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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Nice it's melting me right now as well. It can't be conceptualized I think that is a mistake. It just IS. But when you get it...boy..just watch out. It will melt you. Yes to feel it isn't the right word but still - it can hit you when you simply look in your dog's eyes. He is you but also the bond between the two of you is it. The oneness. The selflessness between the two of you which unites.
  2. @Water by the River great stuff! Haha..don't take my name too literally I made it up 6 years ago 😀
  3. Gotcha..just comes off as arrogant.
  4. This is excellent havent got all the way through but love it so far!
  5. Mayhap I should give him more but only in how he was instrumental in guiding you to where you were able to properly articulate these ideas. I got through two at most chapters of his book as I followed your videos and that was all I needed. Your videos. His book was just the icing on the cake. But now I bet if I sat down with him for two minutes I would probably walk out. I value the ability to connect far more than anything else. Cloud nine freakiness is something he can keep.
  6. In those wild awakenings did you drown in Divine ecstasy? It's so fundamental that you will be too busy being it to need to understand it. Maybe you've already tasted it. If you are looking for some logical explanation of Love to be revealed to you on an existential level I don't think you can find it. Because the word Love in human language references an emotion. And it is that but existentially it is so much deeper. While nothingness, Consciousness, Infinity, and Oneness, those things line up to their definitions both on a human level and existentially. Wikipedia" Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure.[1]
  7. @Water by the River you astound me. do you consider yourself enlightened? What are your thoughts on solipsism and idealism? YOUR thoughts- I want to hear it from you. You don't even have to be limited to these definitions - just talk about your ideas of Oneness and how far it goes. @Leo Gura he may sound like a broken record but he is one of the most interesting characters on the forum. But yes there is plenty else to talk about @Water by the River!! Expand your horizons immediately! 😀
  8. @Lost SoulRalston doesn't acknowledge Love as an existential phenomenon- he sees it only as a human emotion. That's probably the biggest. @Leo Gura you seem to idolize him and give him way more credit than he's due. You're right he does not open to other perspective outside of his own. There are plenty of us genetic freaks out there it doesn't make him some special human.
  9. Well others may have genetics for enlightenment but you have a genius intelligence when it comes to articulating these ideas and also uncovering the mystery behind them. That sets you far ahead of Ralston in my opinion - whether you have the genetic gifts for enlightenment or not - you still found it in your own way.
  10. They were hand in hand from fhe start. Where do you think reducing comes from. But this is a nice way of tying it all together verbally.
  11. There's much more to be to done.
  12. It's identical. If you havent shaken and rolled across the floor from the waves of Infinity, nothingness, and Consciousness - (Divine Bliss and Being itself) than guess what - you havent awoken to Love.. There's more to go. Buddhism was the most accurate when it comes to awakening. And to my knowledge a specific awakening to Love simply isn't there. It wasn't for me either- because Love is the whole thing and doesn't have to announce itself. If you aren't writhing on the floor than you aren't awake. It you are than you know Love and Being. Love is a kundalini awakening. My awakening was spawned purely from meditation just as a side note. I still have my doubts about forced awakenings. But that is why I align with Peter Ralston. The difference is I acknowledge that all of it is Love.
  13. I wouldn't go that far...but useless is a good word.
  14. He's not Hitler. He would definitely improve the economy from where it is now. Just look at it without bias. Look where the economy was before Covid and now where it is under Biden. We were hitting on all cylinders. I voted for Biden last time but now...might be different.
  15. We love you man - it's really great to see you back in action - That said - the break obviously was required for your growth. I honestly didn't expect you to return, but I've been wrong before...maybe once? You're stuff was so electric that I just figured you had burned yourself out. But now you are back with a vigor. I love it. You're the best bud.
  16. Yeah it doesn't matter that he was President before. It is interesting that Michael Cohen went to jail years ago for the same thing and it took them this long to go after Trump. But they did. I do think there was some corruption in this trial.. it was a democratic prosecutor. I'm not saying I have any evidence for that I'm just intuiting. Normally a guy like Trump would have beaten this or some of the charges. Guilty on all counts reeks of corruption with a legal team like Trump had... but I could be wrong. Anyway I'm not saying he didn't deserve this or didn't do it. He deserves everything he's got coming to him. But he has been a snake all of his life and I'd be surprised if he doesn't wiggle out of this too. If he gets into office he will reverse engineer this to be sure.
  17. @Davino i misread your question i thought you were asking whether or not he could pardon himself - yes there's a really good chance he could get elected again...all of this is so unprecedented its really interesting that we are even having this conversation about a president pardoning himself heheh. Only in America.
  18. Actually I'm not sure - I think he can but he could face impeachment so it's not something he would want to do...but I'm sure if he got into office he would try to weasel out of it....either through a rigged judge (his favorite) and an appeal or a pardon attempt.
  19. I wouldn't say that yet. If he gets elected he can just pardon himself. There's still a good chance he could become president. He won't be able to vote for himself though 😕
  20. The paradoxical thing about this is that should one reach God realization they would realize that even the humans they were imagining awoken them or who were God realized were projections of their own mind no different than an AI teacher would be. They were all dreamed up by the mind of God and are identical in the Absolute sense.
  21. I like both Leo's and @Razard86 ideas on morality. Indeed they are very close. I think all you can do is reduce..and as you said relativity is part of the equation. It really makes it a matter of context. Killing can be viewed as moral and also immoral depending on context. It may be viewed as immoral to let a suffering horse live rather than to put it out of its misery. There are other examples where killing could be viewed as moral or immoral. As to the point of Truth and Consciousness I think this comes from within whether you can feel that your actions are more aligned with Truth or Consciousness or not. At the same time if you sometimes behave immoral you shouldn't beat yourself up. It's very difficult to be even partially selfless. By the same token one shouldn't give up on reducing it either. For example I find myself swatting flies that are "bugging" pun intended. Am I going to beat myself up for this? Probably not. But when it comes to humans we change the rules. It really shouldn't be like that but we also have to keep in mind that survival dictates some level of selfishness too. Not to say I shouldn't let the fly buzz around me all day causing me great discomfort 😀 As for hunting down bad guys I think one could also perhaps pick their battles. Essentially what we did do is hunt him down (that was the war) but in doing so we saved civilization from fascist rule and preserved other race's survival which I think was fhe moral thing to do in that scenario. @Water by the River i hope your peace pipes are free
  22. @r0ckyreed time is just a dimension like length and width and height. It is the 4th dimension..And it exists in space. All of this imaginary. Physics is imaginary.
  23. So wait..the attack that started the war was spontaneous? That must have been a real lucky spontaneous attack. Not even sure how an attack can be spontaneous at all....and evil- that's a big word to throw around. Do we not call both evil then? Since innocents were killed on both sides and all....can one be more evil than another?
  24. From Wikipedia: "The war began when Hamas-led militant groups launched a surprise attack on Israel on 7 October, involving a barrage of several thousand rockets concurrent to an estimated 3,000 militants breaching the Gaza–Israel barrier and attacking Israeli civilian communities and military bases." Babies could have been there too.