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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Nahm this is deep stuff. You are never wrong when you speak from the non-dual perspective. I'm simply pointing out that we shouldn't ignore duality. Part of infinity is, believe it or not, limitations. Form is limitation.
  2. @Anton_Pierre nice that's the way to do it
  3. @Cody_Atzori sounds like you are spiritually gifted. This is great. Have you listened to Leo's eniightenment videos from start to finish? The second or third go into self inquiry and you can meditate while listening. Self inquiry can be very well as no mind do nothing.
  4. @Anton_Pierre yeah i like it too and you can still enjoy every bit of it just in a conscious way. A conscious guy is probably not gonna be shooting himself up with steroids because he is conscious of the big picture.
  5. @Nahm ahh... but its Infinity can be dual (two) and non-dual (One) at the same time It can do that! Of course from the highest perspective no perspectives are required and all relativity collapses into Absolute. Here all is One. So form is an illusion as you say. All dualities collapse leaving only Isness. But without the form God can't know himself through himself.
  6. This is a very interesting topic. The problem is most bodybuilders are clueless about the bigger picture. They are consumed with their appearance, and have made an identity out of it. They'll go to the extremes like taking steroids to have that look. They're so consumed with themselves and their own ego its pathetic actually. Because its Ego to the billionth degree. Now the fully awakened person or opposite of this works out to stay healthy..not to look good for anyone but to feel peace with themselves. They no longer even need to look in the mirror frankliy. They understand and are conscious that the guys and gals in the gym with him ARE him - he doesn't need to be bigger or cutter. He's just himself, because he is everything. And nothing - the body is made of nothing - and he's aware of that. Very interesting. When i was younger I used to be big into bodybuilding and wanted to take steroids to be as big as everyone that did. Because i did have the genes naturally. But now I'm awake and i see how silly they are and how lost they are. I still go to the gym all the time - but so much more conscious.
  7. @Shaun can you link that video because i don't recall that at all for his self inquiry stuff. It may have been about their not being an objective world "out there" and you are confusing that.
  8. @Nahm From infinity's perspective yes..all is included..there is nothing outside of it. But I'm saying that in order for the movie to play out Infinity must collapse itself into finite parts. So from the part's perspective he only sees his part. Otherwise he couldn't be his part. Thats what being finite is. Yet infinity is still infinity whether its playing out in parts or whether its acting as the whole thing. Just depends on from which perspective you take is what you get. Beautiful.
  9. @Nahm your still Infinity infinity includes dualities within it. It includes all the finitudes, of which you are one. As any form is finite. Duality is within non-duality. But they are identical as One So he's being Infinite right now.
  10. @seeking_brilliance well actually that's completely correct. Everything is One. There is no difference between our bodies producing it and ingesting it. You ARE 5-Meo. How's that for a mind fuck to all you who are against taking it. It's the Truth though.
  11. @seeking_brilliance Is that rhetorical?
  12. @Arcangelo nice
  13. He was a very enlightened person and others who were not enlightened looked at him as God and thus the religion came about. But the people were not aware that they were also God and could become enlightened. That got missed completely.
  14. @Nahm i like that analogy. That is showing him the duality and form of infinity. We cannot know the formless of infinity. We can only BE it. Because we ARE it. But it is all One. Shaun is Infinite right now. Love it.
  15. @Mikael89 it will appear that way from your perspective until it becomes Actual for you. Until you become Actual to where all dualities collapse and all you are is Actuality. There is no denying Truth after that.
  16. @Arcangelo well when i began this path i wasn't meditating to kill the ego. I rather just held an open mind that maybe the metaphysical questions philosophers have pondered for thousands of years could be answered. So it was kind of like an open mind type of thing not to slay the ego. Even now when i meditate i use no mind and try to just BE. Because that's our true nature. We are being right now just through form. I just try to be One with the present moment. Which is Being minus form. Form and duality collapse.
  17. @Mikael89 i did if you scroll up. Horrible isn't a good word. Terrifying is. But it's beautiful at the same time.
  18. @lmfao yeah its hard. But if you can delay pleasure up front and deal with some up front suffering it will lead to less suffering long term. It's not easy because the ego wants only pleasure not knowing that this will ultimately cause more long term suffering. @kieranperez For addictions what can work great is no mind meditation when you feel an addiction coming on. Just BE. Just be yourself and let the pain of the addiction move through you until it finally passes. So stay in a state of meditation and Being while these emotions are moving thru you.
  19. @Truth Addict The Awakened one says this. It takes enlightenment to grasp. But once Awake there is a desire that arises from Love to help others to Awaken. This isn't ego. Of course from your persepctive thats how it could appear - that's because language can't capture Truth so Truth can get corrupted when spoken to those that are not open minded. The snake eating it's own tail.