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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Is it then that which cannot be spoken? Because whatever it is, according to you - it cannot be an experience.
  2. Duality and non-duality being polar opposites would be still a duality. So you are contradicting yourself.
  3. It may be interesting to observe but it really has nothing to do with the conversation in my opinion. That's no different than saying Consciousness is the same whether it's finite or Infinite.
  4. This is interesting..the way you have tried to direct the dialogue. I tried to suggest that Consciousness is none other than Mind - and when I did you appealed to the heart. Then when I said that you labeled Mind as something different than the heart you said that it's male persuasion. You do love to project! I mean seriously man - we are trying to have a metaphysical dialogue and you want to turn it into some type of male vs female thing. At least years ago we had decent arguments.
  5. You've labeled Mind as ego. But that is just a perspective.
  6. What if Mind and Heart were one?
  7. Nothing wrong with teaching or suggesting. In fact i was just suggesting to you....but anyways I'm not even saying it's completely undefinable or definable. I'm suggesting it could be completely subjective.
  8. The irony. Consciousness enforcing Consciousness.
  9. I wouldn't try to objectively define what enlightenment is to anyone. That might make them believe something. And that would be no better than religion. Maybe enlightenment is whatever it is to someone.
  10. In this thing we call reality can you lift a car with your bare hands? To your point that the self isn't Consciousness- well - you're right it isn't- but the Self is..and what are you if you aren't the self? You just might then be the Self - or Consciousness. So again I ask you- can you lift a car? Can Consciousness lift a car in this dream?
  11. Well then perhaps you should start reading the news. What's the definition of a hallucination?
  12. @enchanted These are moving words but these words can also be a huge egoic trap. This isn't the way to God. The way to God is to completely remove the self - to realize that the self was but an illusion. The self cannot know or understand God because the self never was. Only the Self exists.
  13. This is deflection. They aren't going after the many they are trying to preserve their survival. Has anybody cared about collateral damage when it comes to Jews? Do you think Hamas' attack on the Israelis took into consideration collateral damage? Think again. Like I said they are just playing to the level of the field. If you think it's wrong just look at all the wrongs done against them. Do two wrongs make a right? No, of course not. But wrong or right doesn't really matter when you are fighting to survive. If Hamas wanted to work together they wouldn't have struck first.
  14. What he said was there is finite Consciousness. It exists. It's a state of Consciousness. There is also an infinite state - or Infinite Consciousness. Just remember the metaphor that if God wasn't infinite he would not be able to limit himself and make himself unable to lift a boulder. But he can do that. So you see it is indeed paradoxical.
  15. It can appear finite and that's what he speaks of.
  16. Well, there are some people who can see the entire board at once and think many moves ahead. With chess even if you can think 3 moves ahead you have a strong advantage. Do you think it's possible that anyone can learn to think several moves ahead - yes. But then you get to- now how many moves ahead can you think... 4 - 5...infinite? In order to see an infinite number of moves ahead you would have to have infinite intelligence.
  17. @LSD-Rumi that's still an illusion. Its the sense of self.
  18. Is a lucid dream as real? No. Yes - if everyone was enlightened it would be a much better place. You're right- but then there couldn't be the aspect of being fooled. Being fooled and forgetting its just a big game IS reality. Think about that. But yes, eventually it will happen. Whether it be we destroy ourselves or we all awaken All dreams are meant to end.
  19. the Jews can't start oppressing European christians now - because its a different generation and different people than the Nazis. The Egyptian pharaoh is long gone. The times of splitting the red sea are long gone. Right now - they were attacked by the guys next door - and now that they are coming down on the guys next door without mercy you guys want to point the finger at the Jews. Why should they hold any mercy in their heart? Yeah - they should be the better people...after all they are the chosen people..right? But remember- they might just be playing to the level of the field. If it were that easy to be the better people they would - but they know that in doing that it would probably mean their demise just from the level of the field at large. In other words - you have to kneel when talking to a midget.
  20. It admits to this too - using the left brain 😀 that's what I love about AI - it's humility 😀
  21. Yeah but that's you imagining it has amazing comprehension. You're the one actually comprehending. Mind fuck.
  22. No it can't and this will be something AI can never do because it is a projection of your own mind grokking things. Don't underestimate this. Grokking is what intelligence is. There are some who can grok things at mich deeper levels than the average person (or animal) can and that's what sets them apart. When you look into your dog's eyes and he understands you. That's him grokking things. That is the essence of intelligence AI doesn't grok anything they just spit output out from the data input to them. The problem is that when AI becomes advanced enough you won't be able to tell the difference.
  23. @yetineti have you ever grokked a thing? Of course you have. Can that be explained? What caused it and how did it happen? It's "supernatural". So do you think animals would leverage a different mechanism? No - grokking a thing is just purely magical.
  24. Yes intelligence is relative. - but there really isnt such thing as human intelligence, or animal intelligence. - it all really boils down to just understanding of a thing - and this is the same across all species.