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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @mandyjw it is a lot to digest. It is unique to the person. To hear it here from us is one thing...but to know really know it where it is laid bare before your eyes as Actual - that is something to behold.
  2. @Aakash That's one of the most paradoxical and hardest things about Truth. You can become totally Liberated, and hold within your grasp this amazing miracle, yet have to keep it all to yourself. The miracle of all miracles leaves no evidence. At best it can be shared and discussed only with other open minded people. Most of the people around you will be close minded so that is why you must keep it to yourself. But Truth would not be Truth if it were any other way. It must be so. And it never fails to amaze you even when you think you've been fully amazed. Infinity is a hell of a thing.
  3. @Mikael89 No one is bragging about discovering they are God. And thats a better term than this "enlightenment" term which is just a label that is getting butchered on this forum. Those that have truly awoken to themselves are trying to awaken other people for the very reason Leo and Enlightenment were speaking about. All the suffering and egoic evil that is going on in the world. That's what i meant by all those perspectives out there that do not know they are God yet. They're still assleep. Unfortunately i think we are hundreds of years away from the world awakening. It will happen; it has to. That's Infinity. But in the meantime in these early stages it is our duty as God to at least try.
  4. @zeroISinfinity i never said discovering you are God was easy. It is both awe inspiring and painful at the same time. You feel the weight or the world suffering that is going on here. The question is are you up for the challenge? Can you stomach the challenge? The true depths of Awakening to yourself is beyond measure.
  5. When you realize you are alone you will indeed suffer. You will become conscious that you will suffer as those very people, and you will also suffer as the ones that are causing the suffering. You will then work towards making a difference. You will work towards waking yourself up! Consciousness = Love
  6. @Enlightened You have not yet become God and have had Absolute Love revealed to you yet. Or that you are God. When you have all realizations you will realize there is only One. You are alone. You are experiencing yourself through an Infinite number of perspectives (the formed) so you are causing and experiencing your own suffering. From those perspectives you are not conscious that you are God. To God the form and the formlessness are identical. There is only One. And it is Absolute Love. It is you.
  7. @LastThursday finity vs infinity I think he gets it now. The beauty is he can become infinity. Otherwise infinity wouldn't be infinite. Ta dee! ?
  8. @TheOne you are a perspective within God's perspective. So you are your perspective but you are also God's perspective. Its all One. There is only you. So that does make you God but remember you are currently God exploring itself from YOUR persepective Your perspective is finite. But you can mystically shift to God's perspective with a mystical experience and tap into Absolute Intelligence and I'm sure other abilities such as healing and then come back to your perspective.
  9. @memocappa nice post.. yes that is it. Like the Alan Watts quote too. He speaks of Pure Being. In which there all dualities collapse and there is only One Oneness. The only thing I would add is that you CAN discover that you are God. A mystical experience may reveal this or other facets of God to you and your mind will open. The trophy is there to find. And you will find that you had it the whole time.
  10. @Jed Vassallo have you taken it before to where what you have tried hasnt been enough? If you haven't i would heed his warning. Words cannot explain the power of the Truth and all of its facets. Better to know it over time to grow your consciousness than to mindfuck yourself into oblivion.
  11. @LaraGreenbridge what you are talking about is spiritual bypassing, not true spirituality. True spirituality will reveal Absolute Truth. Those with a yearning to align themselves with the Absolute/God will find true Liberation. For discovering the Absolute/God for yourself will reveal that you ARE the Absolute/God, and were the whole time. Not the Ego, but the Infinite you. It was you and you alone, and in fact you are alone, and all things are you. This is the highest realization and this is non-duality or Oneness.
  12. Because you don't feel trapped in this body anymore. You become Infinite.
  13. As Leo said there is only Being. The dualities you wish to create are up to you.
  14. @Aeris A lifetime of suffering the devilish ways of the Ego. Meditation helped too
  15. @arlin there are no words. You're gonna get there though...your open minded enough to get there you just have to want it bad enough.
  16. @Leo Gura only to God not to him !! He hasn't realized he's God yet.
  17. @arlin Zero has had a mystical experience actually multiple ones i believe he said. He has become God/Infinity/Reality and so he experienced the death of his ego. Then he came back He just needs more experiences to reveal more realizations.
  18. @zeroISinfinity its formless. If it was something it would be form..some thing...get it? But this formlessness is the substance of it permeates through the formed as well. Hate to bust your bubble but you are a hallucination..that's why Leo calls reality a dream. You can zoom into your hand forever.
  19. @Aaron p stuff isn't happening inside your brain. You can become directly conscious of this in your direct experience but it requires a mystical experience.
  20. @zeroISinfinity Zero i don't understand what you are asking.
  21. @Drake140 no it's not quarks..its not strings..its not anything..its what they concluded were fields of possibilities that depending on what possibility the perceiver was viewing collapsed that possibility into something... They ultimately found the substance of matter is nothing..but called it fields. Scientists today don't wanna recognize that. It's too radical. Its too much. Do the studying on your own and you will see.
  22. @Drake140 The major breakthru with Quantum Mechanics was that matter is not made of atoms..not made of molecules..not When it comes down to it they found they arent made of atoms at all. What they could find are fields of possibilities and these fields are directly impacted by the perceiver. They are entangled in sort of a way. Also if you look at quantum entanglement it makes no logical sense. This is when two particles become entangled such that their individual state cannot be deciphered independentl of the other ...doesn't matter if they are light years away from each other. Particles at the subatomic level consist of qualities of both a wave and a particle. Any of this sounding logical so far? Guys this is what science found!