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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Emerald From what I've seen on here since i joined it's not so much a dick measuring contest in that its a paradigm argument. The idealist paradigm is very radical because it defies the rational, logical, scientifically oriented Materialist paradigm. Not that the Idealist doesn't believe in science - quite the contrary. Rather there will be an evolution of science to the next level in which it will unite with spirituality over the next few hundred years. But right now we are very early in the game and there are very few awakened people proportional to the entire world population. So this is par for the course, especially as more people awaken and are becoming more conscious. As they become more conscious they will be more active on forums like this to help awaken others. This will be a threat to those still stuck in the Materialist paradigm. And understandably so. I'm not familiar with your channel what is it about?
  2. @ColdFacts so let me see if i understand you correctly - you are not disputing Awakening itself, or enlightenment, or the Idealist paradigm ( which is actual btw). Am i right so far? So by that logic are you saying that taking pyschedelics is morally wrong because it's cheating? Or are you saying that taking psychedelics is synthetic enlightenment - meaning that the experiences are hallucinations of the Mind and not Actual Truth? To either viewpoint here is my answer. To the ethical question, once you Awaken, whether after tripping or not taking any substance, the entire materialist paradigm melts away before your eyes along with everything you thought is real. Even you yourself are just a concept. Therefore once you Awaken the whole ethical question will melt away with it. Its hard to grasp without actually awakening. To the second stance - well if that's your viewpoint than you are just being close minded. You can't judge something if you haven't tried it for yourself. Well you can, but you will do so in ignorance. And if you are saying none of this but only that some of the people on here are fooling themselves into thinking they actually had a mystical experience - well, again you are judging. And besides, who cares - they are following the path and one day if they haven't already they will. So what's the big fuss? If you have wisdom you will not be so quick to judge others. Rather look inside yourself. Afterall, they're all you from One perspective anyway.
  3. But here is what you materialists and rationalists miss. If you're in a dream, all you have access to is dream stuff. But what if there is a particular piece of dream stuff, that if consumed, actually got you out of the dream? Why wouldn't that be possible? I myself awakened from this dream without any substance - but that doesn't mean there isn't a substance out there that can be a tool in waking up from the dream - this significantly overwhelms the ego in mere seconds rather than hours, weeks, and years of meditation if you are not spiritually gifted. So wake up! Wake up! Hello out there Coldfacts! You can really wake up from this dream!
  4. To echo what everyone else just said this is absolutely beautiful. Words can't even express it. Powerful stuff man. Yes it's hard to be having all of the realizations you are having and then the next day go to a job at Burger King or wherever you are working trying to get your basic needs met. It is so profound and so deep that really everything else pales in comparison. But keep going you are doing wonderful. And you are getting much more conscious with these mystical experiences and subsequent realizations. You are no longer the same, for the better. Remember that. The old you is gone and there is a new you now. Keep getting more conscious. To read this is what makes everything worth while. Keep working on your life purpose / career path in tandem and everything will fall into place. But congrats man it really made me smile.
  5. Some are more spiritually gifted than others. Period. And there are other things at work. Such as where your base level of consciousness is to begin with when you begin meditation, and how much you have suffered.
  6. @zeroISinfinity God creates through illusion. But the question being asked is what is the one thing that the ego does that is not a survival strategy. We are not talking about Becoming God here, for that is death of the ego. We are pondering what is prior to the death of the ego. The answer is suffering.
  7. How about legit suffering. You are slowly killing yourself when you do that. That's the only thing i can think of that isn't survival strategy while your still the ego. Awakening is already after the ego is gone.
  8. @Norbert Lennartz yeah no mind meditation. .getting as close to Being as you can prior to losing the ego is close. Of course thoughts arrive so quickly.....
  9. @outlandish yah discovering you are God after pursuit of Truth..which is ego death. Suicide itself can actually be a survival strategy because the depressed person is trying to relieve the pain of life so in a sense that's a form of survival.
  10. @Sauvik yes it is. Your perspective IS reality. That's the beauty.
  11. @zeroISinfinity indeed that is the highest realization To discover that you are God and that you created this whole thing. And that you are this whole thing. There is nothing outside of you. You had to create the form as well. The form is part of formless and is a necessary part of God. All is One as the form comes full circle to realize formlessness - which it always was.
  12. @zeroISinfinity consciousness = God. But yes it depends on where you are on the path as to what is revealed to you.
  13. @John West this is normal. When the mind is wrestling to grasp something eventually it will all become mush. At that point that's when you should take a step back. Take a break and perhaps do some no mind meditation and stay in the present moment. Try to remind yourself that its OK for it not to make sense now - all will be revealed in time. Then later come back to it with a clear head and it may just click.
  14. @Shin don't cut yourself short. You have had glimpses of Truth. Those glimpses had revealed certain facets to you to where the other facets would fit logically whether you have directly become conscious of them or not. You also have your intuition even if you haven't had glimpses. By the way I'm not trying to get in your pants it was simply an observation
  15. @zeroISinfinity where do you think the egoic mind comes from...some third party entity? Don't forget Oneness. You can become directly conscious of Oneness.
  16. @Inder You have full control...From your perspective. Your perspective is the only thing you have. Its YOU. You can't be God's perspective or any other perspective while you are being you. Otherwise you would no longer be you! You can't even conceptualize God's perspective because that's still you fantasizing about God's perspective. It isn't real. When you have a mystical experience you become God. Then you will become conscious that from God's perspective it has already happened. Once you grasp that there is no objective world or reality out there - that everything is relative to perspective - that's when you grasp this. Perspective is all there is. It doesn't just seem that way that's how it actually is. It takes a shift in the way you look at Reality.
  17. @Inder absolutely. You can consciously create all day long. That's the beauty of this whole design. Infinity is a very, very powerful thing. Its awe inspiring.
  18. @Anna1 indeed i see the subtle difference. Interesting, thanks
  19. You'll probably curl up into a ball anyway and cry for hrs on end just from the sheer awesomeness of God. "Oh my God" will be the only words you will be able to mutter for quite some time.
  20. Agreed. We need folks like you! It's going to be the visionary scientists like you that will evolve our species to the highest levels.
  21. Those are only your Egoic pleasures not God's the Absolute. He is just a little bit larger than that. Afterall..God IS the women AND the beaches. He already is doing all of that through you/himself, and much more. Entertaining himself is much more challenging than that! For him discovering himself through himself is where it's at. And he must forget himself in order to do that. Something without limitations must give itself limitations just to explore itself.
  22. @Maya_0 it sure feels like there is though.. Thats what i mean in above post...wonderful illusion by God.