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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. To add to what i was saying lets say your twin brother and you are both age 20. if your twin brother took a space ship across the universe at nearly the speed of light..time would slow down for him relative to you. For him it would appear normal though. When he returns, 20 years may have passed for you, while for him only 6 months. He would still be 20 and you would be 40. Your brother has traveled into the future so to speak. This has been proven scientifically and mathematically. We just don't have ships that could go that fast.
  2. @TheOne From Realitys perspective, time, and space as Einstein called spacetime since they are entangled, is yet more content within Reality, or another word for reality, Absolute Infinity, or God, which is a Mind. It is unlimited therefore it is conscious. But looking at it as content within reality, it is a dimension just like space. Length, width, height etc in space and Time is another dimension. Time is relative to the observer meaning you can notice time can change based on how fast one goes. If one could go the speed of light time would slow down relative to myself who is standing still. This is time dilation and is used in our GPS systems and other things today.
  3. The Truth is scary to the Ego. But it is beautiful at the same time. The Ego dwells in relativity. But when you discover that you are God you become conscious of the Absolute Goodness and Love of it all.
  4. Have to remember that when you Awaken you discover you were Leo the whole time. There really is no Leo or Leo's teachings. There is only One.
  5. @Pouya it doesn't. You are God. You are everything and everything is you. You're just not conscious of it just yet.
  6. @Preetom Religion mistakes the map for the territory. That's the difference. Then they turn the map into their own territory. Therefore THiS is not a religion.
  7. @Pouya it's what you choose it to be. It's relative. That's reality. It's an Absolute Relativity.
  8. You are living through the ant right now. Is the Oneness sinking in yet. But don't worry, Absolute Love hasn't hit you yet. It is the fixer of all things my friend.
  9. @Cody_Atzori It has to click that you are a concept. You have to become conscious of it. Telling yourself it is just words..its like beating yourself over the head with the map over and over and over. Its not the territory.
  10. @Leo Gura you can't go on a trip to the Bahamas, and escape reality That line is Epic. But guys Have fun trying to escape yourself! Aint gonna happen!
  11. You guys just blew what was left of my finite mind to smithereens. Thanks!
  12. @Shaun do you meditate daily and how long have you been mediating (years wise) if its been years you may want to consider psychedelics.
  13. @bejapuskas agreed...don't schedule missed days on purpose. Commit to every day. If something happens like a family emergency and you end up not being able to meditate don't beat yourself up over it. It doesn't negate the days you did meditate. Hope that makes it clearer
  14. @emind it will not kill your process. You are doing awesome with the mediation. You can have a mystical experience even not when meditating but meditation and self inquiry are what open the floodgates. But you should still strive for every day every day.
  15. @ivankiss just wait. The mindfucks haven't even begun yet. But yes somewhere in there it seems like you became the formless. Being. Being is Infinity as infinity not a finitude of infinity which was your little perspective or the formed. As your finite perspective you cannot logically reach outside and grasp the formless or Absolute Infinity. You have to become it. You have to become conscious that you ARE it. The moment that happens you will mystically transport into Absolute Infinity. Meaning you become Absolute Infinity, defying logic. A true experience will follow with backlash and your ego integrating what realizations you had. It seems like you got the realization of Absolute Relativity..this is the nature of reality. That it is so relative it becomes Absolutely so. The formless is the Absolute or pure potential and the form is the relative. But they come full circle into One. Something and Nothing are indistinguishable, making Reality a hologram or hallucination or dream. Congratulations. It's a lot to process.
  16. @UDT No. God Is Absolute love. Doing evil is an impossibility. Therefore if everyone Awoke to themselves there would be no more evil period. Everyone is God they just aren't conscious of it because they have not Awoken. Therefore their ego is still doing devilry. In truth God is One. Since everyone is God that makes God takes all shapes and forms. You are God. You are all things, you are just not aware of it yet.
  17. @SQAAD Good! Thats the first step. You've called out/identified your own devilry and now you can begin to go meta on it. That's a great sign of growth as a human being.
  18. Indeed our own culture can cripple us.
  19. @arlin what fun would reality be if it was easy to figure out?