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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @zeroISinfinity Fear nothing, surrender the ego and just let go my friend.
  2. @zeroISinfinity huh? what you smokin' Zero I want some!
  3. @zeroISinfinity you always were God and the Unicorn simultaneously.
  4. @7thLetter Boy you seem to have him all figured out
  5. @7thLetter I truly believe that the person who sits, does nothing, and contemplates for the rest of his life will be ahead (in terms of personal development) of the person who sits a few times a day, works on his business, and has a social life. Yes in the big picture you are correct (once the basics are taken care of) because those other things will not give you true inner fulfillment. But of course it's a bit more nuanced than that. For example If you have a Yellow or Turquoise business, for example, your business can be helping all of humanity to evolve, and I think that's what Leo is doing. So I think we'll have him for a while.
  6. @Truth Addict Well here's some guidance: "A mystical experience is nice, but it does not count as enlightenment, because it's a memory." It's not just NICE - it IS enlightenment. The memory of becoming the Absolute is not the same thing as Becoming the Absolute - the memory is the map pointing to the territory. That's a huge distinction. Becoming the Absolute will make you directly conscious of the Absolute. That's what you need. But the tricky thing is it happens when it wants to. With me my ego was blindsided because when i started doing self inquiry and the Do Nothing/No Mind method - and doing this deeply it happened within a month of meditation - no joke - i was sobbing tears telling Leo about it. He said it was a lifetime in the making, and not all people have to meditate for 20 years for it to happen. But i think it was because my ego was completely blindsided, combined with the fact that the question of "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound, (or in other words, how can something actually exist without a perceiver?) that always bothered me - it broke my mind because I was looking at it from the Materialist Paradigm, the culture in which we were raised. So it can depend on how spiritually gifted a person is, radical open mindedness (which you have covered), but also the ability to jump between perspectives - loosen your own identity so to speak; don't be so stuck to any one particular idealogy about yourself or anything else. ...Again it happens when it happens....when the time is right in YOUR life. But Self Inquiry was what really knocked it home for me.
  7. @Truth Addict Your name kinda tells me that "Hit me with a stick, slap me in the face, punch me in the balls, whatever" Well suffering is a way to accomplish it, so you're not far off with your suggestions. But maybe we should just send Shin your way? In all seriousness though that's awesome that you have an open mind - i can definitely message you about my path. Everyone's path is probably going to be a little different of course.
  8. @Truth Addict I'm conscious of it 24/7 yes. That happens after enlightenment. I think some people think enlightenment is BEING it 24/7. If that was the case there wouldn't be a me anymore it would just be BEING. But i dissolved into Being for about a 2 week period, after which followed i suffered Ego Backlash. Now I am conscious of it all the time, viewing the world much different, and my mind has opened massively. (it would because you tap into Infinite Intelligence) So that is what I consider enlightenment.
  9. @mandyjw But we need the potassium so why don't we just merge the two into a bannapple? OK that was bad humor.
  10. @Truth Addict It's the nature of the ego - Truth is so counter intuitive to the Ego. I know you know this but just because someone is enlightened doesn't mean they do not have work they can be doing to evolve themselves through the stages to higher levels of consciousness. I think that includes everyone in the forum, unless Gandhi joined recently But I think everyone that is here means well, although sometimes the Ego slips in its own devilry here and there in the form of arrogance. One big thing is that people here who are enlightened, including myself, want so badly to be able to communicate it. But it just can't be, it really can't. We can only point to it. So when we try to get our maps out to point to the territory, people get offended as if they are being schooled and their ego's get hurt. So I believe there is a chapter/phase the Enlightened being must pass through in which he/she comes to the realization that "wow i have all this friggin' consciousness and no one to share it with, how do I process this and help teach others and give back to humanity in the best possible way, without coming off as arrogant or inauthentic " It's a difficult tightrope to walk Of course there are some people who literally come on here just to be Devils and they are usually quickly banned and gone pretty fast as they come on wanting to start non-duality wars.
  11. @Freakrik To me it's like you were looking for happiness out there in the "objective world" when really there is no objective world there is only the subjective. Thus this "happiness" you felt is but an illusion, and you felt it. This is your intuition nudging you to find Truth through spiritual practice which will give you true fulfillment and true happiness and peace. For discovering Truth for yourself will collapse the duality of authentic and inauthentic happiness that you have created in your mind.
  12. @Hima Izumi They're kidding themselves if they think in human form that there is no suffering. From the ego's perspective, suffering and non-suffering are dualities. Like i said, from God's perspective, the "no perspective" perspective, which is Being, all dualities collapse. There is no suffering, it is liberation. But being in a mystical state/non-dual state is not permanent until the idea of the physical body is gone. From the perspective of the ego there will be always some type of suffering while the idea of our physical body exists. But you will be much more conscious and will embrace all suffering and LOVE suffering as a fully enlightened being. You can't walk around in a permanent non-dual GOD mode state forever, that is = to NO YOU=DEATH
  13. @wavydude I think he's pointing out that it's relative to perspective. At least that's how I took it.
  14. @zeroISinfinity @Shin oh now this is really getting kinky..and darn i have to drive to work
  15. @Shin Uggh you have a point..unless ofcourse your using a banana to do the stabbing? Relativity again
  16. @Joker_Theory that is Suffering to the Infinite degree LOL...but still i would intuit that giving birth is worse
  17. @Vibivub do both. Music can really open up the chakras especially the heart chakra. Enlightenment will happen when it wants to so it won't deter you from a mystical experience.
  18. @zeroISinfinity morning Zero ready for another fun day?
  19. @zeroISinfinity indeed if your consciousnesses is raised enough you will be looking at the world thru a non-dual lens. Also with consciousness elevated you have a deeper understanding of suffering so although its there you have complete acceptance of it and can embrace it much more effortlessly. Doesn't mean it's not there. Of course from God's perspective all dualities collapse and suffering and non-suffering are united.