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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. It's funny because the paradox of enlightenment is that sometimes as was with me before my enlightenement due to lack of consciousness I wanted the money but afterwards and during I actually thought about that and it feels like you won every lottery there is.. But you won the lottery of life itself not of money. You won consciousness. And money exists within consciousness. So what you won is just so much deeper than money. The materialist would choose money everytime because they simply don't have the consciousness to see what is truly fulfilling in life This realization can actually bring you to tears especially if you were at orange for so long. So it's more than just a dumb question it's a actually a very interesting one. The answer lies in your perspective and hence level of consciousness.
  2. @SBB4746 nailed! Funny thing is pure consciousness has to be so rare that it might be 1 in a billion people. Even the most enlightened people still have shit lingering somewhere. So you would never actually know if you met the guy.
  3. @Joseph Maynor @Joseph Maynor You mean the fact that I am indeed an idea as well and not real? There is in fact no difference. And I became conscious of this the week I became enlightened. And on the day of that realization and true consciousness of my true being I basically went from complete bliss to feeling dead inside. Not sure how to even describe the despair of that moment of realization other than to say see my post on stomaching the truth. Ego backlash resulted.
  4. @Joseph Maynor correct. There is only the idea or concept of the body which exists within consciousness. How did this come about? That is what the great mind which is all of infinity simply mustered up. It's the same question as to why there is a tree or why there is existence. Infinity is everything....
  5. @Joseph Maynor There isn't... The body exists within consciousness as well.
  6. Absolutely.. I believe it was actually my longing for my ex (combined with a lot of other factors that all came together) that actually helped bring about my ultimate enlightenment. It was such intense suffering over a 5 year span that liberation for me was the ultimate release.
  7. @TheAvatarState @TheAvatarState Dont be so sure! Maybe not in person.....
  8. Lol.. Society exists within consciousness silly.
  9. @tecladocasio yes... Those at the highest levels can live completely ordinary lives... They don't necessarily have to but they might. In fact they probably will be much more on the simpler and more minimalist side than to the contrary. That said that doesn't mean they aren't aware of everything and can't mentor another person.. It all depends on whether or not that's something that they desire to do. Alternatively some people although deeply enlightened may not have the consciousness to actually teach. It's actually something they haven't developed yet.
  10. Your probably not going to get a ton of replies to this because most of us here so I've noticed are enlightened. So.. Myself? I'm not trying to be arrogant but once you reach a certain level you no longer look up to anyone else... Not because you are better but because you are conscious. Your Conscious that there is no one else but yourself. So umm...
  11. A giant mindfuck. Literally it is a giant mind so just add the fuck part!
  12. You are partitioned consciousness. Why is consciousness partitioned? Again God cannot experience everything without partitioning itself.
  13. Leo I'm in Chicago so would love for you to come there sometime in 2019.
  14. exactly -- you seem to have a good grasp of it and an open mind so i think it will happen to you if you continue down the path.
  15. Yes i sure have, i responded to your other post just now...
  16. NO - you are ABSOLUTELY right....skip all the mumbojumbo BS and know this: Pure being - becoming being itself, cannot be put into words, so you are right - it just HAPPENS. (your point to clicks on it's own) All the other stuff helps get your mind quiet enough and open enough to where it can just happen. And when it happens, words cant fucking describe it.. You will just drop to your knees and say "Oh my fucking god" "oh my fucking god" over and over and over.
  17. @Yousef Because infinity is everything............... EVERYTHING. Everything means every POSSIBLE thing - one of which is the illusion of your ego. ...and "nothing" (can't put a word on that really) and the computer in front of you, and the sky, and on and on and on. It might seem like a shallow, woo woo answer - but once you get an actual "hit" of absolute infinity through enlightment, it becomes very apparent.
  18. Ahh, but to understand this, you must understand infinity itself - it is ALL possibilities. Your ego, my friend, is one possibility. It is infinity/GOD, making itself forget that it's infinity in order to become one possibility. One perspective. In that way the "great mind" of reality can "be" in all of it's infinite ways. The questions you are asking are coming from the perspective of YOUR ego, so of course you would ask those questions! If infinity wasn't infinity, there wouldn't be a YOU asking THESE QUESTIONS!
