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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. With enough men, yes - but as @zazen says if will be tricky.
  2. That's why a ground invasion is necessary. With such a small area I do not think it will be that drawn out...
  3. Because of ego. That's why I didn't address your points. Why do you think we are here at war. Because of primitive societies. That's why. Your proposals are for a world far more advanced than where we are, sadly.
  4. Time has nothing to do with it. It is a state of consciousness.
  5. I can respond just fine- you just don't agree. I believe Israel's response was justified. As discussed, collateral damage should be minimized but that is difficult to do in this particular terrain. So you have qualms about it. But again, the state of Israel was attacked first- with many innocent women and children being killed or kidnapped. So you can't justify this.
  6. I still see the Jews as slaves in Egypt. So yes. But at the same time, I see the hundreds of innocent women and children slain by Hamas. That is real. And none of you guys can make it unreal. The truth is, none of you have any idea what you are talking about. I served in the military during desert storm, before you guys were a thought in the dark. So I know a bit about what war is. And you guys talk a big talk. But in the end Israel has to defend what is theirs. @bambi can say they got the land under false pretenses and all that - but none of that matters. It is the Jew's land and they aren't just gonna give it away.
  7. @zazen is condemning Israel's response as barbaric. And im telling you it is a valid response to what has transpired. No one can change the past or where we are today. And the bottom line is Israel was attacked without warning and hundreds were killed. Their response was warranted.
  8. I love you. Don't go anywhere. We can get you to Absolute Truth. I can show you how. You found this place. So don't lose it. I'll get your contact info it you really wanna wake up from this dream I can help you do it - better than Leo.
  9. @bambi @zazen you guys can provide all the reason in the world for why Hamas formed but you cannot justify their actions- and since you cannot - you cannot in good conscience then condemn Israel's response. If you want to say war is wrong that might be a more acceptable response.
  10. @bambi you seem to want to justify what Hamas is doing based on you think it was the Jew's land just because Roosevelt gave it to them "technically". But it was fhe Jew's land before then. The Palestinians didn't have any rights to it.
  11. Indeed not..I believe the precise year was 1947. It was established as Israel. So then what's the fuss? The fuss is because everyone around them wanted to take it.
  12. What land do you believe is Palestines?
  13. He doesn't possess God like abilities like I do. He's just a pawn.
  14. No nation should or could take such credit. Israel has power but not this much. An organization such as Hamas grows limbs on its own and becomes fully figured on its own. Do not put this on Israel. Seems like a run on sentence. I don't understand , but maybe it's me.
  15. Yeah yeah. I know it's not evident of an advanced society. But terrorist organizations have to be dealt with and we are not near a society where they don't exist.
  16. The Hamas were not treated like animals. I'm really sorry to break this to you but all they want is to take over the Israeli land. So when they attack, now you act like we provoked them or we forced them into this position. I beg to differ. I'll ask you the same question I asked him - how would you react as General after your land was infiltrated and over a thousand people assassinated? Would you sit back and say it's OK because these weren't the people that originally persecuted the Jews?
  17. What would you have them do differently? Gaza is filled with both civilians and the bad guys. Would you have not stayed with air attacks? Those air attacks cannot really discriminate because of the small area. So what would you have done differently as the military commander?
  18. Would you? Much easier said than done- and when you have a country to lead, it's not so easy to be weak - in fact it is untenable.
  19. I have one sentence for you: War is hell. If you strike first be prepared to be decimated.
  20. You guys are really over exaggerating. If it were the US that was attacked you wouldn't feel the same. Israel has been persecuted for thousands of years. If it attacks its oppressors just because it now has the superior military and the US backing you all think its being a bully. But put yourself in the Jews shoes for a few minutes and you might feel differently.
  21. I don't subscribe to the Jewish God because I've found Absolute Truth. But I still feel a loyalty to Judaism because it is my heritage.
  22. Hitler or Ghandi? I read Ghandis. I did not want to read Mein Kampf because im Jewish and it was just too much for me.