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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Serotoninluv You're a scientist correct? Have you knowledge of Quantum Mechanics?
  2. @dimitri you are using finite intelligence but you can tap into Infinite intelligence.
  3. Einstein and the other founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics knew that ultimately Materialism must collapse. Some of them may have even been mystics. Look at Einstein's Relativity theory. Time dilation tells us that even Time itself is relative. And Light is both a wave and a particle. That's logical right? The founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics were visionary philosophers not just scientists. They got it.
  4. @arlin precisely. I encourage all of you to listen to Leo's episode Quantum Mechanics debunks Materialism. It will explain this very topic. You can also study Quantum Mechanics which i have to a decent extent. You will see where Materialism breaks down but today's scientists don't wanna see it. It's too radical.
  5. @dimitri it's called What is Intelligence.
  6. @Drake140 like i was telling David don't ignore the content within reality. To do so would be a mistake. It is your duty to learn all that there is to learn of the rules as you call them. Scientists can discover every corner of the universe. Knowledge of physics and quantum mechanics is vital. Historians can teach and write history as this is very important. Having a political view and participating in political efforts to improve mankind is vital. An increase in consciousness through Awakening doesnt hinder one in this regard it just strengthens one's Love for it all.
  7. @dimitri you are using intelligence. It is a fundamental facet of the Absolute. It just IS. Just like LOVE just is. Both are Absolutes. We call them Absolutes because they are fundamental to what you are. You are the Absolute so naturally you have this ability.
  8. @Drake140 indeed the rules are content within reality. But the future of mankind is to become mystics. This could be hundreds of years from now. I don't know. Reality is fundamentally can shift from something finite..or content within become reality itself. Its via mysticism not logic or reason - for that is couched inside reality and cannot reach outside to grasp reality itself.
  9. @Drake140 it's totally understandable how you guys feel. This is a very radical paradigm shift. We have spent our whole lives growing up in the materialist paradigm, and also believing in whatever religion you are raised on. For example i was raised as a Jew. And with 99.9% of the planet still Materialists if i was you i wouldn't believe it either. That's Truth for you though. It can't be proven with science or language or reason. But there was always a part of me, i guess Leo calls it soul/spirit but i call it intuition..that was bothered by the question of "If a tree falls in the forest and there is no perceiver, does it make a sound?" That question was brought up to me when i was like 18 years old and it bothered me ever since. I just waved it off as something we will never know and went on with life how I was raised. So when i discovered non-duality at 48 and did the spiritual work, the mystical experience happened. During a mystical experience the Truth is laid bare before your eyes as Actual. There is no denying it. Your previous beliefs melt away in a mind blowing moment of recontexualization. That question was answered after multiple experiences and multiple realizations. The truth of the matter is Reality is an Absolute Relativity. It is so relative that it comes full circle to be Absolutely so. The answer to that question is there is only Being there. Pure consciousness or pure potential. Formlessness. Perspectives are what create form. It's amazing.
  10. @zeroISinfinity indeed Absolute Love is a fundamental facet of Infinity or God. So from a perspective, God=Love=Infinity.
  11. @arlin only the perspective of arlin dies. You will take infinite perspectives..forever..forever and ever and ever. You will be me. You will be your dog. And you will be Napoleon.
  12. Existence and non-existentence or superimposed right on top of each other. There is no where else to go. This can't be grasped with the finite mind. Need a mystical experience
  13. @arlin dont think of nothing as a void. void to me implies a void inside time space. Infinity is prior to that. Time and space are yet more content within infinity.
  14. @arlin because its can do that! And guess what...its YOU.
  15. @arlin i think what your missing is Infinity/Reality/Universe is consciousness. It is conscious. Its a Mind. The content within infinity or Reality..the formed..that may or not be self conscious. The formless is just pure potential. Pure consciousness..whose substance is absolutely nothing. The substance of both formed and formless is nothing. But God is both the formless and the formed. To God its all One. It doesn't matter whether something (you) is carved out or not. It's all One thing.
  16. @Bill W Do you meditate? I have a hunch us OCD folks are spiritually gifted.
  17. I look at it as the ego's subconscious spinning out of control because of this feeling of uncertainty. Intuition of the Truth yet no understanding of how to get there or even if it wants to get there because it means its own destruction Tricky thing because at the same time the ego's nature is to self deceive itself. Taken to the extreme is mental illness. Also God is exploring infinite perspectives so it has to include every possible perspective even the schizophrenic one.
  18. @arlin yes. Your consciousness is Reality/God. Right now you are only God exploring thru Arlins your consciousness is finite. You're a finitude of infinity. But at the same time you are still infinity.
  19. @arlin God creates the illusion of separation through form and dualities. But his substance is formless... nothing. So this nothing must permeate even thru the formed.
  20. @arlin yes. I suggest to start with Leo's very first enlightenment videos and go thru them. Then listen to his self inquiry videos. Start doing self inquiry. At 20 you already have a gift. I was clueless to this stuff at 20.
  21. @arlin that's what your ego wants you to believe but you ARE reality itself. You're the whole chabang and everyone around you is you as well just exploring yourself from infinite perspectives. Even the dog and the cat is you. The spider and the ants are you. The tree and the coffee table. All of it is you. All of it is consciousness. Not all is self consciousness but its all made of consciousness. And consciousness is God. This isn't happening inside your brain. The body and brain and everything else is happening inside this universal field of consciousness. And that's what you are!
  22. @arlin let me ask you you believe all of this is happening inside your brain?
  23. @arlin this can never be rationalized or reasoned away. Leo's videos are showing you the map not the territory. Everything he teaches is false in the sense that it isn't Truth its just pointers to the Truth. In the end Truth is Truth.