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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Drake140 perhaps but he also stated he is feeling guilty about not fulfilling goals. Guilt will cause massive suffering. Paradoxically if he becomes more conscious he can transfer that suffering into Awakening.
  2. @traveler the goals themselves were just thoughts. Every minute is a chance to start over. Be present.
  3. @CreamCat He doesn't have to answer and it doesn't matter. You ARE him. Not just figuratively but literally. You are just not conscious of that. Right now you are falling into a trap by not being open minded.
  4. @CreamCat and Leo is enlightened as fuck.
  5. @Gabriel Antonio Absolute Infinity. Quantum debunks and Self deceptions are a close 2nd.
  6. @CreamCat you are just me getting me annoyed. Nice try but i see right thru myself No i know i must have a gift. But am i supposed to stop trying to help you guys wake up?
  7. @CreamCat shouldn't you be focused on getting there first? But yes it continues. If you want Enlightenment don't fall until the trap that personal development stops to where it will prevent you from finding Truth. But a whole new world will open up to you in addition. And i mean that literally.
  8. @traveler look at yourself holistically. There is the finite you, the Ego, but your also God. I know that sounds crazy but you REALLY are. But both parts of you matter. God looks through all eyes. As your consciousness raises you'll see this and love both the finite and the Infinite. You will love the Ego. He's not all bad.
  9. @Aakash its normal but remember the fear of death is an illusion and move on. If you are able to Awaken you will experience your own death..and it will be the most beautiful thing you have ever experienced. Unimaginable bliss. After that the deeper your enlightenment gets you will embrace death not fear it.
  10. @traveler that's a trap. Dismiss it and move on. Dismiss it over and over and keep doing that until it passes. You have to want Liberation so badly that you will die for it. This burning desire will break thru the Ego's trap. Do not let anything get in your way.
  11. @Truth Addict your quite welcome. Of course as Marinador has pointed out, there is no magic pill for Enlightenment. It happens when it happens. I was just excited about the realization of how this shift in consciousness back and forth seems very key somehow. I felt that during my initial Awakening but it became very clear with this mystical experience. Of which I'm still blissing out. Can't focus on work at all
  12. @Soul-lover 2020 hahaha..nice one!! Poor ole Descartes...he came so close.. And to Truthaddict: Thanks i will check that out for sure! The quote thing is pretty annoying. The irony is i do IT for a living and i can't figure this out..i can grasp reality in it's entirety though! Gotta love it.
  13. I am Absolute Infinity. GOD. GOD is everything, including Nothing. Nothing permeates thru everything and thus the substance of reality..of absolutely nothing. I am a hallucination The uniting of the form and the formless into One.
  14. @Truth Addict Thanks Truth!!
  15. @Truth Addict @Anna1 He must be banned from posting...he hadn't posted since this one..i just didn't get a chance to respond.
  16. @Anna1 @Anna1 Indeed that's what I was saying about his Ego disguising itself as Truth. Very eloquently stated. You are quite wise Anna. Much love. I don't know how to do a heart on here yet or i would
  17. @Anna1 @Anna1 Why does he keep coming back then? Just to terrorize us? LOL. I hope its because there is a small slither inside him that doubts what his culture has taught him but he has to work through some deep egoic issues right now to discover it. I hope he does. I hope he can wake up. I hope the rest of the world does too. Actualized is a very special place.
  18. @Anna1 Ok...thanks for clarifying. So basically its the same as teaching Truth. Either way if we call it Truth or Advaita Vedanta those are just words to point to Truth. Even those words are dualities so you cannot escape that. His problem is he doesnt grasp what is being pointed to here....he thinks that Truth is still mechanical and can be grasped with the finite mind. He's deluded. But then 99 percent of the population is also at this moment in time...I know you understand that though.. But thanks for clarifying!
  19. @theking00 what do you think the source of the anxiety is stemming from? Find that and you can fix this. Is it because your ego is afraid of what it might find based on you are already knowing what enlightenment is conceptually? That might be it. Or is it doubt of the whole process? Meaning you are already identified with, let's say the body, and you can't seem to get past that.
  20. @ivory thats right...need to constantly grow consciousness.
  21. @Truth Addict duality = do not know it yet No-duality = know it Duality vs non-duality Are you seeing why a mystical experience is required now?
  22. @Shadowraix cool! When was the last non-dual experience? Are you wanting to have more?
  23. @Marinador Interesting..yeah dude they're in caves blissing out. No need for material world anymore. There is only One.