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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. Listening to music that resonates with me is very helpful for me in getting in touch with Being. There is Love there. So I'm wondering if music is really relative to the individual. If certain music resonates with you and aids in providing a sort of bliss that helps you connect with Being and/or Love for yourself then shouldn't that be enough? Not sure in other words if music can be squeezed into a stage of spiral dynamics. It's what you make of it. It's your creation.
  2. I've not done Kriya Yoga but i can tell you from direct experience that all is One. Therefore how could their be some objective, 3rd party demonic entity? There is only yourself, or consciousness, or reality, or God, or infinity. There cannot be anything outside of yourself.
  3. @TheOne is there a "time" when your post ends? Just kidding
  4. @Joseph Maynor now you are doing the same thing back to 7th. See how this is just a loop? By this I'm doing it back to you. It's just an endless loop.
  5. As brilliant as Leo is, and again in the scheme of things, from the big picture perspective, he and you are actually identical, so be wary not to put him or anyone else on a pedestal, he still grows spirituality like the rest of us. I think earlier on he was more condescending than he is now. That is something i have noticed he has worked on and grown into. He never had bad intentions of course. Becoming fully conscious of Oneness will also bring Absolute Love for all. And humility. And keep in mind the Oneness, the highest of perspectives, because you are God and you are infinitely brilliant.
  6. @CreamCat they're identical. That is the highest realization.
  7. @abrakamowse Nice And its YOU! But remember God/you are not a program. You are way more nuanced than that! Programs can't Love!
  8. Dualities are within non-duality. Form is within formlessness. Without dualities or form, God, aka Infinity cannot BE itself. It cannot live THROUGH itself. But its all ultimately One from the highest perspective. When one grasps this one grasps all of reality. But they must wake up to themselves. They must become themselves. Once that is done we can do all the self improvement we want. We can play in the content.
  9. Infinity includes all the possibilities, including the best possibilities, and none at all. The grandest of designs is also Absolute zero. Pure isness. Hurts the finite mind but at the same time leaves it in awe.
  10. @Gili Trawangan you are much further down the path than you give yourself credit for. And yes, it's real. Awakening is the miracle of all miracles. It's amazing. So moving on..why the thoughts if we are awareness. Well remember awareness is the formless or the nothingness that you are. But in order for God. - you - to explore yourself - you must create form. It's an illusion technically because the substance is formless. So you in your current form are a "part" of the whole. You have to be finite because you have form. But you are a perspective through which God can explore himself. At the same time though, you are still the whole chabang. You are still God. But its the only way God can BE himself. Of course i use the word "he" metaphorically as there is no bearded guy in the sky. It's all you. The form will have thoughts and emotions and subconscious, all of it to explore. And God in his infinite power created the perfect design. We as mere mortals can grasp what we can with our finite minds - but we can tap into ourselves and discover ourselves with things like meditation. That's the beauty. With that we can raise our consciousness and we can discover our true nature. Hope that makes sense. Also welcome and much love.
  11. @7thLetter Bingo. But you can meditate and put the work in to become more conscious.
  12. @lmfao you are form. So when you are meditating you are trying to be formless. Trying to be Being. Yes you are right. You can't be it with the mind. But you can quiet the mind as much as possible. Put your awareness on awareness. When thoughts appear notice them, dismiss them, and bring yourself back to awareness. Eventually something mystical happens and you become Being, or the formless. Technically always were formless but your form is collapsed into only formlessness...Again, it's mystical as the formless cannot be grasped with the mind. We can only still the mind for so long. So keep still and don't give up!
  13. @SQAAD Sqaad you ARE God. When you awaken to yourself these quesrions really become irrelevant because you are anything and everything. You can't escape yourself no matter the form or lack of form. But you DID design this entire thing - so keep that in mind. You have a plan for yourself!
  14. @Harikrishnan he is finite form but using mysticsm can tap into Infinity in its entirety or God from Gods perspective. (Means the same thing) It's all you...when you cease you will dissolve into Gods perspective and be able to see marie as an idea from within your mind...gods mind. But marie is still you. It's tricky to wrap your mind around because it's all shifts in perspectives. God is exploring infinite perspectives including his own.
  15. @Drake140 yes the techniques can be used to awaken other people to themselves so they realize they are God. But he was asking why cant the enlightenend master instantly enlighten others. It's because from his perspective he does not have infinite power, but at the same time he still is Infinity. God's perspective has infinite power.
  16. @Hellspeed huh? Man your falling off the deep end my brother. And cancer is ego? Still love ya though
  17. @Hellspeed says the egoic One himself...the almighty Hellspeed, once again deceiving himself that he is Liberated!
  18. @Angelo John Gage major paradigm shift going on here uh oh. The standing paradigm to the sitting one
  19. You can awaken to yourself to become conscious that you are reality itself. Reality is infinite. Therefore it isn't just a bunch of dumb atoms. It can think, feel, and love It's a Mind. God is the best word because a fundamental facet of God is Absolute Love. You can become conscious that this is you and it's been you this whole time.
  20. @Hellspeed yah you are way off. It's not that all..its what i explained earlier. You can be liberated - which means to become conscious that you are God. At that point what human form or any form you take is irrelevant. You no longer fear death as there is no such thing. You cannot escape yourself. There is only One. That is non-duality. You accept Cancer with love because you are God and it matters not if this little perspective you are currently in dissolves as you are the One.