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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @mandyjw mine didn't melt away for good either it was just during the mystical experience which lasted a few weeks. It came back with the Ego
  2. @Peter124 there's a lot to unpack here but to start with have you tried medication such as benzos or SSRIs or both to calm the anxiety? What you want is to be in a state of mind where everything is not sooo serious and causing you constant worry. You see anxiety literally smothers the rest of your brain from opening up and working. When you remove the anxiety your mind will open up and you will just start making shit won't be getting lost in what will just be present and doing it. But anxiety cripples this ability in a person. If you fear getting on these try Modafinil. It is the so called limitless drug. I havent tried it yet but I'm going to. It may increase focus where you are so dialed in your mind doesn't have time to worry or think about what could happen. Also put free will on the barnburner..this is a very tricky and paradoxical topic. For now throw it away and know that you have free will.
  3. @mandyjw Hi Mandy Well i have had Pure OCD my whole life..obsessive thoughts and mental compulsions. Those of us wired like this tend to get lost in too much thinking and concept. But in some crazy way (no pun intended lol) i noticed that at the time we are deeply spiritual and sensitive..and loving. When our OCD isn't giving us monkey mind on steroids we actually can be quite spiritually gifted. Its a very interesting paradox or duality if you will. That said...when i had my enlightenment experience as I've talked about a lot on this forum it was pure certainty. OCD melted away. It was pure bliss. So i would say that yeah it's in our nature to be pulled away from actuality (spirituality which includes meditation) to getting lost in concept whether for good or ill. So i think there needs to be a balance and i would encourage you to try and not lose that balance between actuality - Being with a capital B - ie formlessness and form. There needs to be a sort of unification of the two which of course requires the spiritual work. So keep on chugging Nice to talk to you as well i will check out your actualize me post on the other section as looked interesting.
  4. @Derek White yes continue it because it can lead to a mystical experience.
  5. @RichardY theres a lot of different forms and degrees of it. What he is describing is mild and has no physical compulsions.
  6. @Buba Pure O means there are no physical compulsions. There is only mental compulsions and that for me is going Meta and repeating to myself in mind that this is OCD. Until it passes. And yourself?
  7. @zeroISinfinity cool i hear ya bud Sometimes a break is exactly what is needed. Balance is everything.
  8. @rorghee it takes work but its technique that led to my awakening and it was that very video that i first found that started me on this journey. The idea is for you to look inside and find peace within yourself. Addiction is the fear of emptiness. And as ego's we want to fill this void with external materials. But counterintuitively it is Being that will ultimately fend off addiction but it takes hard work. So when you face the emptiness head on the addictive feelings pass. You have to keep doing it and it will get better. It could actually lead to enlightenment too if you are also doing self inquiry techniques.
  9. @zeroISinfinity that's pure Ego talking. Pursue both. Pursue your egos personal agenda for survival but do it gradually increasing your consciousness until your levels of consciousness are so high that it will ultimately bring you a much more profound level of happiness than you would ever get pursuing money and women (just using these as examples) without spiritual growth which is wisdom. It will give you a more holistic sense of personal growth and actualization. Oh and you can still have to the smoking hot blond but you will also understand that looks really mean nothing in the big picture
  10. @CreamCat God is an infinite fractile frozen in time (outside of time and space). So You already did it..Your doing it now and it never even happened all at the same time. These are not just Leo's words you can become directly conscious of it. Total mind fuck. Just like this moment right now is eternal.
