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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @CreamCat just make sure you set a complex password and maybe consider using dual factor authentication afterwards
  2. @Umar_uk indeed that is from the non-dual perspective. From a dualistic perspective you as God will explore yourself as every possibility. That is what is meant here by Reincarnation. It's not about what particular form that possiblity manifests itself as. You/God are the awareness behind the illusion of all eyes. "Reincarnation" is the word pointing to infinite possibilities within consciousness.
  3. @ColdFacts i take it that you have not explored quantum mechanics by your lack of response. I suggest you do and that you study logical positivism. Most physicists today don't want to think about the philosophical or metaphysical ramifications of quantum mechanics and logical positivism but they will admit it when pressed.
  4. @ColdFacts no...i wasn't projecting..notice i stated that these were the reasons i deduced why you are on a spiritual forum. I stated you could also be just trolling. But let's put that aside for now. Have you studied quantum mechanics and modern physics?
  5. @ColdFacts Truth is prior to logic. See the sad problem with you is that i think you are terrified of your own intuition. You intuit that Truth exists - that the nature of reality is mystical and groundless. I think you know it in your heart, way down deep. Otherwise you wouldn't be posting in a spiritual section of a forum. And i think your logical mind refuses to accept it and thus you are stuck in a sad case of cognitive dissonance. That can be overcome though, if you do the practices and meditate. And maybe bite your own bullet and take pyschedelics if needed. (If spiritually gifted they won't be but you won't know until you try) The only other option is that you are here to be a troll - and i guess that's possible too.
  6. Part of Infinity or God is limitation and/or imperfection. This means that some of us are born with disorders or develop later. That includes disease, both mental and physical. OCD, depression, depersonalization, etc. Now these are things that just happen. Let's put that aside for now. I will be straight up with all of you here that when i had my first mystical experience as i integrated back into my ego i immediately said wow this is exactly the same as depersonalization disorder! But now notice, that was detachment from the ego - that is not enlightenment. That is what happens prior to enlightenment. Enlightenment is becoming God and having God realization. Depersonalization disorder is ONLY detachment. It is not the same thing. I also discovered that God realization is complete certainty - it is the cure for OCD which is the disorder of uncertainty. I know this because i had suffered form pure OCD mildly my entire life.
  7. @StarStruck he may have been enlightened towards the end i don't know. Yes it's possible that some of the founding fathers of Quantum Mechanics went on to become mystics. But they couldn't talk about it openly or risk being shunned.
  8. @Mikael89 the video you posted earlier spells it out. Who was that? @oMarcos yes you have to discover Truth for yourself.
  9. @How to be wise yes some of the deepest realizations will reveal to you that it can't be denied. For example the realization of Oneness. Full consciousness of non-duality. All forms are God or consciousness - or you - exploring yourself from different perspectives. Also that you are the formless. You are Being or pure potential. You as pure potential will play out as every possibility that could ever possibly be. You are yourself through yourself as there is no where else to go. I know this has been said multiple times here already but when you become conscious of all of this then reincarnation can no longer be denied.
  10. Yes mysticsm will shift you from finite intelligence to infinite intelligence and you can thus tap into it. You will be come back with higher consciousness and intelligence. Of course some of us are given a bigger finite chunk then others out the gate. Einstein may not have been a mystic but he was still a genius. He got it.
  11. @seeking_brilliance that's the beauty of it. Yes you can create tiers in the dream. We already do. The problem is when those tiers or hierarchies become a negative rather than a positive on the collective ego. This ties into society and government. Just because they are dualities doesn't mean they are not valid. Thats why everything ties together. To ignore form would be a mistake. But to evolve as a society we do have to find the right balance.
  12. No not at all i wasn't judging you i was trying to say that one doesn't need 5-Meo to have the highest realizations. Probably came across the wrong way. Once the realizations are reached, whether using a substance or not, you reach the same place. Just maybe different paths.
  13. @seeking_brilliance there is nothing above you. You are the whole of Infinity right now. You are God. And if you look at reality as a Giant Mind - which it is because its substance is nothing and it is Infinitely intelligent and groundless - although you are an idea within the Mind you are also the entire Mind. So any hierarchies you create are still You.
  14. @Maya_0 i understand your perspective. You wish to collapse into Being for eternity and that that would be nirvana. And that in your finite form there is suffering. It does take a high level of consciousness to grasp that the form and formless are identical though. May require a couple of awakening experiences and liberation to become conscious of the Oneness. There is just illusion of the bondage in form. It is a very strong illusion but it can be seen through and broken through in your current form.
  15. @abrakamowse well remember when all you have is yourself and there are no "whos" or a anything grounding you then you are everything but you are also absolute zero. They are identical. That's what we mean by existence and non-existence being identical.
  16. It's crazy how the ego projects as on has to catch himself doing it and then stop. As in going meta on it. Great example was i was always short growing up and developed a complex over it. Everyone i would encounter i would project my complex onto them in such a way that i immediately assumed they were thinking about my height just because i was thinking about it. I was projecting my own thoughts on them when in fact i had no idea what was in that person's mind. BTW i have since caught up so no short jokes. You might trigger it again. Damn it i have exposed my weakness!
  17. @Nahm I'm literally not posting this right now as I am posting it i would day Ta dah. But that's copyrighted
  18. @tecladocasio Absolute Infinity/Absolute consciousness is itself. It both exists and doesn't exist simultaneously.
  19. @Maya_0 Awakening is becoming conscious that you literally will it into being. It goes from pure potential to a particular form when you will it. If everyone was awake would there be even a notion of bondage anymore?