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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Flatworld Crusades Yes but also remember this is very radical and advanced stuff. It is par for the course that it is going to spark heated discussion and debate. At the end of the day we must respect all perspectives. And to do that we must be able to see things and understand things from multiple perspectives - to jump between them. Truth is Absolute. It is the Absolute perspective. It will reveal itself when it chooses.
  2. @sausagehead as you grow and become more conscious, you will start caring more about these things. When i was your age all i cared about was getting drunk and getting some ass. For some of us it takes time. But when your mind opens you will become a sponge and want to absorb everything around you.
  3. Warning; Driving while meditating can by deadly if mystical experience happens. But then again would it matter at that point?
  4. Try to read a 1-2 books a month. The teaching company has some great lectures too that you can get off or join their membership.
  5. @Truth Addict cool Avatar
  6. @Anton_Pierre suffering my own egoic devilry...then changing my ways..then suffering through the change. One must change to grow.
  7. Life is a delicate balancing act.
  8. @lmfao Yes what you are speaking about can be also viewed as mistaking the map for the territory. Our egoic minds wanna do this to keep us far away from Truth. So once you have studied the map, put it away and go find the territory for yourself. No one else can do this but you. Peter Ralston is really good too for studying the map too.
  9. @Javfly33 absolutely it could be. And give it the utmost importance and stay conscious that it was Actual. Because your ego will attempt to hand wave it off as falsehood. Even the slightest of glimpses are massive gains in this work. Even non-glimpses are but that's hard to be conscious of from your vantage point. Just doing the work to begin with is a massive gain. So Continue to do your meditation and spiritual work.
  10. @Shin what do you mean? I see everyone being welcomed here.
  11. @Shaun I don't think that's quite the same as you being conscious that you are awareness itself yet. Also try not to get lost in trying to think about being other perspectives because that's just conceptualizing and is not actual. The truth is that reality so relative that from one perspective your perspective right now is the only one since you are God. You just haven't had a mystical experience yet. So just be your perspective and be present. It's great that you are ramping up your meditation practices. It will definitely help raise your consciousness levels.
  12. @universe The snake eating it's own tail.
  13. @abrakamowse but remember the little finite God and the Infinite God are absolutely identical. Being conscious of that is a big step.
  14. @SQAAD don't give that too much weight at all. OCD is an "anxiety disorder" due to lack of certainty. That nagging inner feeling that something aint quite right. But what if you look at it as also your intuition telling you this, and that maybe, just maybe, there IS something not right! There's something VERY not right about what we think is going on here with life! Thats why the pursuit of Truth through spirituality can bring you so much peace and relief from OCD. Don't underestimate the power of your true nature.
  15. Nice. Yes suffering by the Ego can be harnessed in a sense towards Awakening. During your mystical experience were their any facets of the Absolute revealed to you?
  16. Do not let this freak you out - just be your perspective. Yes you are infinite, but picturing other perspectives is just concept - it's not ACTUAL. If you get lost in concepts that can actually be a detriment to you in this work and get you trapped in your own mind. Just be yourself. Your'e God right now. When you become conscious of certain facets of the Absolute or the entire thing, via a mystical experience or experiences, you ultimately will realize you are God - and that is unimaginable bliss. Also keep in mind your perspective will progress in consciousness until it merges with Absolute infinity into the Absolute Oneness that you always were!
  17. The substance of Reality is nothing. However Reality is Infinite, so another word for Reality is Absolute Infinity. It just IS itself. There is no where else to go. There can't be anything outside of it. Infinity allows it the freedom to be A Mechanical - it needs no mechanism and it can be conscious - and feel, and love. so another word for Reality is Consciousness. It's a Mind. This Mind is nothingness - but since it's Infinite, it contains within it all possiblities, including none at all (non existence). Existence and Non-Existence or super imposed right on top of eachother because there is no where else to go. So what you get is Existence and non-existence cancelling each other out - and your'e left with Reality being a Dream - or hallucination. The substance of which, is nothing. Again, all possibilities are still included within this Infinite singularity. That's where the relativity comes in. God creates perspectives through form, and explores itself through an infinite number of perspectives. This form - you, me, your coffee table, black holes, EVERYTHING, is couched within the formlessness, or nothingness, but at the same time its One. It unfolds as we "be" our perspective, or in other words we create form, from the nothingness. But it was Always there! Reality is absolutely Relative in that it doesn't just appear that way - That's how it actually is! It's only perspectives. But so much so that is Absolutely so! Making it Absolute! It's perfect. Being = Formlessness minus the form Your perspective is a finitude or part, of infnity, or God - it is form within the formlessness, so it's still both. Your being it right now!
  18. For me this happens a lot too. I think its par for the course. But there will be other times when you are hyper alert and can meditate just fine without falling asleep. Getting a good night's sleep will help a lot with that. Caffeine helps me personally.
  19. It can't be escaped (him appearing to be projecting on you) That's why language breaks down when discussing Truth. That's the paradoxical, loopy nature of reality. This is just and endless loop.
  20. Different teachers use words in different contexts - but Awareness and consciousness are the same thing. Another word for it is Absolute Infinity, or God - since it's Infinite. It's substance is nothing. It is formless.
  21. I'm sure he's a great guy - That said, One should not put other Masters on a pedestal. One should be rather focus on discovering Truth for themselves and become their own Master. Remember to be cognizant of Oneness. You and he are actually identical.
  22. @Shadowraix I would think that would be Ego then. The only devil is the Egoic mind. It's really your own doing.
  23. @Drake140 remember Infinity does not have to have it carved out for it to be there. So yes him responding saying he's not sure happened already but it does not necessarily have to be carved out in form so to speak. Instead its isness, or it just IS. Another word for isness is Being. We reverse collapse Being/isness into form when we create, or simply be, but it was always there.
  24. In other words its Actual.