  11. @SQAAD Yeah, OCD has been called the Doubt Disorder. What are you describing is OCD to the tee - and their are mild forms of it such as what I have which allows me to still be highly functional - provided that I became self aware of my OCD and can go Meta on it when i identify it. It's soooo very sneaky though that it will morph into different shapes and forms in order to sneak itself by you so that you are not aware it's OCD and you get lost in concepts and illusion which is what OCD wants you to have. There is self deception and there is OCD which is much worse and frequent, although symptoms can come and go. I still have mild symptoms but i'm able to identify it so quickly now that it has lost most of it's control over me. It will still sneak something in now and then. But work on the technique of realizing these thoughts are irrational, some call them synthetic thoughts (not thoughts coming from you) although after getting into spiritual work i realized that is kinda the deal with all thoughts...but these are just magnified. So practice the technique of recognizing the triggers and recognizing when the thoughts come - go Meta on them and tell yourself in your mind that is this OCD. You may have to repeat this to yourself over and over until it passes, or Meditate using the Do Nothing technique, which may cause anxiety at first since you are working on having the thoughts and emotions move through you until they pass, much like an addiction. Medication can also help too relative to the ego - and here's why i bring that up. Awakening/Enlightenment is pure Certainty, it's one of the most wonderful things you can experience as a human being - actually it is the most wonderful. Your OCD and anxiety will completely melt away during this experience. So you should practice the techniques and spirituality work because it will help with your anxiety/obsessive thoughts. (Notice I do not want to stigmatize anyone by sayin they "have OCD" as that is purely a relative thought. In fact in order for you to overcome "OCD" you can't think of yourself as actuallying having it, because then you are getting lost in concept. You just have to be present and self aware when it comes up and then move on back into the present moment. The key with obsessive thoughts is it is pulling you away from actuality and the present moment into delusion. So the more you ground yourself in actuality the better you will be.
  12. @Buba immoral thoughts and/or thoughts of doing something completely irrational was the bulk of it (what was interesting is a lot if was what my own subconscious considers immoral.
  13. @Athemnajar have you tried Benzos or other meds? Self awareness of when the obsessive thoughts appear, identifying them, and then dismissing them as synthetic thoughts is a good technique. OCD is self deception on steroids. You have to constantly go meta on it but the more you do this technique the better you will get. Same with any emotions the thoughts cause..such as guilt. None of it is real and its all illusion. I've had Pure O for years but now i just lump it with self deception that everyone has..we just have it worse. See Leo's series on Self Deception as well.
  14. @SQAAD do these obsessive thoughts just pop up out of nowhere or from certain triggers? You might have OCD which i know a lot about. Its self deception on steroids. Realize that these are thoughts and let them pass. They have no meaning and are not real.
  15. @SQAAD it's not unnatural it's just the stage of evolutuon that most of the population is in. If you study spiral dynamics you will get a better understanding of this.
  16. @ivankiss the smoking hot blond next to you doesn't exist? That's a damn damn good illusion hahah.
  17. @MM1988 can you tell us about previous relationships in the past 24 months and why you think they fell thru?
  18. @Aakash uh uh uh remember can't do that are creating a duality between sanity and insanity !
  19. @pluto8 this is my take. No one is perfect..and that includes Leo. He is a super busy guy making 3 hr episodes loaded with deep wisdom on a weekly basis plus many many other things. He wants to be a major part of his own forum on his own channel but I'm sure there are times where he really doesn't have a super amount of time to craft lengthy responses so they will be short and "appear" a certain way to you. He is also having to be on the constant lookout for trolls and true Devils otherwise devilry could undermine the entire forum. So just adapt the ability to see from another person's perspective and don't take things so personally. If you mean well things will work out and come full circle..remember the divine Will. We cannot see an infinite amount of moves ahead from our finite form but there is a reason for everything. God doesn't play dice.
  20. @Shakazulu sorry to hear that but yeah this is the Divine Will at work here. Still doesn't make it feel any better to the Ego.
  21. @Pouya even if you are awakened you really cant force it on people. Many people are too close minded and grounded in their own dogma to be open to it and you really can't change that. You just have to focus on your own work and be raise your consciousness so high that it doesn't matter if others around you are not as conscious. My wife is that way. One day hopefully she will just come to me on her own and want to explore spirituality.
  22. @Shaun You would be pure consciousness/GOD/Being at some point you would emerge as a new form - a new finite idea/possibliity. As God you would be all of existence which includes everyone else, but just in a formless state not in each of their individual formed states. Everything is happening and it's NOT at the same time. So they exist and they don't simultaneously.