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Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Actually it does - because you are the only Consciousness in town, so of course you can awaken. We see people die everyday and we wonder, why do some die young and others don't? And why am I still here? But notice - that we are just imagining other people dying, just like we are imagining that other people can or cannot awaken. It's all imaginary, because you are God, and hence, you are the only thing that can awaken! -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Precisely. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sorry, I've been in monk mode since my awakening. I shut away from all social media even my cell phone, and have just been sitting in meditation. The waves of bliss were too much. I wish i had never stopped meditating. But yes, its not very close to solipsism - its Absolute Solipsism - meaning, you aren't part of God, you are the WHOLE of GOD. You're the whole thing. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Well, that's not entirely true - there could be all awakened people. Wouldn't such a society be glorious? it would be far different from what we have now. Just nothing but mystics. Now that is like something out of a science fiction book, like an advanced, awakened, alien race. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Water by the RiverThere is no specific way an enlightened being has to act, or even teach. They can use words how they deem fit- but the key there, is that they will be pointing to something that can be found in direct experience. Some may use the word God, others may choose not to. Some may use the term ifninite, others may not. But there is usually going to be a common ground somewhere. Like you said, most enlightened beings don't really speak openly with such terms as God and Solipsism, because as you pointed out, it can cause confusion for the unenlightened being. So i agree there. This is something we do here rather flippently, and perhaps we should tone it down rather than cause confusion or cause the newcomer here to fall into delusion of the ego... But i think as long as it is pointed out not to take anything as a belief or an idealogy, but to do spiritual practices to discover whats True for yourself, then the teacher is doing his due diligence.. And again, here we also have a book list with many great authors, some enightened, that can break it down better than we can on a forum, with threads that are often incomplete or missing certain aspects of things. Look at all the texts you have perused and your knowledge of spirituaity is pretty top notch. So you didn't get confused. We can't really make everyone understand how not to confuse the ego with the various facets of enlightenment. We make it pretty clear that the ego goes by the wayside, in fact, when one realizes these facets. But only through spiritual practices, and I might add, deep suffering. Deep suffering is a necessary component, hence my post. I think it is often overlooked. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If there isn't a self, then there isn't other either. But that is precisely what Oneness is. Lets look - do other's exist? yes! sure they exist - as a concept. The self also exists, as a concept. Read Peter Ralston for more insight into that. I'm speaking with you conceptually now, so whether you physically exist is immaterial - we are merely concepts ourselves exchanging concepts. On a deeper level it is just God speaking with God. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yup. Well, I'm going to break it down for you guys. Really think about the collapse of the self/other duality. If there isn't a self, then how can there be anything separate or outside of that self? THere can't. There can only be, well, BEING. and that's what we have. We have Being.. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I know what you are saying here. But its the same thing. You're just conufsing the concept of God with the actuality of God. When you become God you are aren't going to post about it, because you are just being God. So there isn't any words involved. We're just using the terms here as pointers. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is simply not the case. With all due respect. The mistake you make here is that the psyche has absolutely nothing to do with God realization or enlightnement ( I am using the words interchangeably here) The psyche is the ego mind, and it must perish for you to experience yourself as God. Now once that happens, you can have later awakenings, but that is only because you are already conscious that the self is illusory. So the ego plays no role in this. What you are referring to is shadow work, which again, is not a prerequisite of enlightenment. Enlightenment is about losing the form and merging with the Godhead. No not merging, becoming. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Let's examine this a bit deeper. If its another dimension than I cannot see or touch, then it is no different than being singular. That is what the Infinity of Gods video by Leo stated. It does not contradict solipsism. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You are kind of contradicting yourself here. First you say it is the crucbile, but then you say it does not lead to enlightenment. Well, if it pushes you in that direction I would say that means it leads to enlightnement. i think what you are saying is that not everyone who suffers will awaken. I would concur with that - but now I bring you back to solipsism. If only suffering can wake you up, and its just you, then there you have it. I'm telling you man, i had a massive awakening as God tonight. What I am telling you is the real deal. There is no other. There is only You. You can say, well, if that was the case, why even bother trying to convince me of it - but i do have a ready answer for that. It's because you are me! -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
