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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. A state of Pure Being has no perceiver because the subject/ object duality completely collapses. So in essence perception is a complete illusion. It is just an illusory layer on top of Being. Yes it's a part of Being because all is one. But basically perception and thought are the dream. Can existence exist without dreaming? Yes it can just be itself. It's when it starts dreaming and perceiving that it stops appearing as itself but as some other entity.
  2. @Yimpa I thought we were your therapy? Or are we the reason you need therapy? πŸ˜€
  3. It is possible though - its called enlightenment. Merging or becoming now is enlightenment. Becoming Now is Infinity or infinite Consciousness.
  4. Shine the light! You guys kill me. Love this place.
  5. It means enlightenment. Breaking out of the dream and the ego mind. Your mind right now is locked in the matrix with certain beliefs that you hold keeping you locked there. Open your mind!
  6. Hey bro! Long time..glad you still check in @James123 you'll be back. Where else to discuss spirituality? Unless you are gonna go into isolation and live as a monk. If you do congratulations and I wish you well!
  7. Let's be honest. We are talking about God here- or a higher power. In terms of that there can't be multiple beliefs. If you believe there are multiple paths to God then that is your belief. If you believe that there is no path that is also your belief. You cannot escape a belief. You can directly experience God but that is not part of this discussion. In this case belief can be eluded. The question was can you hold multiple beliefs. It's tricky - but you can only hold one in your heart. Not knowing which is true and holding your mind open is simply the belief that everything is possible.
  8. To hell with society πŸ˜€ We cultivate our own Truth in the end. So don't blame the culture.
  9. Now we are talking. The fear of death MUST be ever present. Without it you couldn't exist as finite form. You would dissolve into Infinite Consciousness. The fear of death is not the fear of the cessation of @Someone here. It is fhe fear of all that he holds onto. All of his attachments. The biggest of those is his identity. The falling away of this identity is terrifying. But notice something very interesting here - who is it terrifying to?
  10. I know. It's fascinating to think that death could in fact be an illusion. It breaks the rules of the dream. But then, going against the rules perhaps is thinking outside the box. And who tells you to think inside the box? Well, the box of course. Or those within it. In order to break out of the box you have to learn to have your own mind and not let the minds within the box have enough influence to control your thinking.
  11. Because it's an illusion! How could anything happen after something that is a fallacy?
  12. I don't believe I do. Yet, on further investigation there may be many beliefs to uncover that I never realized I subscribed to. Who knows? πŸ˜€ I believe it's possible πŸ˜€
  13. Youre right! There is so much to be found there.
  14. No worries! I mean - Saruman started out as part of the white council but then succumbed to his own need for power and went to the dark side. His strength was at that time greater than Gandalf's. But Mithrandir returned from his battle with the Balrofg the White One - and was able to defeat Saruman. Sauron did not exist in body so could not be brought down in battle. Only the destruction of the Ring could be his demise because his power was wielded through the ring. And it took a little hobbit- the smallest being on the planet, to take out the largest threat that existed. If that isn't irony I'm not sure what is. But Hobbits are humble- so perhaps that makes them taller then they stand by measure of feet and inches. That symbolizes that it's not stature that is a measure of a man, but rather his heart.
  15. I think you are thinking of Sauron not Saruman...but yes those are very good points indeed πŸ˜‰ Saruman was part of the white council but his mind was bent by Sauron and he became a servant of the Dark Lord.
  16. I agree a thousand percent! We don't disagree about that.
  17. That's an interesting take - I like that a lot! I never thought of it in that context but it makes perfect sense! The ring itself, you could say has a lot of symbolic meaning. The slow, but steady corruption of the mind via selfishness and greed. And the need for power. Yet breaking free of the Ring in a sense is the liberation of self or ego falling away. But the longer one holds onto the ring, the more difficult it becomes. Until it completely consumes the individual and any selflessness and goodness that was there has vanished under the power of fhe ring.
  18. There is the concept of alone sure. There's a concept of the Absolute too πŸ˜€ but one could also argue that the Absolute can so too be divided into Absolute facets - depending on how one views the Absolute or experiences the Absolute. Goodness, for one - or Divinity for another. Perhaps love, maybe? And maybe Aloneness too! It's possible anyway - in the Infinite expanse that is reality
  19. Yeah but that just means they have turned a compilation of a group of different beliefs into one.
  20. I don't see how that would be possible if you truly believed in one thing your mind would be locked.
  21. Thanks ...i forgot to add that although Tolkien was brilliant i don't believe he was enlightened or knew much about mysticism. But his mind flowed with mystical thoughts. I believe he actually knew some visionary scientists who played fundamental roles in the discovery of quantum physics. And yes I know this is a thread from 2017 but as a huge Tolkien fan I couldn't resist.