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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. What about them? Can they find enlightenment? Maybe? I mean anything is possible. But I think you grokked the point. If you don't possess the ability to self reflect you won't have the ability to realize God. There's nothing wrong with that either.
  2. First- embrace paradox. As we get deep into the weeds, contradiction will be customary.
  3. We have the ability to look in the mirror and realize what we are. The only other species capable of that are dolphins- so it's feasible they could realize God. As for the rest of the animal world - God will be the furthest thing from their minds. Their minds are strictly bent on survival.
  4. No. The self you believe you are is imaginary. Enlightenment is becoming the Absolute or Truth. So it cannot be imaginary. Here's where it gets tricky- the concept of enlightenment is imaginary - like you thinking about it right now - that's imaginary. But that's just the concept of awakening.
  5. Unenlightened. Right now that's just a concept to you. It's not actual. It's a belief. Be careful with beliefs. They can't. Hence enlightenment is death. God revels in a game of forgetting and remembering. Similar to a dream or a video game in which you attempt to beat the game - all the while in order to play you have to forget you developed it in the first place - but it is the experience that is enjoyable once you do. No...humans have the most intelligence. That's just the rules of THIS game. The next game could be completely different. We play the game. What isn't imagination?
  6. I think I was more than open and kind with him. I simply asked him his worldview and all of a sudden the dialuge took a turn for the worst. Why don't I pose the same question to you then? What paradigm do you find true?
  7. See the problem here? It's obvious. You deem enlightenment as an experience - meaning there is a "you" and an"experience" to have. That's your mistake. God realization is far more radical than that. You will actually die. Have you died yet?
  8. The reality for both of you guys @Breakingthewall. @Someone here is this- trust me on this - enlightenment does exist and is indeed a real phenomenon. It is you waking up to the Truth. Now whether you are ready for that or not is a whole other matter. I'm not ready to die. I don't want it. It was thrust upon me.
  9. Hey I never call names. That would be against guidelines
  10. 😀 love you bud. I really admire your love of philosophy. It's absolutely beautiful to behold. I wish we saw it more.
  11. You're just wrong. And also not enlightened
  12. No. You are wrong. Awakening is Absolute. The problem here is you bought into a teacher who sold sold you enlightenment via drugs. That is not enlightenment. You haven't experienced actual enlightenment yet or you wouldn't be saying that.
  13. Yeah but youre missing or not facing the reality that you aren't enlightened but there are those in this world that are. Such as myself. I don't say this to brag - I say that I stumbled on enlightenment via deep suffering and then meditation. So you're wrong if you think I haven't experienced real mysticism.
  14. Yes perhaps i can do better in that category. Look - I'm honestly just a humble guy - but I do know a thing or two about Truth- and that's mostly via suffering and realizing Love through the suffering of losing the one I loved. That is what gave me enlightenment. If you suffer enough in this world enlightenment will ultimately dawn because both are inevitable
  15. Well in terms of eternity - remember Leo's words - you have been sitting here- eternally - forever- ...then yeah - we are all kids
  16. @Breakingthewall Eat me 😀 thats the whole illusion. If you knew who was a mystic and who wasn't it would take the fun out of it for God
  17. Yes - and that will be pure ecstacy. And It will be liberation from the paradigm you were enslaved into. I have a lot of human issues, just like the rest of us. I never claimed to be some type of saint. But I have awakened, and you have not. So I would heed my words on Truth. Now when it comes to girls that's a whole other matter.
  18. I'm here to help you awaken. You. That's my sole purpose here. If anything I contribute here aids in that mission- then I have succeeded. If it does not, then I have failed.
  19. Consciousness is fundamental. It is the substrate of reality. So it doesn't imply duality it incorporates it. Awaken and you will become directly aware of this.
  20. Let's be honest. While highly intelligent, I find the simple fact that you hold no worldview troublesome. Troublesome from the standpoint that I can't have a reasonable dialague with you because your level of development is far below me. That's not a knock. But I'm in my fifties and your probably in your what - teens or early twenties. So if you want to hold a metaphysical dialogue with me then you might want to have at least established a worldview.
  21. Yes but the focus itself is see? You have a sense of self - and a collection of memories...that's what makes you what you are - but if your consciousness should expand it would blow this out - and you would be Infinite. So what was it but a change in state? Consciousness itself was always there. That's what you are.
  22. Powerful - it gave me the bliss of enlightenment
  23. Of course. That's called living the dream. Do I seem like I don't? Afterall, I'm engaging now with you, yes? I wish that was true. But there cannot be anything independent of consciousness. If you just sit and contemplate it for a minute you would realize its absolutely absurd. Matter thats independent of consciousness. It's not even remotely possible- because everything is consciousness. This should be completely obvious to people - but it's not and that fact truly baffles me.