yeah, you face that bad boy head on. But it's more profound than even that. Look at what @Someone here said about Tolle - he couldn't continue to live with himself. That is suffering. He was there, he just didn't harm the body. And that's what gets you to enlightenment. It's just because enlightenment is death - God is death. I would never say harm the body because you can die without doing that, and i was no different than Tolle. In fact my enlightnement is about the same as his. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Other is identical to God, but if you are God, that makes them you. They ARE you, they don't have independent consciousnesses. I don't want to turn this into a solipsism thread, but it is as fundamental as suffering, so we have to acknowledge it. And it also addresses all the weird questions if ypu think about it. You dont have to have the direct realization of it to know that it solves almost every question of the ego mind. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Exactly! Those are perfect examples! so there you go... -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's not. It's just pure suffering in finite form. But if the deep longing causes you suffering, it will have the same affect. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes I know it was sober, impressive. Because I know you took psychedelics as well. But have you realized Solipsism? I mean utlimately this must be the ultimate conclusion. You must know that if you are ahead of us. Do you not believe that you are all of God? After all, if you do realize that you are all of God, that you are Pure Consciousness and Oneness - then you must also know that there cannot be "other" , other than in your imagination. That is the ultimate realization and the one thing holding one back from God realization. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thank you friend. You know you are dear to me. I am saying something deeper in the post though - I'm saying it is a an absolute requirement for awakening to yourself as God. Without it, you cannot awaken. That is what I am saying. I am not saying it is the only component, but I am stating that it is the catalyst. Meditation is not the catalyst. Nor are psychedelics. That's a bold claim I'm making, but it is from direct experience. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So if suffering isn't the only answer, whats the secret ingredients? -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
So basically, the question is null and void in your opinion because there is nothing wrong with suicide. Actually suicide is Enlightnement, because reality is consciousness, so there is no death, really. That's a very interesting take and actually it's quite correct. I just think it would be cooler if God could realize itself without just ending the life of the form and never knowing it was God. But what I think happens here is Consciousness. Rats don't wake up - they go through their whole life, and never awaken. So why would some humans awaken, if there level of consciousness wasn't high enough. And now again - solipsism wipes this all clean. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Haha.. Awakening isn't mandatory. I guess a lot go through life and never know the difference. But why does God want to realize himself in only some forms? Does he have a bias to certain form?. It's interesting. It's paradoxical because you have deduce that either its random, or God just wants to awaken itself in certain forms. But again, because of Solipsism, this question is null and void, but its fun to just imagine. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah, It comes down to the suffering becoming so strong that you are faced with death. You can die, and just give up basically. Or you can realize you are God and escape it. And come back to fight another day. That's what I think God realization is about. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I disagree with leo on certain aspects of enlightenment so I am not okay with everything he says. but he is right about a TON. a ton. But there are a few things he is wrong about, and that's OK. It is just where he is at on the path. And that's just my perspective. For all i know, in his reality, he has everything right. And so could you - So 'm not discounting your enlightnement by any means. But ahead of "us" I just don't understand what that means, Please explain. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Arthogaanwell, actually i do know the answer to my own question. It's because there is only me. I don't like to face that most times, that other people are imaginary. it's hard to swallow, so I normally don't go there. But you don't have to answer, because I already know. It's just so fucked up. Its super fucked up. Of course, that's just my perspective, that isn't God's. So to God, the nature of reality doesn't depend on what we think about it. And i realize that it must be this way. It must, because of Oneness. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Excactly. But still - i still wonder why some who suffer so deep don't awaken. - They commit suicide. I don't understand. Maybe Leo will put a video out on this - i mean, he's the genius. But I just wonder why some awaken via suffering and some don't. Maybe they never got exposed to spirituality or maybe their mind just didn't expand enough. -
Inliytened1 replied to Inliytened1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What do you mean by being way ahead, and whats this new material you are referring to? I would be interested in hearing about it, and I won't ban you or anything, so don't worry about that. But one thing I will say, is that we have all checked our ego at the door. There isn't really one person ahead of another here, we're all on the path.