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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. We talked some time last year and you had not really awoken yet. Obviously that has changed. I am sorry I didn't give you the respect you deserved before for that - there are not many enlightened beings on this forum, there are only a handful. It is really good to be with you.
  2. It truly is. It is so remarkable. I know we have our struggles in everyday life. I certainly have them. But God realization just sets you completely free. And you don't have to kill the physical body to do it, that's whats so beautiful about it.
  3. Yeah. But did you really know how actually "required" it is? we never talk about that. We just talk about meditation and psychedelics. Yes, we knew that if you put yourself into immense suffering alone like Christ did on the stake then you would become God - but honestly it never really hit home for me until now. It's MANDATORY.
  4. Thanks brother, I love you. It is a miracle. But we are one.
  5. Damn - that's fucking awesome. I didn't mean to derail the thread guys - started a new one on suffering.
  6. What do you think about my thoughts on suffering. I always knew it was paramount in awakening - but why didn't i realize that not only is it paramount, it is CRUCIAL? It's actually required! Thats something that is really not stated enough here. This is for natural awakening, not using psychedelics. Even then, with psycehdelics, I think that you would have had to have undergone some type of suffering before hand to be able to release the ego.
  7. I really needed it too, I had some deep suffering the past few days with something that happened, and I felt like i had no hope. Only God realization saved me. The more i look back now, on my awakenings, I realize that suffering was so paramount in all of them. It was the catalyst. That is probably why Leo couldn't wake up without psychedelics. Because the suffering was not there, prior to the meditation.
  8. Because he can't capture himself that way, he has to capture himself with direct being. I'm sorry i didn't read your question correctly. He couldn't create a word to capture the Inifnite. All words are finite so he was screwed.
  9. yes brother - God is Nothing and Everything and Love. I had an awakening tonight. I felt God's love wash over me for probably two hours. it was unreal. It was me. The real me, not the ego me. The thing or the no thing behind the ego. That's God.
  10. God is Nothing, but Nothing is Everything. God is the collapse of all duality.
  11. It's a man made label - its language. God didn't create the word God, that is a human thing. So in a sense "he" did - because who else would? You incarnated into a human as God and then made up the word. God is brilliant isn't "he"?
  12. Hah. You realized that one. As if it's nothing.
  13. @Water by the River @Breakingthewalli am having an on an awakening on the forum. God is washing over me. This is beautiful.
  14. Why don't you just start with basic God realization
  15. Precisely. Sadly the cost for this is the attachment God has for the form its currently in. It is to forfeit that. Depending on how attached God got, that could be a fuckery. But that was precisley by intention. And as a bonus, if you can realize you are God while in a particular form, especially one you got attached to - it is most satsifying.
  16. @Water by the River is the real deal. You are wise to heed what he has to say. I like your progress, by the way. You will be sitting with the Buddah in no time
  17. Update your photo. We are going on 6 years now.
  18. Listen to Leo's facets of awakening video - these are the facets. However, there are not levels to these facets, there are only the direct realizations. These realizations won't happen in one sitting. But it will happen in a string once you start waking up.
  19. That's only because you had to take psychedelics .
  20. What you are missing is that everyghing is BS. So yeah karma is imagined just like everything else. You carve out your own destiny friend. But what you have to remember is that you ARE the whole thing...and then you created this reality and placed yourself into it - and created "karma" and "luck" and everything else that goes with it. All of it is imagined by you and dreamed up by you. So that karma you make is something you are manifesting anyway. It's all the same thing in the end.
  21. Consciousness imagines itself incarnating into a physical body. There actually is onlly Consicousness. It is absolutely amazing.