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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Nothing short of a miracle. Yes now I hold it as a memory- but it broke through the very fabric of my reality - so it is indeed something much more. It is awakening.
  2. It's the same thing as the matrix. Only reality is not a simulation. So you CAN wake up. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
  3. Where did that come from? No. I'm talking about your open mindedness being unbounded. You do have to find a ground if you want to discover the Truth of reality. And I know you do. You're one of us. The select few that actually give a shit. But you have to actually ground yourself and do the spiritual work... Yes, paradoxically you might discover that a ground to reality doesn't exist, but first things first.
  4. It's an illusion. You are Consciousness which will always exist in one capacity or another. The fear is unfounded and stroked by the ego. Good luck.
  5. So do I. That's called being open minded. But the problem is you are so open minded that you fall into your own self created delusion.
  6. Because we never really engaged. I haven't been super active in the past year or so. @Someone here knows me because we go way back. And I've been trying to tell him Truth is found in meditation- but he chooses to mentally masturbate and probably will for the foreseeable future. He wants to be like Descartes. But Descartes was not enlightened. I'll give him an A+ in philosophy though
  7. A princess for sure 😀 What have psychedelics shown you? Did you or do you do any meditation as well?
  8. Oops just saw your profile pic and i remember your old one too. Its just that it is nice to see females here. It is predominantly male and I don't know why. The statistics, if there were, would be staggering. But glad to have you here.
  9. Are you actually a girl? Let's see the face 😏
  10. He was banned by Leo because he got lost in his own self deception. And for good reason. The guy is out there. Anyone who follows him falls into the same delusion. I decided to be active on his forum only because I found it interesting and I would like to turn people away from following him. All he is conscious of is that the self does not exist. But that's where it stops and that's where he has to realize that while that is a massive awakening and the most paramount to enlightenment- that is not all there is to awakening. There is more.
  11. He's not. You have fallen into deception. He's not even enlightened.
  12. It's relative and consensual here in this dream. We have to agree on what is right and wrong so that we can maintain a civil society. But with Absolute Truth such a duality is forced to collapse.
  13. Because it burns away the ego. If you want to get to enlightenment that is one such path. Just pure suffering.
  14. No. Truth is infinite. So it must not negate survival and selfishness. It has to include it without choice. A choice would be a bias. But notice- God is responsible for creating the idea of choice
  15. That's a key distinction though. Not dreaming and not remembering. You can say there is no difference but there is and that is very vital. Notice that. To say you don't dream is to say that unconsciousness exists. But there is only existence itself.
  16. Yeah. If we experience unconsciousness that automatically becomes consciousness... we still sleep but maybe you just don't remember your dreams if you wake up and think you don't have them? You don't remember being your cat either, but that doesn't mean you weren't in another dream.
  17. That's tough to pinpoint with science. But falling asleep I would say is gradual as you slow your mind down - but then like an off switch as you change states of consciousness. The shift is magic.
  18. What is deep sleep but what you are imagining it is RIGHT FUCKING NOW?
  19. No. It's purely subjective. Some suffer with falling asleep and other don't. No. You are always imagining and you are always conscious. There is no such thing as unconsciousness. If you're not dreaming you're not existing, which of course is impossible. This whole thing is just one big dream.
  20. It's not a goal of the ego but the fact remains that there are other states of consciousness. Yes - all that exists right now is your current state of consciousness. But we know from direct experience that there are different states of consciousness. That is indeed stored in memory so that we can self reference it. And that difference right now is imaginary- but notice - everything - all things - are imaginary. This closes the loop. Only existence itself is Truth. So yes - you are not wrong- but the fact still remains that you can become Infinite, Alien Consciousness.
  21. Precisely. Basically you are talking about Pure Infinity. You are finite now. We go back to the age old debate that finitude doesn't exist. It does. It's a state of Consciousness.
  22. It should be so obvious to you. So frigging obvious. If it's not that is surely a sign you don't have the genetics for awakening but don't you go despairing just yet If you care at all about the nature of reality you will find it. If you care at all. But it will take lots of work. Your intuition doesn't help you like it does some. Intuitively, for example, it's extremely obvious that a thing cannot exist independent of Consciousness- or one who is conscious of that thing. After all, if no one is consciousness of it then what is it? It changes everything. It changes the paradigm. But the materialist paradigm is absolutely impossible. You would see that if you looked.
  23. Nah I got lucky But my dogs did it too often so I changed out the I'm set for the next trip And if you know me you know I haven't tried DMT yet. But I will. That should be a fucking blast 😀 just hopefully not a blast I have to clean up after.