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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. By the same token so is the view of Ralston and of yourself. The only Absolute is Awakening. That's why it's all that really matters.
  2. @Keryo Koffa its jus It is prior to that duality. The question that asks that is already it. Its the same question as asking where did reality come from? It came from itself. It is Infinite. You can't grasp it with logic because logic is held within Infinity. But you are infinity.
  3. So you don't think that reality is an Infinite intelligence?
  4. Would you say the same for Leo. Ralston was enlightened via meditation not psychedelics. But he isn't as awake as many others. Many you don't even know about
  5. No human mind can be omniscient. But we aren't talking human minds. Peter is a novice. The only thing he got right- if you read his book - is that the soul and self is an illusion.
  6. All you need is awakening. You don't need everything.
  7. Precisely Or you melt into Infinite Bliss. (Enlightenment)
  8. It's a classic for sure. If only Kurt knew the gem he had stumbled on haha. No other interview is even necessary after that. He would know a TOE is not required 🙄 btw - I almost watched his interview with Spira. But haven't. Did you watch that one?
  9. I recently went back and watched that interview again a few times now. It's so good..and so long! Nice to fall asleep to lol.
  10. Birth and death are a duality. So you're neither alive or dead. You exist as pure nothingness. But then also you are. You are everything. Form and formless collapses.
  11. That fear is the fear of death. Of being extinguished. It will always linger . Yes meditation will bring you to Truth. There's a reason why the ego fights against meditation - against stilling the mind
  12. R u sure? Well here's your problem. You are too much into metaphysics and not enough into spirituality.
  13. Yes. All there ever was is Awareness itself. As far as how it relates to Solipsism - the term will never come up after the final awakening but you will realize total Oneness and Aloneness. You may ask who is there to feel alone? Well, it's just awareness realizing it in a very high state of consciousness. But it is still terrifying because it's still the first time God is realizing 1. holy fuck - this whole thing is my dream and I'm masquerading as a human. 2. Oh my God. it's just Me. 3. Holy fuck. Oh my God.
  14. The Self with a capital S. But this isn't the ego. Right now you are in an egoic state of consciousness. That's the difference. When I'm saying self/other I mean ego self or relative self not Absolute Self.
  15. No it seems you still have it wrong. You have to come to the realization first that the self is illusory. Then in a separate awakening you can realize that others are illusory- collapsing the self/other duality. What God is, what you are, is Pure Divine Consciousness itself. All points of view, even that of your own as an ego , are imaginary.
  16. Happy holidays to you too you sneaky little bastard. In truth, you can lead a horse to that Water by the River. But making him drink is another matter. So the water will sit...for another holiday. Many holidays shall pass before he walks through the door of Truth and drinks from the water by the River. But on that day- when he finally does - on that day - we shall rejoice.
  17. Well, we all run into that problem. Including Sadhguru. But I can assure you this much- and you can take it for what it's worth. He doesn't exist outside of your consciousness. Nor does Leo, or any spiritual teacher. So therefore, how great can he be, but what you have created within this dream.
  18. This is a deep generalization and not addressing fhe "kid" at hand. But to be fair - we are both making generalizations. Again we don't know this kid - or where he was last night. He could genuinely be searching for Truth. Or he genuinely could be in just another egoic phase. Either way - you see the aftermath. It ain't pretty for someone so young. Someone 50 or older will handle the same thing far differently simply from the amount of life experience.
  19. @Someone here learn to lucid dream. You're doing it now you're just not fully lucid.
  20. Isnt putting your awareness on awareness true spirituality? Sadguru isn't true spirituality.
  21. I call it materialistic bullshit. It's great and all. I mean, if a 5"10 blond walked into my house naked am I going to turn her away? No. But I grasp the difference. If they do as well - all for them. I just don't know where the incentive comes from.