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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Of course they are - you designed both of them and placed them in your life with specific roles so that you could get a woody. A Superbeing probably wouldn't give you the same rise. But you could imagine it - i suppose- since you imagined them
  2. For sure. It's still interesting to me though.
  3. It's truly amazing how so many brilliant minds just don't grasp the nature or reality. I would trade all the wealth in the world for it. But as far as mastering survival - you're alive aren't you? Then I would suggest that you might just be doing a masterful job so far.
  4. Splendid. Yep. You got a huge glimpse. And Shinzen Young once said that depersonalization is enlightenment's evil twin. It's almost exactly like enlightenment but without the realizations and bliss, from my experience.
  5. Sleep is designed within this dream to rest and recuperate the body. But really what we call REM sleep is really just a state of consciousness. Since there is no unconsciousnesa then yes - you are dreaming all the time, both waking and sleeping, you just dont always remember. Ever put your keys away but later forget where you put them? Dreaming at night is no different. You walked for the first time at maybe age 2 or you remember any of that? But you did experience it at the time. But notice in the Absolute sense time is imaginary, as is the past. So there is only this present moment now. So In a sense it never happened. Its paradoxical. But when you lay your head down to dream, you are experiencing whatever you are conscious of in that moment.
  6. It's just a different state of consciousness. There is no unconsciousness but a lot of time when you are dreaming you just don't remember what you dreamed. It's really not complicated. Reality itself is just a giant dream- and right now you don't remember how many different forms you took in the past because there is no past other than memories which are just thoughts that can be wiped. That's scary but also liberating. Would you really want to hold onto the memories of an eternity? Probably not. Would definitely cause a case of PTSD. So you remember some of your dreams at night but not all.
  7. Well, if ya wanna get technical, the only objectivity is Subjectivity "The universe is simply an Absolute Relativity". Thus - if he's got the answer to solve suffering, I've got a get rich quick scheme you can also follow.
  8. Because those people live and breathe under the protection of such glorious nations. Betchya @zazen has a very comfortable home nestled within the boundaries of such nation. It's easy to talk from the sidelines. Not so easy to play.
  9. Noob... As if there is something objective.
  10. Awakening. Afterwards you will be able to tap into infinite intelligence. Sometimes consciously but most time it will just happen unconsciously. You will do amazing things off the cuff.
  11. It's both of course. Free will is imaginary - but if you imagine that it's real it becomes real.
  12. No. You can intuit the truth and then look for it. But you can only directly experience Absolute Truth because you will become the Truth. You will become God. You still remain intertwined with the materialist paradigm and fail to see mysticsm as something not only possible, but the nature of reality. Stay stuck in science. I care not. But I do know you have the potential to know better.
  13. It's both ofcourse. Free will is imaginary - but if you imagine that it's real it becomes real.
  14. No. Trust me. There is one awakening. It may happen over a period of a few months- but if It's true awakening it only happens once. This is where psychedelics are revealed as cheating. You can't cheat God. God doesn't play dice.
  15. Because of Oneness, there is but one awakening. Just think of it as analogous to a dream.. You can only wake up once..after that you have to go back to sleep to wake up again. You can go back to the waking state again but it will be the same waking state as before. So there really isn't a need to wake up again until you shift forms.
  16. You're brilliant. Look within yourself for enlightenment . It's gonna take a lot of suffering and love. Humility. It's gonna take a lot of things.
  17. If we don't use words we don't even have a forum. A forum is a form of entertainment. Reality is a form of entertainment. For God. God is not only a trickster but he's a comedian. If you haven't noticed. Oh and I'm watching Oppenheimer right now - God doesn't play dice 🙄
  18. Yeah thats not what I was saying at all. I simply feel that the word this, while nice, is more neo-advaita then anything else. Because you are assuming there isn't a you, there is only this. But. there is a you, the royal you, with a capital Y. This royal you is not a person, so personal is not a fitting word. And it is not human either. But it is you, nonetheless. And yes, language is dualistic, but we can still find the words that best portray what we are trying to convey. If you like the word this then use it.
  19. That's just it. Anything impersonal is a duality. It suggests a subject- you- observing the object - this.
  20. No one is talking about non-existence. When we say someone is imaginary - it means they exist. It simply means they exist within your own mind - and that all existence dwells within your own mind. There is no existence only beyond your own mind.