  19. I was watching one of Leo's videos, specifically on society accepting psychedelics and something dawned on me. Let me preface this that a few weeks ago i experienced enlightment and a non-dual mystical experience the likes of which I have never ever before experienced. Everything I believed as materialist changed in an instant. The whole experience lasted a week, and got so deep that i understood everything about the universe, a complete understanding as Leo has described in his experience with absolute infinity. But then, it REALLY sunk in - it became all too real - and I hit my knees as I truly understood what Leo meant by the question - can you stomach the truth? I was of course looking at just one side of the coin - the nothingness side of the coin - but it still hit me hard that we were in a dream and of no physical substance. After that I experienced Ego backlash the likes of which was off the charts. I have continued to meditate but i have not been able to achieve the same types of experiences, although with music i can achieve very brief mystical experiences. I believe my ego could not stomach it, and completely shut it down. So this my friends is the ultimate question. Even if we legalize pyschedelics and everyone becomes enlightened - will they be able to stomach the truth? Could it be that that's why this hasn't become the mainstream yet, and could it be possible that it might never? That society will try to cover this up for thousands of years to come? Leo specifically mentioned that there are negative aspects to pyschedelics as you go deep inside yourself, and you have to be mentally prepared for it. Some even might not be able to stomach it at all and could potentially take their lives. So as wonderful as the truth is, and I agree with leo that we need to know the truth so that we can self-actualize and continue our consciousness work for the remainder of our lives and separate ourselves from our ego until our ego is basically locked up in a small prison cell until our death. This may have been what was supposed to be the destiny of mankind, but if you notice even in Leo's videos of late he is starting to realize the "realness" of the whole thing and part of it can be hard to handle. So my question is, can mankind really stomach the truth? Many I believe can, but many i believe cannot and will not. Even if everyone becomes enlightened, once they become deep enough enlightened when the real truth actually sinks in it may be so hard to stomach that their ego will completely shut it down, preferring to live in a false reality over the truth of reality. That, friends, is the ultimate question.
  20. Ahh, but it may be counter intuitive. In other words, you must actually build up your false self in order to transcend it... Quite the paradox - but you cannot achieve your higher self without actually purifying the false self (improving it to the point where you actually kill it off! and achieve enlightment.
  21. @Jack River Indeed, what I said just in simpler terms.
  22. Here's what it means. When you are in an enlightened state, it in it's very essence is non-dual. Therefore it all becomes irrelevant. You are pure being, infinity itself - and therefore there is no ego, nor thought of lower self vs higher self, and which is better. The problem is very few people walk around as "pure being" all the time - as a matter of fact, i wonder if it's even possible without the death of the physical body. So his question is valid, (FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE EGO)!) simply because when you are your ego, you are not your higher self. When you are your higher self, you are not your ego. Do you see the problem here? I experienced full enlightment, and a complete non-dual experience. So this isn't just theory to me. I have been PURE being before (we already are, and always are, but what i mean is being totally conscious of it, and that's when you BECOME IT. Unfortunately this is not 24/7. Leo himself tried making this his default state -- how is that working out so far? So while you are your EGO, this question is going to be there, simply because it IS YOUR EGO THAT"S SAYING IT! See what's going on here?
  23. What i meant by 'he's starting to realize the realness" is that the more he deepens his enlightment, the more "conscious" of reality he comes, the more he actually experiences it, and it's not just intellectual at that point. He talks about this in the Ego backlash video. The deeper one's enlightment, the more they experience this and become conscious of it, the more they realize that to truly transcend to the highest level of personal development, it means the end of the ego! That's the part that's hard to stomach because your ego doesn't want to "know" that it's not real and it will fight tooth and nail to protect itself. So you have this cat and mouse game within yourself. That said - one has to push through this and really complete full transcendence - meaning the death of one's ego. This means basically becoming a Jesus like figure (or the individual at the final stage of Zen depicted in the OX herding pictures. But hell, this is a tough pill to swallow for the ego while it still draws breath. It means deep inner reflection which could lead to major changes in one's life, one's business, and etc. That's what I meant with the realness (which is eerily paradoxical to the "unrealness" of reality itself. The idea of it being hollow - undefined. Being is just "it" - it's not nothing or everything, it just fucking "is"'s outside of language and everything else. Until you actually experience this for real this is all just theory and intellectual talk to you. Experiencing is a WHOLE other thing entirely. What I think may happen is that hundreds of years down the line are society will consist of only those are able to transcend. Those that can't will simply die off. Pyschedelics are just tools in a toolbox - i wasn't using them when i became enlightened. The enlightenment is still within me, it is just harder for me to become "being" now than it was before, but i know it's still there. Mikael89 - to your point of Enlightenment is personal death, not personal growth - that is an excellent insight - however i do not believe it is true. I believe that enlightment is becoming your TRUE self, and it is the death of your false self. Your true self can be beautiful and you can exist as your true self in the human flesh, but most will never be able to make this their default state - for me it was only for a week, as my ego is too strong and beat it back. That is our job, to slowly chip away at our ego to make it weak enough to overpower and transcend into our true self. Whether that can be accomplished or not will depend on the individual - and for many the ego is sooo engrained and so strong in them that they will never be able to stomach it. That was the reason I poised the question.
  24. I didn't take Leo's word for it, i actually experienced the absolute. Once this happens to you, it just is. It's real. You can call it whatever you want to call it at that point but once you have actually experienced it you will know for yourself and this debate melts away.