Hitler ain't love.
  3. Even if all of that was correct- if you are going by the Bible - which you obviously are - then Palestine should be a martyr and not an aggressor. Did you ever see Gandhi attack his oppressors? Please see the hypocrisy in your words. It doesn't matter who is right or who is wrong. Who ignited blood violence first? That would be a terrorist group hell bent on wiping out the Jewish state. And that group wasn't the Jews. It just might have a been a group full of more greed then these great Israeli generals you speak of.
  4. It is Palestine that wants more not Israel. Why does Israel have to recognize anything? Isn't that up to the United Nations? "The State of Palestine is a partially recognized sovereign state, similar to Kosovo and Taiwan, which is currently classified as a "non-member observer state" by the United Nations. As of April 2022, Palestine 138 of the United Nations' 193 members (and one observer) have recognized Palestine" Again - remember who attacked who. And who is defending what.
  5. @Breakingthewall israel was sneak attacked...there is a bit of a difference. It is not expanding it is destroying the threat to its own existence. Is destroying another's existence morally right? Never. But this goes back to the question of spiral dynamics. Israel has two choices here. It can just cease to exist at all - which perhaps is the more biblical position - or it can become the dog trying to eat the dog - to preserve its survival. They chose not to be the martyr. And that's fine. It doesn't make them any less wise or any less biblical. It just means they want to survive. And you can't blame them for that.
  6. No. You are just being pompous at the moment. If you want to start a thread start one. And you can ask that those you deem ignorant stay out of the thread.
  7. It's relative. Like anything else. If you ask science to quantify a genius - they will come up with some crazy statistic. Like if your IQ is over 145. But is the test that got there valid or did someone just say it was? What is valid? And even if it was, does that make someone with a 144 IQ not a genius? You see how we have to be very careful here because relativity is at play.
  8. Then maybe you should get rid of your pinky finger. You don't need it to hold a cup ?
  9. The value of this forum isn't in its political section.
  10. @Scholar why don't you just say it yourself without making us listen to a long drawn out video. What I see is ego trying to act like it's better and more intelligent than everyone else here. Here, we are having a debate - and it can sometimes get heated and or biased. That is the nature of the beast. If you want to act all saintly, then rather than posting cowardly videos that you didn't make to point us to something- how about you say it with your own words.
  11. With certain things it just comes to fhem. It's a gift. But no one is a genius in every aspect of being. Because they are finite. A genius is also having the humility to turn to someone who may know more in another area where they know less. In @Danioover9000's definition of genius there was also the word wisdom.
  12. Because they aren't one nation. They have different religious views and nationalist views.
  13. Sorry you are having health issues. What is fungal conjugal?
  14. Israel has no choice but to exert massive force on its opponents. It has been persecuted for so long that eventually if this is not done it will never be taken seriously. Israel is tired of it at this point, and I don't blame them. As far as the US - if they go after us the repercussions will be even worse. If you don't instill fear into your adversaries they will continue to bully you. The threat of terrorist attacks hasn't gone away since 911 and it never will. If anything- it should wake us up that it could happen at any time so that we increase our awareness and preparedness.
  15. Its fine its just you. The point is to see that there is a shift in consciousness if you can see the finger as the whole hand. It is that shift in consciousness that occurs in enlightenment. Really you are only identifying as a self, which, as you said, is a relative concept. But what is actually there is Consciousness itself. When you look at one facet of Truth you are seeing it as that facet. But if you shift your consciousness (that's not Absolutely correct because it's not "yours") you can see that the facet is the whole thing.
  16. Infinite intelligence is all the genius you need. You don't have to be an Albert Einstein in life. Truth is all that matters. But you do need enough to start with to even give you that shot. An ant will never realize it is God.
  17. @OBEler if you want to mentally masturbate a better question is which religion is a better pointer to Absolute Truth and enlightenment. The facet or bell that rings most loudly here is the facet of no self. Discovered by self inquiry. This also was in the earliest enlightenment videos by Leo. I believe that can be traced back to buddhism. But discovering the self is an illusion is so paramount in realizing Absolute Truth. And to my knowledge no other religion talks about it. "anatta (non-self or substanceless) Sanskrit anatman, in Buddhism. The doctrine that there is in humans no permanent underlying substance that can be called the soul. "
  18. @Water by the River with as much time as you take with your descriptions of reality here, I surely hope you are working on your own book. There will be plenty interested in reading it.
  19. It's inconceivable. But yes, you are correct.
  20. You are over analyzing it. Just take out your hand and look at one one of the fingers. See it as a finger. Now see it as the hand. You will see that an expansion of consciousness takes place when it becomes the hand. Believe it or not - this is exactly identical to the shift in consciousness or expansion of consciousness that occurs when you shift from finite consciousness to infinite consciousness. Finite consciousness is still the whole thing- its simply that it sees itself as just a part.
  21. That's really sad and ignorant that you sould put them in the same category. Israel just wants to protect what is theirs. War is brutal, but Israel is just defending its own existence, as it has for thousands of years. Do not put them in the same category as terrorists.
  22. Why can't there be a facet that simultaneously is the whole thing? Yet when viewed as a facet is a facet? If you look at your hand- you can view one of your fingers as a finger, but then you can shift your consciousness and see it as the whole thing. Facets of Truth work the same way.
  23. Is the Israeli army bred to hate and kill one specific people? I am afraid not. Do they feel the bloodthirst of revenge? It feels good. A little. Who wouldn't. They are human.
  24. Yes, they have been bred to hate the Jews and that is all they live for. To wipe out their existence. Maybe they should have thought about casualties before they thought about the complete annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people. You have to appreciate that the Jews have been persecuted since the beginning of time. After a while, it just gets to the point where if you strike first, which they always do, then at some point you have to pay a steep price. Playing mister nice guy didn't work in the past - and it's surely not going to work now.