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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. It is scary. It's scary and radical. When i became directly conscious of it i became sick just from the aloneness. I had to leave work and suffered depression on and off for a few days. Also dealt with insanity in between perspectives of my own dual perspective and God's perspective. Its serious business. But once you get past that its wonderful. There is nothing like the feeling of liberation and escaping the matrix. Also remember its not just Solipsism or Gods perspective as i call it. Its Oneness yes, and there is only you..but you can become conscious that you have divided yourself into everyone else and you are being them right now..since iInfinity has infinite dimensions, although right now you only have your perspective. So if you want to look at it dualisticly they are separate from you. If you are look at it non-dualitisticly they are you. If you look at it from Gods perspective (Solipsism) they are being imagined by you. So you see its all perspective. If you are not comfortable with the non dual vantage point then just stay in duality. Forget yourself again. Its fine. It's what you do to escape yourself. You can even go back to the materialistic perspective although that might be hard to fully believe it again knowing what you know. But Just be happy dude.
  2. @Shaun that's because you are only seeing one side of the yin yang symbol. You haven't actually awoken yet so this is still all concept to you and its freaking you the hell out. Once you do awaken your consciousness shall expand so much that you will see duality and non-duality are identical. It doesn't matter if you are an illusion because you can look through that. It actually becomes more beautiful and loving. You will actually be that guy in the 10 ox herding pics just laughing around town in total liberation. You will embrace and love yourself as both the ego and God and you will be totally at peace in this reality. Just because it's imagination doesn't lessen it it only increases the beauty.
  3. @Shadowraix yes.. and to me ultimately liberation will provide the deepest fulfillment. Discovering you are God. That said many need to get there when they get there and self improvement should not be diminished. It all comes together nicely. Being well rounded is very important. May gurus who just only have enlightenment may still not be very well rounded although at that level of realization they also realize that in the end it doesn't matter because the self is an illusion and they are God.
  4. There are many facets to this thing we call life. Thats correct. Just like there are geniuses with zero social skills. To balance yourself out is a wise course. Raised consciousness through spirituality should be done in tandem as it will help you to see all these things. But that's why you can't just follow or trust one particular guru. Just because they may have had one particular facet of the Absolute revealed..or two..they may be limited in other areas. And one can grow more conscious simply by being. Which is great too.
  5. @Vercingetorix @Vercingetorix all there is is an infinite mind dreaming or imagining up things. No body..not really. Thats all imagination. That's reality. Thats what you are. But to know yourself you need to be yourself through imagining it so. So you limited Yourself to this current form as an idea within your mind and and as this idea you have your own individual imagination - a slither of infinite imagination - so your memories have a chronological order, yes. And you as a concept will ultimately wash away and you'll go back to being the entire mind. you'll imagine up new stuff and new ideas and be them too
  6. @Leo Gura That was classic! LOL
  7. @possibilities you intuited the collapse of duality into non-duality. Or form info formlessness. Or you as a possiblity into pure potential/Being.
  8. @Preetom does Adyashanti really talk about the ego being enlightened? I read one of his books but i didn't remember noticing that and it was a while ago.
  9. @possibilities yes..guess what you are talking about? Do you know?
  10. @Joseph Maynor Bring it on! Of course he is just lecturing to his imagination
  11. @Preetom well shame on him then. He does say to point out his mistakes. He's open to improvement. That's the sign of true wisdom.
  12. @Zec How old are you and how much life experience have you had?
  13. @Preetom You are conflating pure/infinite consciousness with finite consciousness. Remember when an ego is reborn it has more consciousness than before. It died. God revealed itself to itself. The ego is reborn and that consciousness is passed to the ego. The ego is still God, it's all one. But now as the ego you transcend that and become both..that's that non-dual awareness. But it takes multiple awakenings - the biggest and final being total solipsism. It's tricky.
  14. @Preetom no he is saying that its not like one day you aren't eniightened and the next day you are. In binary terms non enlightened is the 0 and enlightenment is the 1. It's not like that. Or cat vs dog where cat is the 0 and dog is the 1. There are degrees of cats and dogs. It's the cumulation of consciousness expansion. People think that there is this concept of "boom actual enlightenment" it's not like that.
  15. @electroBeam The beauty of consciousness laid's more than both - its Infinite.
  16. @Joseph Maynor that is the damn truth.
  17. @Leo Gura really looking forward to your political lectures. I am really looking for a way to evolve both. Being completely anti-capitalism is not the path. (Not suggesting you are) But There is a unification.
  18. @Leo Gura and when i look at you I'm looking at myself in a multi parallel dimension so to speak. I'm literally being you RIGHT now.
  19. @electroBeam Infinity is something else.
  20. @electroBeam isn't that the beauty?
  21. @electroBeam total omniscience means you are all being imagined in his mind. You don't have a perspective anymore. That doesn't exist from that perspective.
  22. Modern physics i.e. quantum mechanics can reveal alot about God or reality because it was dreamed up by reality or God.