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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Lol. Just hear me out. Its the Infinity of God's premise. The impossible made possible. If God is truly infinite then it should be able to spawn a completely isolated reality that was completely objective and physical- not dependent of consciousness. To me this sounds impossible but of course - If anything is......
  2. If Consciousness is Infinite than it would have the ability to imagine a reality that was physical without Consciousness being the source in essence it should be able to negate itself.
  3. Excellent. But what he is saying if this is the case is it only within the context of our current understanding. (Within this dream) Meaning within this framework (this reality) that exists but can there be other frameworks outside of that ? At least I think that is what he was asking. It's. Mindfuck for sure but that's why I said there is the set of all sets. Its the same question really as are we in a simulation.
  4. Here we use it as God. So what does God mean? Any meaning you want to ascribe to God is what God created. So you won't get to God by describing God.
  5. Haha. Define God. Definition is 2nd order. It's held within God.
  6. Yes Infinity. It actually must be paradoxical. If it was the one that created possible vs impossible. There is no end and no beginning to what Consciousness can do. But - also there also must be The Absolute. The set of all sets. It can't by its very nature not have this.
  7. That's a testimony to the mindset of the average Jew. We are a humble people. However, they are also not in leadership positions and in charge of the nation. That's a whole different ballgame.
  8. I wasn't doing a 180 - you make good comments I was simply expanding on them. Those are good points. I can't argue that Israel has contributed to their own issue. But to say that Palestinians could have had a chance to civil war with Hamas is a grand leap of faith. Most likely Hamas' would have been the victor in the end and there would still be unease between the two. So while I appreciate and like your optimism, I also have to be a realist. The more likely scenario would be that Hamas ends up pushing for more land. Jews want nothing more, after centuries, to just be left alone.
  9. Dude - you just come off with a complete lack of empathy that you so eagerly want to promote. I take it that you don't have a horse in the race?
  10. It should be. But that's much easier said than done. I was being facetious.
  11. @Danioover9000 but did you consider the fact that they may have feared HAMAS would overstep just like EVERYONE else had done to them in the past? Wouldn't you too in that scenario shut down? It's hard to cast judgement when you havent walked in their shoes. It's easy to sit from a distance and say how they should have acted but in the actual scenario it's not always that simple. Would HAMAS have cooperated? You're making assumptions if you say they would have. There is always a bad seed in the apple.
  12. God is not imagination. It is that but on a higher level God is the thing that imagines. You can awaken God or Consciousness is fhe thing that makes the dreams. It's the substance of all the dreams. And it can be realized. So saying God just exists as part of this dream doesn't add up unless you are under the illusion of the dream
  13. You can't compare this to the holocaust. I just watched the series "we were the lucky ones" which I highly recommend. It's a really good insight to what they went through. It's terrifying. How they tricked Jews into thinking they were going back to Israel only to be stopped along the way to dig their own graves. Horrifying. Yes - many will say violence isn't the answer and that Israel overstepped. I'm in agreement with that. But also you have to appreciate what Israel has been through to keep their land and people. It has been a struggle. So before you cast judgement from your couch maybe see it from both sides.
  14. He's very one sided. There's no understanding of both sides. Hamas wants the land, fine - attack and kill. But now that Israel retaliated with a vengeance its all their fault for going too far. Yes - they did. And some of us have admitted that. But by God dude, if you want to be intelligent don't show it with fancy vocabulary. Show it via empathy and understanding for both peoples and stop hating on Israel. Enough. How can we resolve this should be the discussion not who is wrong or right.
  15. @Water by the River
  16. He's the real deal. He does understand Consciousness He's not arrogant at all - you are seeing what you want to see. Perhaps it's your disdain for Buddhism. You should lose that, by the way.
  17. Yet you sit back in your arm chair and judge. Having never fled a damn thing. Or have been made to fled anything. Try to rationalize a women scorned. It's a difficult thing to do unless you've stepped into her shoes. And I can assure you sir, that you have not.
  18. No you wouldn't. It could be a lot worse. They could have dropped the bomb. Lucky for you they're too close.
  19. @tuku747 man fhat really gives you a taste of infinity Well done!
  20. You are dreaming this. You need to awaken. Now you can counter this by saying that awakening is just part of this dream. Guess there is only one way to find out. Only you can answer.
  21. You're gonna end up the same..but doing it wisely will cause less suffering. I however, am a proponent of suffering because it carries with it growth. So..totally up to you. But of you brute force shit with no intelligence it's gonna be painful but actually leads to greater intelligence and wisdom in fhe end. It's a mind fuck.
  22. Don't turn into a materialist on us. I'll eat you with the cartoon wolf. It's either imaginary or its not. Now what you can do with that- that's endless.