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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. But also the Eternal One is dreaming everything - including "other" and you are not the self or ego but you are the "eternal one". And so all "other" are merely figments of your imagination. What he was trying to convey is that there is nothing outside of your consciousness. NOTHING. You are IT.
  2. That's not what I asked you. I asked you for what your view on the nature of reality was. I am eager to share mine. Do you find shyness in sharing yours? There is no need to be shy.
  3. @Yimpa it's funny how all you have to do is ask a person for their worldview and they go trees or mudcrabs..... mostly because they haven't even put the time in to establish one.
  4. Ok...then how about you tell us a little about your own worldview or paradigm. Do you mind expanding on what your views on reality are? After all, you find yourself on a metaphysical forum, so I can only assume you take interest in philosophical concepts. Why don't you enlighten us with your paradigm.
  5. I'm not sure where you are going here other than to troll. If your objective is to trigger me it's obviously not working. Since you have under 10 posts I can easily deduce that you are most likely a previously banned user. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but just ease off a bit.
  6. Well - let's roll with the metaphysical idealist paradigm. You have to remember that according to this paradigm you are God proper - and you will live through an infinite number of lives. Not all of those lives have to wake up and realize they are God. The ones that do, do. And they will be God realized. The ones that won't, wont.
  7. No. I believe- and there have been many debates on this here on the forum - but I truly believe it's simply genetic. Your genetic makeup. Just like when you create a character in a video game and you give it certain amounts in attributes- such as intuition and intelligence.
  8. Yeah I was looking back at that just as you posted. Here's the misunderstanding. This whole thing IS a dream. So its not that they cannot dream- they simply fail to become conscious that reality is not made of material such as atoms but it is made up of figments of consciousness. Does that make sense? What are figments of consciousness? They are merely like frames in a video game. Scenes in a play.
  9. They are not a lesser class - they just lack the ability to escape the dream. They lack the interest in philosophy- and they lack the ability to intuit that there could be nothing independent of consciousness. Just think about it. Why would something need to even exist independent of consciousness? Can you grok that? I'll be honest- most can't. It's not a knock or to say someone is better- they just aren't wired for it. The ego is so tightly wrapped. That's why Leo had to ingest psychedelics.
  10. Are you a butterfly dreaming you are a human, or a human dreaming you are butterfly?
  11. Classic. You're the best. Just don't over do it. But that one was good. You need to find some seriousness too.
  12. He knew what's up. But he's just a projection of your own mind. You invented him for the coolness of being able to refer to a robed mystic.
  13. Yes. To actually become directly conscious of this will destroy everything they have ever known. Including themselves. It's far too radical. Of course - all it takes is an open mind. An open mind is leaving a hole for the ego to be dissolved though- so it's not something the ego ultimately wants. Thus the majority of mankind will keep the walls too thick for any ideas to penetrate outside of what they were born into.
  14. Now you are getting it. Finally someone who understands the true substance of reality. Bravo. I give you the idealist trophy. Don't show it to anyone though- they will most likely burn you at the stake. That's how backwards our society still is. Even physicists such as Niels Bohr tried to convey the Truth - and they were shut down. No one wants to know it's just a big video game. They want to believe it's real.
  15. God is you but you aren't God. A phrase originally coined by @Synchronicity. But he was absolutely right. That said - we can also say you are God- because there is absolutely no one else to be God but you. You are the only thing in existence. There are just things you have deliberately hid from yourself so that you can experience a limited existence. That limited existence is what makes you not God - for the time being ...But it was you that did the hiding - and it's only you that can find what is hidden.
  16. God wants to wake up. He planted the seeds. The ego is who doesn't wanna wake up.
  17. Eerie. Like a dream.. But being conscious that this reality is a dream, the same as a nighttime dream, is far more satisfying and can't be described with words.
  18. Precisely. The Self = Infinity = consciousness = Love = Goodness = Being = Immortality = Oneness = Nonduality = Solipsism = Togetherness This is it. Leo might want to retract his alien garbage and leave it to imagination where it belongs because it is not Absolute Truth. Maybe when his book comes out I can read it side by side with Harry Potter.