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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. But where is the line between human Consciousness and Consciousness itself? The human "feel"? But what is that? Awareness is still going go be awareness no matter how you slice it. Thus - alien consciousness is no different than human consciousness. And no - to Leo's story about reality being a giant alien consciousness - well yes - Pure Consciousness is alien to that of a human level of consciousness- but that is only from the perspective of the human.
  2. And you certainly wont know from this thread. That said - i think war is a bitch. It doesn't matter who is right anymore - it is about who wins. My bias is that Israel must stand its ground and destroy all threats. But at what cost? At the cost of forgoing their humanity? Then again, most leaders left their humanity at the door
  3. That is not what omniscience is. Omniscience is a complete understanding of infinty instantly. It is Being Infinity
  4. I don't know what this mumbling is - but it sounds like a whole lot of conditioning from the spiritual community It's quite simple. You of all people would agree that reality is Infinite. And since it is Infinite the possibility of omniscience must exist.
  5. Wrong. You ARE reality- so don't you think you can know what you are?
  6. There is no mechanism. Since reality is infinite it can create it from nothing.
  7. Do the spiritual work. Leo's work is really all you need if you do your own practices you can discover Truth for yourself. Don't take anyone as an authority- but take heed to the practices they speak of and get the framework from them. That's it. Don't take a preference or a bias to any teacher. The framework is all here, so you don't need to go anywhere else. But it really comes down to looking within yourself if you want to discover Absolute Truth.
  8. Thank you...No, the name calling isn't called for either. I should have also asked him to watch @Francis777 please avoid this in the future as it is against forum guidelines. Sometimes these discussions can get heated but we mustn't resort to name calling.
  9. Do you see where this breaks down? If multiple lives are experienced - you have to include all the experiences ever - ants, bees, butterflies, - and what else is "conscious"? why does this have to include "beings"? Is there a rulebook somewhere that says that you have to have a brain to have an experience? Wouldn't this be the materialist paradigm? So now, if we omit brains, we have to include the experience of rocks, and trees. Now, let's go beyond this - we have to include the experience of atoms, and molecules. But why stop there? Shouldn't every quark have an experience? What does a quark break down to? Do you see that it is infinite here? So what if all of it was an illusion and that there was just Experience? or Being?
  10. It's all being imagined at a higher level of consciousness. All perception including all senses (touch, taste, sight, sound) is imagined by infinity. Which is YOu!
  11. At a higher state of consciousness- all duality collapses- but there is a paradox. You are still left with you. And you will realize thar you are completely alone as God and that you are dreaming the entire world into existence. Everything is your dream. You are just normally not at a high enough state of consciousness to realize that you are imagining the whole thing. That's what the illusion literally is. That there are others. It is all a very elaborate illusion that you cannot see or will not see without divine levels of consciousness.
  12. Replace unicorn with your parents and you will - maybe - grasp it.
  13. You are overcomplicating things. I am telling you that you are the only Mind in existence. That all of this is a dream. If all of this is a dream then how can the other minds be independent if they were held within your dream- or THE dream - if you are afraid to go there. It's still one dream. Where you get tripped up is on the illusion that your consciousness is being held within your brain, which is within your body. All of that is an illusion which can be seen through with deep self inquiry. That is what @Razard86 has been trying to tell you, but he is not going to beat you over the head with it. Nor shall i.
  14. Absolutely speaking yes. But when you play a video game do you adhere to the ground rules? This is no different. Im talking to you because I'm amagining you into existence on the fly.
  15. No..when you understand reality it is the opposite of traumatizing. It is just that they withhold information as to not traumatize others.
  16. Yes it is a single realization. For me it was that that the soul was a thought. Because I'd always believed I was a soul or an invisible entity behind the eyes. When that was unveiled, it was awakening. It will be something similar for everyone. Whatever they believe themselves to be must be revealed to them as falsehood.
  17. No. This is all the self what precisely wants to keep you remained in it. Being in the now is free from thought so thus the trauma doesn't exist Meditation my friend.
  18. The reality now, as you say, isn't a long path my friend.
  19. You can only wake up from a dream once. It's such a powerful awakening that it may happen over days - but that is time and not what we are talking about. It's one awakening from the dream. Leo and his psychedelics just don't make enlightenment man - when are you going to learn? He's not enlightened. He just brought you the message
  20. Well, I do like talking about myself God where to begin. I don't really wanna type up a book. PM me and we can talk over the phone. You can't put your awakenings into one post. I'd like to hear about yours too. I will suffice it to say that no self is enlightenment. The realization of no self. The next for me was nothingness. That crushed me. The next was Infinity. This was beautiful- but so powerful it exploded my body. The last was total Oneness. This is synonymous with Aloneness.
  21. You are an inspiration. I don't have the patience or diligence to do what you do. Have you started your own channel yet? You need to. You would blow up dude.