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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. I think it was at post 5127 where that kicked in. But seriously- I'm really not against psychedelics - I think they can be great I just don't think you should rely on them solely for enlightenment like Leo says. And that meditation is useless. It's not.
  2. a quantum leap does does not mean awakening. Just take salvia if you want that.
  3. Ok but not necessarily. The guy in the 12th Ox pic was completely the guy next door.
  4. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about actual awakening versus psychedelic induced non-dual states.
  5. You are new here so I will simply say sit down and listen. And listen closely. We will only say it once
  6. You may be tired but you must continue the fight. For when the fight ends so do you.
  7. You are imaginary as well. Your ego. Can you get a hold of that.
  8. My point was that if you can't explain it without awakening yourself than how can you be someone to objectively judge that there is someone more awake than yourself. Do you see how there is no objective reality to awakening- therefore there is not an absolute awakening that everyone has the same way. Thus, there really can't be a guy more awake than you once you've awakened. Here we can agree to disagree. My simple point is that awakening shall be independent of both pyschedelics and meditation. Both are triggers. But awakening is something prior to both. I just don't feel like Leo reached it via psychedelics. If you do - great- but note that it was because you were ready to awake - and it wasn't because of the psychedelics. Same goes for meditation.
  9. Your firsr point i made for you. As for your second - I'm telling you that awakening is something far prior to anything a psychedelic can produce it can thrust you into a non-dual state- but it cannot give you awakening. Those non-dual states are borrowed Consciousness. They are synthetic.
  10. Razard has covered all of what awakening is - as have I. Leo has as well but the problem is he didn't awaken himself. He did so via psychedelics but that ain't awakening. And now he thinks there is something beyond awakening. Beyond all things. Alien consciousness. Well - I hate to break the hard cold truth to you- but take it from someone who actually has awakened from the dream - this is a fiction.
  11. About time you showed up then Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride. But not too much. Many buddahs have crossed this platform, but only one has lived.
  12. If you really want to awaken you won't get lost here. Here is a place to gather to discuss your awakenings - not to get lost in endless chatter about it. It's those who get caught up in the hoopla but fail to actually do the spiritual work that will remain asleep - blind to what could possibly lay outside the matrix.
  13. That's just it. This will always be impossible because there is only your awakening. There will never be an awakening like yours.
  14. Razard is awake. What Leo thinks is irrelevant. Razard has had legit awakenings. This is plain to see.
  15. Can you locate yourself anywhere? No...that should be the first trigger. Now - what do you think you are? A dark void? My God. A void is but a thought.
  16. Elon musk is not known to be wise
  17. Yet you know that it is limitless. Isn't that something?
  18. No you are missing it. This is about the structure of reality. The mechanism, if you will. The design. So - how is reality designed? Is it made of atoms or is it made of Mind? Do you see where the distinction is now necessary?