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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @David Hammond yes they did . Thanks for the kind words guys. Was just in the moment and appreciating how beautiful it is.
  2. @lmfao This stuff is very real. You found a very special place here my friend. Always cherish that.
  3. @Leo Gura ahh but what is the physical world in this equation. You speak of actuality vs concept and imagination. Actuality is Being. Its God. It's what YOU are. It's the Godhead. So to call it the "physical world" is just a metaphor in a sense.
  4. @SOUL he is speaking of Being. If you can experience pure Being even once in your life it will be wonderful beyond words. Most of us are lucky to have it once. But then..luck has nothing to do with it. GOD doesn't roll dice.
  5. @DecemberFlower @thesmileyone yeah he is speaking about becoming self aware..its very accurate for someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder....mental disorders can be a chemical imbalance so you need to be self aware of when it is hitting amd go meta on it.. That takes practice...of course if he actually has a chemical disorder or just a confidence problem only he knows. I have pure OCD and when i had my awakening experience / mystical experience it came in waves for about a week and during that time i had complete certainty and was completely cured of OCD. But that was because i was not me anymore. I literally experienced my own death. As i returned to my ego though over time i felt everything that was associated with myself..including the OCD returned. However i was different having had that experience. I now feel a sense of peace and being i never had before. So while enlightenment will help and actually in the moment of enlightenment (whether that moment is an hour or a month) you will actually be cured of everything and will be perfect and in a perfect state of non-duality (you will literally become your true self which is God) you will most likely not remain in that state forever..its very rare that one does. So your issues will still be there unfortunately. Those take work and self actualization to fix. Like everyone said keep doing the work and will greatly improve your life.
  6. @Dodo i have news for you. You ARE Eckhart Tolle!
  7. @Chumbimba You are already off to a valiant start because you are self aware. Meaning you are already looking at your own habits and how to improve yourself. One example you mentioned was starting something and not finishing. This is one of the big ones. Because we have monkey Mind we think we know it all when we get 75% in and that the other 25% doesn't matter. Actually it couldn't matter more... That said why don't you start by meditating for an hour a day and get a feel for how spiritually gifted you are without pyschedelics. Perhaps you do not need them for your own enlightenment..perhaps you do, but you will never know unless you follow through on your goals. You want to jump to a shortcut to awakening when it may not be necessary. If it is that's fine but you shouldn't put the horse in front of the cart. Simple self inquiry should induce enlightenment if you are at that point in your life. However if you have followed through and still can't achieve without pyschedelics then do them but do them the right way. Its like Leo's maze need to understand yourself first because your maze is your own. You will not necessarily understand your true self and inner being by simply taking will do that through mediation and deep contemplation. Don't jump ahead of yourself.
  8. @Angelo John Gage nice. Have you had a mystical experience yet and or an awakening experience yet?
  9. Those of us who have awakened and those of us that are idealists, many of whom grew up believing in the materialist paradigm, know from direct experience that reality is a giant mind. Those that have not directly experienced mysticism still believe it too. But how amazing would it be if there was this door and on the other side of the door one could walk through and see the Truth. See what is real. In other words they could open this door and they would be enlightened. I often dream of a door like this where if only it existed the materialists would see for themselves that this is real. That reality is a mind. Oh but to dream! (No pun intended!)
  10. @Serotoninluv that's very eloquent i like that a lot Or we are an idea within the mind. But at the same time we are the mind itself.
  11. @theking00 honestly coming from the materialist paradigm as Leo knows, i wouldn't have believed it either if i didn't have a direct mystical experience (not on psychedelics either). This stuff is very crazy as it sounds.
