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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @stephenkettley not guaranteed but a super good start and could lead to a mystical experiences but don't go in with any expectation Go into it with just an open mind and curiosity
  2. They would have to have no attachments or value anything. The reality is that losing an attachment is going to cause suffering. And you are going to lose an attachment at some point or another. It depends on how lucky you are as how long that takes.
  3. You should not base your existence on whether or not there are other people. This indicates a serious lack of self esteem. You need to be able to be happy even if you were completely alone. This means you find happiness within not eternally. It is very, very vital. Work on that. Just work on being happy regardless of others. Others don't live the life you do, or experience what you do. Others don't have any impact on whether you cut the grass or go to work or not. Others are not in this mix. It is up to you to do those things. At the sane time it is ultimately God's disdain for being alone that leads to the egos disdain for it. It is not something God chose. But God is stuck with it because he is God. So aloneness is one of the biggest issues that God has. And so- he latches on to other people and what others think. It's a lot easier to please others than to actual take the time to love one's self. But then if one does that he has to admit that he's alone. It's a tough pill to swallow but ultimately a necessary one.
  4. Ok..put your hand behind your head and imagine it..then put it in front of you and look at it. That's the difference. Its only the same thing after you have come full circle. And after that you will realize that other states of consciousness are possible.
  5. This is the biggest spiritual trap there is. It's what keeps most people from ever awakening because they believe this is awakening! I have news for ain't 😀
  6. @Osaid it's easier to say - it's just imaginary. Anything not directly experienced is imaginary. The wonderful thing about this is that imagination IS you. So you ARE the rat. You ARE the chimp. Right now! Lesser consciousness is a figment of current consciousness. But current Consciousness can also go much higher. It's not in an Infinite state right now..but if you've awakened you know it's possible. So why wouldn't lesser Consciousness be possible? Why wouldn't experiencing the level of consciousness of an ant not be possible despite being imaginary right now? Why can't imagination become actual? The truth is nothing is preventing Leo is not wrong here if you think it through.
  7. Lolz. It's more just the suffering they have been through. Their leadership at this point has become numb. It's plain to see with Netanyahu. Jews don't label themselves like that. They are very humble at heart.
  8. Yeah..ive been on here for a long time..a lot of the users don't even listen to the videos..they're on here for the spiritual discussion because they found out about the forum. .
  9. If free thought wasn't encouraged here i think he would have no followers. Also many here just use the forum so don't assume they listen to his work regularly. It's a "spiritual" outlet.
  10. There's some interesting factors here: 1. It's only closed in that lifetime. 2. That lifetime is imaginary right now. 3. For the guy who has half an interest in this stuff, he can find enlightenment even if it takes a lifetime - either one way or another. You don't have to be a genetic freak. 4. For the guy who is a rat - well, he is screwed for now - but see, he doesn't know the difference anyway so it never even existed. (Awakening) 5. For the guy who is a rat, see number 2.
  11. Some things are best left to imagination 😌
  12. @Water by the River Nice Actually I'm in the two week category but I guess there isn't much difference. Yeah that's interesting about the twins. Of course there is the woo factor - I mean if you are talking about genetics purely from a scientific standpoint then you can say well what dictates genetics? Science will try to find some theory when really it could be..what you are calling karma...the interesting thing is though, is that..just like genetics are imaginary, so is what you are calling the soul. Oddly, I always believed I was a soul- but the realization that the soul is just a thought- is what ultimately led to awakening. So the interesting thing is that genetics when using the scientific definition is no different than saying it is because of psychedelics that one awakens. Both are imaginary and within the dream. Even karma is imaginary. So then what are we left with? Why do some awaken and not others? Well, if you are imagining "other" then that really clarifies things doesn't it? 😀
  13. @Water by the River don't you find it interesting though as to why you are interested in this stuff at all though (and on this forum to begin with) while others could care less? You don't think that's genetically related at all?
  14. That's where metaphysics comes in. Most spiritual teachings lead you down a path of belief where metaphysics goes into the study of existence itself- and that you can verify this for yourself. As @Carl-Richard said it combines spirituality with science
  15. Yeah- how I found your channel was when I typed in: what is addiction? The first video I found of yours was your video on addiction.
  16. On the shoulders of Giants we stand.
  17. Ahh - well your early videos and his books seem to align very similarly...i guess it was just coincidental that they did.....there aren't many human beings on this planet that know what this stuff is let alone understand what you guys were talking about - which makes it all the more basically you interviewing him was simply because he was already well known and established in the spiritual/metaphysical community and you had realized that what you had been discovering via psychedelics aligned with what his own findings on existence were. Interesting. Or was this before psychedelics and just meditation? I know you did meditation for a while before delving into least that's what your videos revealed.
  18. At some point you did and at some point it branched off. But the first 10 minutes of that interview really tells all. I'm not saying you didn't confirm what Ralston was saying in your own direct experience- you did. That's what made your teachings so authentic- because they were. (Are)
  19. Here's an interesting tidbit guys .I listened to the interview again with Leo and Ralston - the most pertinent aspect - about what enlightenment and it's significance is - and what he means by direct experience- and I have to say he was dead on and I think he was paramount in a lot of Leo's teachings. I think the interesting thing is that Leo is a lot more charismatic- and for people not already into spirituality a guy like Ralston would never be found - despite his books being top notch. But a guy just perusing the internet for almost anything has a good chance of stumbling on a guy like Leo's YouTube channel and thus find spirituality and Enlightenment. The thing that I find interesting is that Leo is a serious intellectual who really prides himself in understanding everything. The only problem is thinking there is always something more - this is the problem (or advantage( with the intellectual. There is a constant desire to understand things at ever deeper levels.. but when it comes to enlightenment- actual enlightenment- it is not comprehended it is Being - which Ralston attempts to articulate in the interview. Bringing this forward as Leo goes through his own spiritual journey, the young Leo does a great job in bringing Ralstons teachings of direct experience or Being to life in his videos. Here he is an extension of Ralston, which I realize now is why I didn't need Ralston.
  20. Probably reading too much into it. But who knows...Mind and Body act as one..and if he was that enlightened he should have been able to heal himself at least to some degree..but it sounds like he just got bit by the karma snake.
  21. If Consciousness didn't have this magical ability your memory would always taint the next world that you created or spawned into. Imagine if you reincarnated into Moses but still remembered you were Hitler in a past life. That would be quite a hindrance.
  22. I understand that...yes I was generalizing that zionists were always going to be Jewish. And it's not always the case..but hate is never a good thing for anyone. Don't you agree? You're pretty much admitting that you hate on Israel because you think the state design is fundamentally flawed? And you think you are OK to do that because the hate is mainly directed toward the Zionist movement and thus OK, because that's an ideology so it could be jews or non-jews? Seems like a sneaky indirect way to subtly hate on Jews under the guise of being against Israel and the way the state was "designed" not the Jewish people....... .
  23. You mean differentiate between jew and jew? Why? Because of their environment or upbringing? A jew is a jew. And I don't condone everything Israel does either, but you don't call out the people per se, you call out the decisions that the people's government makes. What is a hard core zionist? Do they formulate the government that makes the decisions? Or is it just some dude on fhe street? If the latter than he is the average jew. If you transplanted me there right now from the US our opinions wouldn't be that different.
  24. Oh come now...I was just posing what ifs haha.. in any reality you would ultimately come to the same conclusion. Its fun to think about though 🤔
  25. I dunno. Nowhere. Where is this reality? In the milky way? 😀