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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Breakingthewall Yeah I get it. But also you have to remember even the ego is just God in a state of consciousness. God is a tautology. It's true no matter what form it takes . You can't go wrong about One thing or Infinity. The part is also the whole and the whole is also the part. It cannot escape itself.
  2. @ivankiss Sit in meditation for weeks.
  3. You're right actually. Yet it's still also God. It's paradoxical. And its paradoxical by design. But yes I was late
  4. Before you do - I really would like to know your ultimate position. Are you saying we just shouldn't use the word God - or that we are indeed separate from God? Don't bow out now - it's just getting Interesting
  5. Yes but if I told you reality was atoms or a giant atom we would have a problem with that.
  6. I get you. But you can actually become direct Consciousness. Right now direct consciousness is the object and you are still the subject talking about direct consciousness. But if you actually became direct consciousness (became one with it) you would BE pure consciousness or in another words, God. You wouldn't label it you would be too busy being it.
  7. Precisely. Process of elimination.
  8. And what is Consciousness but God? It's just a word salad.
  9. Well what's the difference between being God realized and not God realized? You're still God either way
  10. Now you just need to wake up. For christ sake - please do. It will be a huge relief for all of us - especially @Yimpa
  11. They are concepts. That was actually the whole key to enlightenment for me personally- because I identified with a soul. When I had the epiphany that a soul was a thought- enlightenment dawned. Just food for thought.
  12. Ultimately you have to face your own Aloneness as God. All others are part of your own mind as God.
  13. Enlightenment is Absolute. You won't have any doubt. There won't be a you. You will be the Absolute. It's a miracle.
  14. And what exactly was said? At this point with your level of logical deduction im afraid I've become lost in the frey. But I'm sure you will be right there to rescue me and set me straight.
  15. No it doesn't. That's something you are inferring or projecting falsely onto me. I simply asked you that to get a feel of where you stood in life - what your metaphysical views were and what your overall view on reality was. I didn’t do this so that I would have more leverage on you- I did this so that I could get to know you. But of course, you reacted with hostility. This is only because I called you out on philosophical views that you have never considered. So you were caught with your pants down, so to speak. It's all good. We can converse knowing your worldview is null. I just wanted to know who I was to be conversing with. With that said - I would be happy to answer anything you would like to ask about reality. As for me - I'm a 53 year old enlightened idealist - who couldn't fathom anything else for reality but consciousness. There cannot be anything outside of consciousness and there never will be.
  16. There is nothing wrong with asking one-s worldview. It's just a question.
  17. Dude I'm gonna be honest here- you are seriously out there. I will leave it at that.
  18. It's quite simple now. I'm going to poke you a bit here, but don't take it personally. You seem highly intelligent, so you should be able to understand that I'm doing this with your best interests in mind. In your view - is reality objective? Meaning it exists independently of your consciousness- and for that matter it exists independently of consciousness in general? Then - if such answer is yes - than what is it objectively made of? Is it atoms? Quarks? Strings? Have you done any research into quantum physics? There... either way, now you have a worldview.
  19. No no. There is no yours. It's just One. I don't have a consciousness to unite with yours. What you thought was my consciousness is held within your consciousness
  20. But also the Eternal One is dreaming everything - including "other" and you are not the self or ego but you are the "eternal one". And so all "other" are merely figments of your imagination. What he was trying to convey is that there is nothing outside of your consciousness. NOTHING. You are IT.