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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. What i meant by 'he's starting to realize the realness" is that the more he deepens his enlightment, the more "conscious" of reality he comes, the more he actually experiences it, and it's not just intellectual at that point. He talks about this in the Ego backlash video. The deeper one's enlightment, the more they experience this and become conscious of it, the more they realize that to truly transcend to the highest level of personal development, it means the end of the ego! That's the part that's hard to stomach because your ego doesn't want to "know" that it's not real and it will fight tooth and nail to protect itself. So you have this cat and mouse game within yourself. That said - one has to push through this and really complete full transcendence - meaning the death of one's ego. This means basically becoming a Jesus like figure (or the individual at the final stage of Zen depicted in the OX herding pictures. But hell, this is a tough pill to swallow for the ego while it still draws breath. It means deep inner reflection which could lead to major changes in one's life, one's business, and etc. That's what I meant with the realness (which is eerily paradoxical to the "unrealness" of reality itself. The idea of it being hollow - undefined. Being is just "it" - it's not nothing or everything, it just fucking "is"'s outside of language and everything else. Until you actually experience this for real this is all just theory and intellectual talk to you. Experiencing is a WHOLE other thing entirely. What I think may happen is that hundreds of years down the line are society will consist of only those are able to transcend. Those that can't will simply die off. Pyschedelics are just tools in a toolbox - i wasn't using them when i became enlightened. The enlightenment is still within me, it is just harder for me to become "being" now than it was before, but i know it's still there. Mikael89 - to your point of Enlightenment is personal death, not personal growth - that is an excellent insight - however i do not believe it is true. I believe that enlightment is becoming your TRUE self, and it is the death of your false self. Your true self can be beautiful and you can exist as your true self in the human flesh, but most will never be able to make this their default state - for me it was only for a week, as my ego is too strong and beat it back. That is our job, to slowly chip away at our ego to make it weak enough to overpower and transcend into our true self. Whether that can be accomplished or not will depend on the individual - and for many the ego is sooo engrained and so strong in them that they will never be able to stomach it. That was the reason I poised the question.
  2. I didn't take Leo's word for it, i actually experienced the absolute. Once this happens to you, it just is. It's real. You can call it whatever you want to call it at that point but once you have actually experienced it you will know for yourself and this debate melts away.
  3. Who knows, if they are, they're completely ignorant.
  4. Have any of you guys experienced music triggering a mystical experience? I seem to be experiencing it a lot although I think i've been in a high conscious state for about a week now. It's like goose bumps but multiply that by like a billion. And it's from within you not on the outside of the skin.
  5. @Talinn yes its like the internal struggle really magnified. I will do more contemplation on this. It's like you have way more delusion than the average person but yet you also have way more intuition at the same time and the ego is fighting itself because of that. It's really fucked up. But the meditation really helped as well as following all of the principles Leo lays out. Most people with mental illness never see these aspects and aren't able to get the true healing they need and it's sad.
  6. @Roch SO..... This is a very interesting topic because i was under the impression that i had pure OCD all of my life until I became enlightened. I believe OCD is the mind's unconscious desire for more consciousness and it really drives the ego crazy. This is good because you may actually be spiritually gifted and can get enlightened much faster! The best way to bring your OCD symptoms to zero is to do the "do nothing" meditation technique. This will do 2 things: Firstly it will calm your mind as you watch your obsessive thoughts come, and go. You need to do this OVER and OVER and OVER. Keep doing this daily as long as it takes. Rotate between this and the self inquiry technique Leo shows you how to do, and listen to his videos on this while doing self inquiry. I literally became enlightened listening to his videos, but I also did the do nothing technique weekly. One day, something magical is going to ocurr, and it's going to blow your mind. Your OCD will begin to melt away. Yes - I mean melt away. You see, you never had anything wrong with you - you weren't broken - you were actually attune to the Truth with a capital T and you longed for more consciousness, but you didn't know it. This caused your ego massive anxiety. Note: People with "pure OCD" only have the thoughts, not the physical obsessions so becoming enlightened will be easier than a person who has the compulsions as well because meditation might be much harder for them. Let me know if you have any questions about this - i've been dealing with what I thought was OCD (another illusion) for 30 years. It's almost zero now, having been beat down and melted via enlightenment.
  7. Thanks all - especially VioletFlame for their insights on this! This confirmed my intuition on Music and it's connection to spirituality and Metaphysics.
  8. @purerogue Yes - and i do want to add that during my whole mystical experience i was able to understand everything about the universe and infinity, and what we are, etc all just clicked and it was pretty amazing considering this is the greatest discovery of all time although it's not going to be recognized for at least 100 years.
