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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Well. You might want to rethink that. No pun intended. After all- you are thinking now, correct? And you do consider yourself part of Infinity, no? Otherwise it wouldn't be infinity
  2. So does infinity. Notice the limitations of language in general.
  3. So infinity is your God. You're not an atheist by definition. An atheist believes in the big bang. But if you ask them where the big bang came from they will just shrug their shoulders.
  4. This is the very definition of attachment. It's what we all want to hold onto. It's what keeps us here, in this form. But now- realize how liberating forgetting is. Realize that there is only the present moment. Nothing existed in the past. That is a very elaborate illusion. So your sense of self and all of your memories are an illusion. What you are - you will and cannot ever lose. You're unbounded, pure Consciousness. And that - that is what shall remain eternally Ta da!
  5. Humans will never reach the type of alien awareness spoken of. Healing and spirituality. This is because the human is too caught up in the dream - which is to survive through greed. But there will always be an advanced few. All that matters is YOU get there. Because you are hallucinating all of this - including an advanced race.
  6. Why not create it? Because it's possible. God cannot omit anything, including the experience of what you call suffering. Otherwise God wouldn't be all loving. He cannot exclude any emotions - he must be allowed to feel everything. Who would be there to disallow it? God? Through you it can experience everything.
  7. Makes you wonder what Hitler's last moment was. Of course, the truth is he didn't have one because he's imaginary. He's part of this giant dream you as God are hallucinating.
  8. Why would awakening exclude these things? God wouldn't shun sensations. It's all about feeling itself. You might say it masturbates to itself. Over and over. Just in different ways.
  9. Why did you create a ground for anything? Your washer and dryer is made of atoms. Stern stuff. It exists objectively. Correct? But whose conscious of such washer and dryer when you're not there to be conscious of it? Does it just exist outside of your consciousness? Think of how absurd that is. Why would reality go out of its way like that? For who?
  10. That's nice but it's not enlightenment. Don't fool yourself.
  11. Isn't the object of a video game to beat the game? Then you can go back and play it again by fooling yourself but the fear will be gone because you already know everything. You reached omniscience in the game.
  12. @Actualizer777 if you imagine they are conscious it becomes reality. Thats what becomes real for you. Imagination literally is reality.
  13. Indeed. @Vibes that's interesting. He may be institutionalized for all we know. Wish him the best.
  14. He's not banned maybe he's taking a break. Eventually it's impossible not to get burned out on this forum. I'm completely burned out at this point. You have to be approachinging it yourself.@BreakingthewallBtw I always found him to be a good guy. Not sure why he is getting such a bad rap - to me he is just very passionate about what he has experienced.
  15. Could you give up your current form now? Not so easy.
  16. God IS the permanent form. Satisfying infinity.
  17. It establishes a framework. Look at it like you would spiral dynamics. Logic is needed - but then you can transcend into mysticism. Mysticism incorporates rationalism but also transcends it.
  18. But that's what reality is. That's what you are. A bundle of concepts. Are you going to forgo reality? I kinda like it. So should you - After all, you designed it so that you could lose yourself in it and forget that you were the developer. Isn't it absolutely magnificent? You should take a moment to be conscious of the Absolute brilliance. The problem with this dream is that God attaches itself so deeply so that it can become real, that it doesn't want to let go. That's the cost. Suffering is the cost. But it's wonderful to feel mortality even for but a flash in eternity.
  19. The ego is a runaway train. An animal purely designed for pleasure. Yes - if you ever stopped to fully become conscious that you are imaginary - you would die. What fun is it for the ego to think about things like reality and the now. It's no fun at all because ultimately it leads to the path of its own destruction. So it would rather delve into more simpler things like porn. Now, you know what's up - you have had a taste of the now - you have had a taste of mystical experiences. So now the challenge for you is to strike a balance. Can you be Godlike or humanlike?
  20. It is indeed a strange loop. Because if you think about it, since God can forget it is God - it is absolutely total. But this is the logical mind trying to rationalize Infinity. God in the Absolute sense closes the loop because it is God. It's that simple. You aren't going to be able to find an answer with logic you have to become God. That will be becoming Infinity- in which you will know that God simply has the ability to forget its God. But remembering it is God will resolve all paradoxes.
  21. If you could concur that reality is infinite- there cannot be any mistakes other than via illusion.
  22. Evolution is not resonsilbe for this illusion. Sometthing mystical is. You are still stuck in the materialist paradigm.