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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. This all selfishness. This isn't God. I mean it is , but it's God acting out of pure selfishness. This isn't God realization it is just selfishness.
  2. There are some who don't have that extra gear you have - to break free. They cannot think outside of the paradigm they were brought up in. I always held out that there was no God - so that kept the beliefs at bay. But there are many that don't. And for them breaking free is near impossible.
  3. You don't understand what's it's like unless you've become fully indoctrined into it from birth. And bought into it. It's impossible to get out of. Just like materialism. It's burned into you.
  4. About time you said something useful
  5. Confronting your deepest fears is what you face now. But take hope. Your teachings have been correct thus far. So don't stop now.
  6. This is all still the imagination of Infinity. Infinity is pure imagination. You are crafting it with every second of your being
  7. It's a nice escape. I'll give you that.
  8. Sit in no mind. Your mind races with what it could be. The point is to shut the mind down.
  9. But it does. Don't be fooled. The difference is lucidity.
  10. You don't stop imagining when you awake. You will always be Imagining because there is only this.
  11. Yes. Now can we. That is the ultimate question.
  12. Than don't. Don't assume awakening is nothing short of miraculous. You see your own mind will attempt to keep you from God realization. Notice that it is it's only goal. Go back and watch the self deception videos because it is all self deception specifically designed to keep you from the truth. And when you truly awaken there will be no one to thank
  13. The point was the stages of development. The model was not meant to replace reality.
  14. Self inquiry meditation isn't about realizing what you aren't. It is inquiring into what you are. Try that. Notice that saying you can't become something you aren't already is an assumption. Is there direct validation of this?
  15. Why? Spirituality is direct experience. Religion is belief. Don't confuse the concept of Spirituality with actual Spirituality.
  16. This is more of the spiritual mumbo-jumbo that will keep you from ever actually awakening. It's no different than neo-advaita. There is no self to awaken. It's the same.
  17. This is how Catholicism holds you trapped. You are going to have to rise above this if you want to truly discover reality.
  18. @Osaid its not a feature of logic it is a feature of reality. Contradiction is non-logical because it is paradox. Logic and Contradiction are both features of reality.
  19. Death does not exist other than an as an idea. Correct but it does not negate enlightenment
  20. No.. death is not what you think it is. Death and ego death are the same thing. The changing of form or the relinquishing of the dream is not death it is change. Nothing can physically die it can just morph into something else...the death is the relinquishing of the idea of what you were before.
  21. Well - no - you become awaken fully - its the whole deal. You will completely wake up as God. But then, you will go back into the dream because you are not ready to let it go forever. Thats why with enlightenment you are still appearing to be in the body. You're speaking of Masamadhi. Or permanent Awakening or change of form. This to me now is simply a concept because I have no direct validation. But I can tell you that enlightenment is all it's cracked up to be. You will die and become God. The physical body returns because of the attachment to this particular dream.
  22. Thats probably the only thing you got right. Because suffering is of the long as the ego exists suffering will exist to some degree. Enlightenment is the liberation from suffering in the present moment. But enlightenment is not permanent. Nothing is permanent but impermanence. But you do gain the wisdom to rise above suffering. That is key.
  23. Notice that this is an assumption. This in itself is a conceptual theory. Be very careful here. Enlightenment is something prior to this- it is direct Consciousness or Being. It is possible to awaken from the dream. Notice that believing it is a speculation is a direct conclusion without any direct validation.