  9. Guys I wanted to let you know i got enlightened "fully" a few days ago - it's truly beyond words, no pun intended. I have been crying on and off today when i get a bit "hit" of the full magnitude. I wanted to thank you for bringing it out in me, even though you ARE me. So i guess I'm thanking myself LOL. But i also realized what an addiction is. I found your site because i was trying to fight against what I thought was an alcohol addiction. Some of the other sites i had found before you were good, but they didn't reach the full scope. They kept saying alcohol addiction is an illusion, with alcohol itself causing the illusion. So now i just had an insight that actually, an addiction is an illusion within THE illusion ..(i know you know what the illusion is (the dream itself). If you can recognize this illusion inside the illusion while in your ego form, you can become self aware that it's an illusion and avoid it if you consciousness stays in a high enough state. That's all an addiction actually is. And it's created within awareness, in this case your awareness. -Dave P.S Now that i have this amazing feeling I realized that i pretty much have to keep it to myself. So i'de love to find the next retreat. Ok guys - Looking forward to hearing from myself (inside joke) -Dave
  10. Aaron - are retreats super important or just useful? I'de LOVE to find out, I believe i may be spiritually gifted so I have not gone on any retreats, i've just mediated in saunas and at home for about a year now. 2: is it really pure clarity, knowledge and bliss 100% of the time? No it's not - when you experience a mystical experience it is like that - but then it kinda fades back to your normal ego, only you feel "different". I believe it's because you have gained consicousness - sometimes you can feel your whole body and mind literally opening up and expanding. It scared the crap out of me at first. One thing I struggle with now is that when i get back to the normal ego i have to kinda stay at a hightened awareness so that I don't "lose it". This requires regular meditation and also fighting with my ego that this whole thing is not real - because you can't really share it with anyone and my ego uses that against me BIGTIME (more ego deception) I have since quit some bad addictions and made radical changes in my life that i KNOW i wouldn't be able to do without this. (because i tried in the past and couldn't) 3: how old are you and how long did it take to get fully enlightened? I'm 48 - and i believe it took me 3-4 years to get enlightened but may have actually been a lifetime since I suffered with OCD, which appears to cleared up like 90 percent now. 4: is it hard to get offended, and do you find yourself living "holier"? Yes totally - as far as being offended -no - i mean it's less hard but mastering emotions will be another task, though i find i have a jump on things now. 5: do you have a relatively "normal" western life, filled with social interactions and a job etc? Yes I do although i'm looking towards possibly making this my life's work in some capacity (transition to writing books or starting a site) 6: Is it true that you possess all knowledge and wisdom when your enlightened? I have only felt 100% infinity twice and it was very fast, but during that time, it's complete bliss and peace. I wasn't deep enough yet to experience the wisdom and knowledge part yet - i have a lot more work. I think i'm only like between 6-7 on the Zen Oxe Stages. Lots more work. I do think i came away more intelligent after these experiences for sure and i feel like i have way more consciousness. I will think of things i never thought of before and think in a totally different way. I
  11. Sometimes when I come back from a mystical state I'm kinda like "in between" - But it's actually Godlike almost for a while until I merge back into my "new" ego. Remember, you are slowly merging deeper and deeper with infinity so when you come back to your ego you are "different" but in a good way. You have to take fear out of the equation and embrace your new ego. Let go of the old ego as it's an idea, as everything is. -David
  12. that's an excellent question and i struggled with this myself. But you come to realize that, remember here - you are absolute infinity, which is all possiblities. That means you can actually experience absolute infinity, if even for a few minutes during a mystical experience (higher state of consciousness) You come back as your ego, so you don't lose your ego - only more intelligent and more self-actualized. You are literally grabbing more consciousness everytime this happens and your suffering will start to melt away, literally before your eyes, as time goes on. Your goal is to become so self actualized that you are as close to infinity as "humanly" possible which is going to VERY blissful. Think of it like this - you will have 99.99999 percent bliss and the remaining is suffering. So you can't get rid of the suffering completely until you literally BECOME infinity forever, which is death. In which case i believe you will reincarnate as another being, once again forgetting who you really are, and the process starts all over again - but note, there is no pain anywhere in that because you won't remember who you were before. So that's what Leo means when you have the next xxx amount of years left in life (depending on how old you are) to continue to diminish your suffering to the point where you life pretty much is bliss all the time, and that's as perfect as we can be. You can even experience COMPLETE infinity if only for a time even while you are alive (because it has to be, as being is infinite possiblities) You will also gain 99.99999 percent of infinite intelligence (consciousness) if you can get that self actualized as well. This whole thing is WAY more powerful than you know unless you have been enlightened - and even if you have, that's just the beginning as you have to continue your work until the end. Hope that helps.