  12. @thesmileyone keep in mind that although the substance of everything is ultimately nothing and that deception is what really " creates" anything (dualism)...although this is the case notice also that reality is an absolute relativity. It's what you (God) make of it. If you choose to give it no meaning then guess what - that's what you get. If you give it meaning then it has meaning. It's all the way you look at it. Thats the magic. Basically if you wish to change your perspective you still can..knowing that the substance of everything is nothing will not change that once you are conscious enough. You can enjoy life and in fact you will find an even deeper sense of peace and being then ever before. But at the same time you will see through what is shallow and what really has meaning in life. That is true wisdom. Remember that although reality is the formless it is also intelligent and loving. It exists! Nothingness exists. That's the mystical, paradoxical nature of reality. It's really beautiful when you think about it.
  13. You will experience the death of the ego. Its so total that when it happened to me i had a loss of sex drive and other symptoms. No desire for anything i normally craved. As my ego returned over the following weeks i slowly returned to normal. But then ego backlash sets in and depending on how strong your will to live is the stronger your backlash will be. I'm working on more awakenings but it's much harder for me to get there now because my ego is fighting me the whole way. I had my awakening without any pyschedelics. I don't have access to any or maybe now i would be tempted to try 5meo. Oh and besides that you just know. Notice i said YOU just know. Try convincing anyone else.
  14. @Joseph Maynor why? Because the absolute is conscious, intelligent and loving? Infinitely? What other word do you want to use? That is so far from what we call religion today it's not even funny. You can become directly conscious of this as well.
  15. @Highest right on brother. He is just fresh off of deep mystical experiences. He could easily be the guy that dies in the cave whom you never hear of but he decided to share his experiences and teachings - and therefore the teachings of all that he learned from -- (causation) with all of you for free.
  16. If you have had a deep full awakening experience you would know that what he speaks of is Truth. Give the guy a break he is fresh off his retreat and still reeling from deep mystical experiences knowing that everyone is waiting impatiently for a new episode. I am pleased he will still be releasing amazing content in the future. Do not nitpick and project your egoic expectations on him for the perfect episode.
  17. @Joseph Maynor yes that is very if you use the suffering that came from a large ego to become more conscious you will then grow. So it is helping..though it should.
  18. @mandyjw if you are forcing yourself to suffer just in order to get enlightenment - that's probably not going to work. If you have experienced suffering not of your own purposeful doing and you have experienced deep suffering which also heightens your emotional state, then that actually can be one of the factors that can lead to enlightenment. But there are a lot of other factors to. Open Mindedness, being free of dogma, humility, sensitivity, (need to be open to both masculine and feminine sides), basically as egoless as is humanly possible,...if you notice, the ego is the opposite of all of this. Even if you had a big ego at one time and became conscious of your foolish ways and you changed, with that change came suffering, and you will be closer to enlightenment. When you are in the state you can become enlightened fast, as I did.
  19. @Fountainbleu Leo is on a retreat.
  20. @Fountainbleu yes. This is a very tricky thing. Very tricky and a deep topic that has not yet been covered in Leo's videos. Not yet.
  21. should use the meds for now. It will help to alleviate the chemical imbalance in your brain While on them though...ground yourself deep within spirituality and pursue enlightenment. Only this will allow you to go off the meds. The meds are actually an illusion -- because remember the materialist paradigm is itself an illusion. There really isn't a brain. But within the content of the dream in which we exist the meds exist and therefore will help. They will only take you so far some point you will want to enlighten yourself and after that you will be able to get off the meds.
  22. @noselfnofun I could not agree MORE. I actually became enlightened listening to his earlier videos on enlightenment. Afterwards I had mystical experiences that lasted about 2 weeks. I remember a few times listening to his videos triggered the experiences after the initial enlightenment.
  23. @Highest you can't even be conscious and aware of it for that is finite. Infinity cannot be spoken of or thought of. Every thought you have of it isn't it...because the thought is finite. You have to BE it. You have become one with your true self. Pure being. Pure consciousness. You ARE GOD. It's that simple.
  24. @Highest it will bring a man to his knees and make him cry like a baby
  25. @Highest guess what...You ARE God. You as your true self is simply pure ISNESS. Now realize that YOU are God (YOU, in fact are me and everything else) in your direct experience ...and that is really something.