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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Alright well you know me I don't frequent that section but I probably should. You were supposed to fly in with some DMT I'll check it out. But yeah- back to the topic of good and evil- there really ain't any difference. An enlightened being can destroy the entire universe. Would he? Probably not. But could he? Well yeah- because who else is God but the devil? If he has a bad day he could. And who would feel the consequences? You guessed it.
  2. I'm not saying you didn't find enlightenment. Im happy for you. But what changed in the past few years? Make a thread about it and I'm sure we will all be interested. Love ya. Just giving you crap.
  3. 1 + 1 does = 10. In the Absolute sense.
  4. Don't bother. She thinks she's higher than all of us.. maybe she is but I don't wanna know if it's legal.
  5. Lol..what? Now you are making @Vincents point for him. True Oneness includes separation. You're just rambling now.
  6. Because it's no different than a video game. In a game you know the players are all you, but you trick yourself anyway,. Why? Because what the fuck else is there? If you are conscious of this, than fine.
  7. No. We ARE your consciousness. If you think there is any separation between us and you whatsoever than you have not awoken. There is only one Mind in town.
  8. So we have talked plenty of times but it's been a few years. I guess you found awakening. I think it's pretty arrogant of you, however, to storm in and tell everyone else they have waking up to do. Afrerall - if you truly realized God- you would also realize that we are just a figment of your consciousness.
  9. Forget the body . The body is imaginary. It's a total illusion. What you are is pure Consciousness. You have identified yourself as the body.
  10. The body is imaginary. Forget the body. And Yes it dissolves with ego death. Which is death. It's called enlightenment. But it returns. That is what you are doing here.
  11. The ego is never fully dissolved other than during enlightenment or an infinite state- it exists because you are alive at all. If it didn't exist you would just fall in front of a train.
  12. I think this is a very valid philosophical question. Does physical death mean the cessation of this reality? Well - that is if you think the materialist paradigm is true.
  13. No. The physical body is part of the dream. You are mistaking physicality for the dream itself. That's only because Inifnity or an Infinite dream includes the ability to feel - so it feels physical. In other words - the dream could end in any number of ways - it doesn't have to result in what you call the physical body dying. You could access such high states of consciousness that you could literally imagine it out of existence- without touching the human body at all. It's a mind fuck for sure. But remember all physicality is completely imaginary. It's just that you put so much imagination power into the physical body being the end that now it is - because you've made it that!
  14. Yes. But he must still face the consequences created within that dream. And he does it knowing that he let his ego lead him. That's fine because he was aware of it both before and after. He didn't give a shit. Yes it does but also.doesnt. if you have learned nothing from Leo's work learn this one thing- reality is paradoxical. It's a mind fuck for sure. But that is because of total Oneness. If you are seeing a pattern here trace it back to Oneness. Which is the preface of everything we teach here.
  15. @Simbruh beware of those who say beware of those who say they are enlightened. Go back and do self inquiry and let's see how you end up.
  16. God is the deceiver. But you can come to realize that God is that which appears as the dream.
  17. Beginner idealism stuff. All of this should be completely obvious to you. If it is not there is a big problem- but only if you give a fuck about reality. If you don't, there is no problem. But if you do, this never should have been a surprise.
  18. It's so simple. Unconsciousness is imaginary. Death is imaginary. There is only infinite consciousness. There is only Infinity. When you become enlightened you wish for death because it is Infinite Love.
  19. Maybe he and @James123 should join a pac and start hanging out instead of arguing. In all serious- neither are God realized so neither can comment. Both have been here debating for years without actually doing the practices. So it's no wonder they don't know what God is. The full framework is before them but they are totally blind to it - which is abominable knowing their level of both intelligence and open mindedness.
  20. But he is clueless - absolutely clueless - when it comes to spirituality. But most people in society are. But that's why you are here. If you want to be. There's a whole other level beyond Tate.
  21. Rich how? What are you doing for money? I'm glad if he helped you in that regard but it seems to me he is just engrossed in ego. Just don't mix him in with spirituality. And idolize Leo? He IS ME. And Andrew Tate IS you. It's just you helping you. That's real spirituality. Not Andrew Tate who is a figment of your imagination. At least use some enlightened dude. I don't know- Ramana Ramharshi or someone.
  22. That doesn't explain why it moves you closer to enlightenment. It does, but not how you think. The most effective suffering for enlightenment is a broken heart. Because reality is love. If you could actually break your own heart so badly you would awaken almost instantly.
  23. Andrew Tate knows nothing. Drop him like a bad habit. He may get you laid, but you can do that on your own. Don't look to him for philosophical concepts - he's not that.
  24. Youre not very clear or speaking with proper grammar. I'm not sure if you are high or what but if you have something meaningful to add to the dialogue please do otherwise remain taciturn 😀