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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Than give him a warning but don't lock the thread.
  2. An immediate bias against solipsism- which @Someone here though he knows solipsism is ultimately true, is clearly apparent. This guy was asking honestly with no preconceived notions - yet rather than getting a clear answer he was immediately dismissed. Notice the deep bias here against Aloneness. Even in those who know it is ultimately true.
  3. OCD is a grasping of certainty- which cannot be grasped without omniscience. Without awakening. Awakening is the cure for OCD. OCD puts the emphasis on your finitude, exposing it. Schizophonia is another beast- this is where as a finite being you can still manifest anything imaginary into actuality in the dream. You have the power of God but still inside a finite form. It's honestly terrifying
  4. Because they immediately dismiss solipsism. Im unlocking it because he didn't deserve to be attacked.
  5. They exist within your imagination. Now what is the difference between imagination and reality? Nothing So do they exist? Well- no - there is only Consciousness. Consciousness then slices up itself into differences. Like other consciousnessnsss. It slices it up via imagination. It can make differences infinitely. Like the difference between the shoe laces on your shoe. Or the quarks inside of a towel.
  6. There is a distinction between Being and Knowing until there isn't.
  7. See my post above. That's still the whole problem. They didn't start out seeking Truth. It was an egoic phase. And now - whoops - they fucking woke up. Now who picks up the pieces of waking up before they were ready? What do you do now Connor Murphy?
  8. How old are you? That's part of the problem.- that they dont aim to wake up..that they aren't really seeling Truth. See? Perhaps waking up isn't made for those who haven't reached the age of 20
  9. To me you're too young to be at such a stage because you haven't yet lived or experienced all that life has to offer. There is a whole door to life that you are leaving unopened. You need to first go through that door, and come out the other side, having experienced life. Then you can talk about passions being exhausted. I think personally, because of your age that this is just a passing phase. It is, however, possible that you are simply just an old soul- having already lived through countless iterations. I find this unlikely though.
  10. You aren't going to be able to manipulate reality that way. The only good fortune you might have must come via the element of surprise. But you won't be able to wield greed at will. This is completely against your very being. But you can wield love for this is within your power. Not healing the unhealable necessarily- but giving them love. You won't have the power to physically alter the dream as you know it because you designed it to be without cheat codes- in order to lock yourself out completely as a safety net. But you can get lucky every now and then. Sorry - just the rules.
  11. The materialist paradigm holds.more assumptions then one knows what to do with.
  12. to add to what i said- you also must remember lucid dreaming. Become lucid for a moment and realize you are literally creating Sadhguru. Cant? Well thats because you haven't awoken yet. When you awaken you will be able to become lucid - the timing is really not official. You will just become lucid when you do.
  13. Again - I didn't say he couldn't be enlightened. I was going off intuition. You should try it sometime. You'd be surprised how accurate it is. And I don't need to watch anything by him - I already know.
  14. Grow old. Give yourself 30 years. There's something that comes along called experience. Once you have done it all - albeit for some of us - over and over and over- it really does begin to disappear. The need for it ultimately will be fully vanquished upon death
  15. Relatively speaking - ok. I'll give it to you only because I can appreciate relativity.
  16. I'm trying to explain a point. That these guys that you so much look up to.are but mere figments of your imagination
  17. All well known? What about the unknown? How do you know the unknown aren't a hell of a lot more awake? You might wanna think twice. Everyone has material desires- and don't think that awakening others isn't a material desire. It is indeed. Especially when it brings wealth and survival. But I bid you - awakening is quite the contrast to all of this. Ultimately all of your materialist desires, whatever they may be, will slowly die out. For me, it wasn't wealth- it was sex. That now is nearly extinguished - and believe me - it pains me to even say that. But it's true. So be careful that your count of who is enlightened isn't severely incomplete. You don't consider those out there beyond seeking publicity or trying to awaken others. Because those may be the true awakened ones. Trust me - once you realize you are alone - it really becomes a joke. Would you honestly trick yourself into playing God of War again, after you beat it? It wouldn't be the same. It would be going through the motions.
  18. I'm not saying the possibility that he's enlightened doesn't exist. But it's probably a small one. If he was that enlightened he wouldn't even be bothering to teach others. The incentive wouldn't be there. Most actual enlightened beings have no material desires left. I can tell you that from personal experience. Do I still love sex? A little. But I wouldn't go out of my way for it anymore. And that was one of my strongest - surpassing wealth and power. It's nearly dead too. But not quite.
  19. What does most things not being conscious have to do with how reality would be structured? Notice - that if reality is consciousness - it is a dream. Within the dream then, consciousness can dream up whatever it wants. It could, for arguments sake, dream up a world void of all consciousness. This wouldn't negate the fact that the structure of the dream was consciousness. So be careful with what grounds you are setting for your analysis.
  20. Because it doesn't exist. The small self dies bit the royal Self doesn't. The small self is an illusion. All "form" is an illusion. A true shapeshifter has no shape- so any shape it takes is illusory.
  21. This is so naive. He's nothing more than an entertainer. People much more enlightened than him aren't even seen in public. Those are the real ones. Not the entertainers.
  22. If someone was awake you will never know it. Because it is completely within. It's not shareable. The guy next door could be awake and you would never know it. Awakening can only be shared by you.
  23. Awakening is God Realization. Its not goodbye to your current form. You do die but you return. Mahasamadhi is permanent awakening. It's like the elves departing middle earth. It's goodbye. Two completely different things.