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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Ibn Sina I wouldn't necessarily assume that - one can develop constant non-dual awareness that is always there. It's a higher level of consciousness. I'm pretty sure he's there. Yes you still need to interact with people throughout your day so you are also in duality, but the non-dual awareness is always present in the backround. That happens after a combination of awakenings and the continual deepening or expanding of one's consciousness.
  2. @theking00 Yes it can be scary especially when you become conscious that you as the ego are an illusion.
  3. @Aakash hahah...i haven't had the desire to yet but I'll let you know
  4. @Truth Addict ok sorry.
  5. @Aakash im not sure i follow you...but why not both simultaneously? What i mean is we are both the same consciousness so we are One. But also from your perspective i am in your mind and from my perspective you are in my mind. Both are happening simultaneously. You just have to become enligthened from your perspective to discover it from your persepctive.
  6. @Aakash all i have to do to unimagine you is stop thinking about you. Poof you are gone If you walk into the room then that is still me as God imagining you walking into the room. Just have to be conscious that i am God doing it even though I'm in this human form right now and my ego isn't doing it. If i want to imagine that you still exist i just imagine that you exist. It's a real mind fuck.
  7. @Aakash well yeah thats the same thing really. I am conscious that you are something i imagined. That i imagined the desk im sitting at now..and the trees outside. Everything becomes much more beautiful. I know i probably sound as crazy as Leo did but that is what discovering you are God really is.
  8. @Mikael89 i think he's not saying anything different there either. All there is in the sense only existence. But one can also grasp that because its One and it is itself, there is nothing grounding it, no who's. So it both exists and doesn't at the same time, They are identical. So that point there is no point in saying non-existence, just use one word, existence.
  9. @tedens well remember he was integrating a recent very powerful awakening.
  10. @Aakash yes in the sense that i have non-dual awareness. I am conscious that this entire thing is in my mind.
  11. @mandyjw a little of both
  12. @The Blind Sage @tedens He really didn't say anything new other than that he felt self inquiry and meditation could not get you to he levels he was at. I have to disagree with Leo on that - it is possible. it happened to me. Now, most people would probably require at the very least meditation and self inquiry, and possibly pyschedelics. But there are even some yet who need nothing and it just happens - that was Umar I believe. So there are range of spiritual gifted people and non-spiritually gifted. I think it would be a mistake to reject meditation and self inquiry as techniques to reach the highest level.
  13. @lukej i laughed the whole time too because reality is so damm radical all you can do is laugh.
  14. @mandyjw i think he was being sarcastic.
  15. Its both simultaneously. I had the realization of the 1st. That's what i call the Oneness realization. It made me sick for some time. I'm sick now thinking about it though at the same time it is the greatest miracle. When that happened that's when it stuck for me. So with 2nd option This same thing s happening to all perspectives simultaneously... But then again that's all in your mind can't escape that...paradox city.
  16. @tecladocasio The map is not the territory Everyone is getting pretty darn good at this.
  17. @Umar_uk no he's a dual snob. And pointing it out is a not a dual crime. Get it right.
  18. @whoareyou why are you so obsessed with Ball? Why not do the practices and discover for yourself? Getting caught up in any one so called guru can trap you in this work.
  19. Yeah, and i think if one gets caught up in the idea in trying to conceptualize Awakening by putting it into little categories or binary ones and zeroes they may actually bottleneck themselves in this work. Just has to happen.
  20. @whoareyou so i thought our discussion on this notion of permanent enlightenment was interesting. The more i reflect I'm my own enlightenment i can tell you that the shift into where the non-dual awareness is the background, which is where i am at now, and it is liberating - even that didn't come in one flash moment. It's like the cumulation of all the experiences and then gradually over time it develops. Is that kind of what you were saying? I think that the only difference in our views is that i don't put classifications on any of it. I mean dying even once and coming back to me is eniightenment.
  21. What type of techniques have you been practicing currently'?
  22. @Freyah no mortal can. It cuts though the ego with the sharpest of knives. One might forgive but to love unconditionally is another matter altogether.
  23. This shall come with consciousness of Oneness and not before. It is the unity of the form and the formlessness. It is pure consciousness.
  24. @Freyah Regardless of what he said this is what Unconditional or Absolute Love is. Can you love those individuals? Answer Honestly.