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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Umar_uk the mind is a slither of the Mind. (Capital M) Its One. form and the formless are identical. You are in the Non-dual only realm again - that's a trap.
  2. @Umar_uk you are awareness and you are Infinite, so of course you can shift perspectives. That's all this reality - awareness - or consciousness is - whatever perspective it is Being, is literally what it is.
  3. @Nahm sounds like you are describing the collapse of the perceiver into pure being..ultimate bliss and mystical shift into formlessness...ego death.
  4. @Umar_uk that's pure Being/Isness (formlessness...the absolute infinity of infinity, pure potential.. Non-dual awareness is a shift in awareness or perspective where you are no longer you as little Umar. Little Umar is not directly conscious he is awareness or God when is is being Umar directly. When Umar can shift awareness to where he is no longer Umar but he is God directly conscious that this is all in his Mind. That is what is meant by non-dual awareness. One can have a mystical experience in which the ego dissolves into pure being in which one becomes this perspective in full as God. I call it the realization of Oneness.
  5. @Arhattobe Can you describe the post awakening process then? I'm open ears.
  6. @Nahm thats why i was saying that whatever your perspective is. Is literally what reality becomes. Its really amazing.
  7. @Nahm yes what i mean by dual awareness is my Egos perspective...when in this perspective I'm not directly conscious i am God in the now. I'm just being me as my small self. But when i shift awareness i am directly conscious of me as God and this whole thing is in my Mind. Capital M. Since reality is a Mind. In that instant I'm not the small me. You can't be conscious of both perspecives simultaneously in human form. The formless is the collapse of all form into pure isness which is what you are. But both form and formless are identical as One.
  8. @Arhattobe i kinda scrolled back and read the full post again because admittedly i jumped in just reading the few at the end. So let me ask terms of purifying the ego..ive noticed with myself that i am more conscious now after my awakening experiences..the most powerful and last one being Oneness..conscious that i am alone and that all of this is being imagined by me as God. Also that i would be every possible perspective. Both of these happened to me during the same awakening. Now after rebirth i have a much deeper awareness. The cravings i had eventually returned..though lessened. But now i am able to work with these and conquer them much more effortlessly. But that work is not in itself mystical..its consciousness work. The mystical experiences yielded a more fuller awareness now where i can shift awareness and be conscious that all of reality is in my mind. So i dont believe purification of the ego is the same as Awakening. But awakening makes it very easy to be self aware of any so called flaws with the ego..because it allows you to see through the ego..and all of reality at this point. There is also the perspective the ego is perfect just the way it is. One doesn't have to do any work unless they so choose. You are perfect as God just the way you are. So that is a choice.
  9. @Arhattobe What have you experienced terms of mystical experiences. Because you don't want to get caught up in a story of Jesus from two thousand years ago. What i am telling you is coming from my own direct experience.
  10. @Arhattobe There is both dual and non-dual awareness. Of course this isn't the same as the formless or pure Being because there is still form.
  11. Would make sense. The ego doesn't get enlightened. The ego dies. God enlightens himself. In the case where there is still human form the ego is reborn as both the ego and God. They are split but one simultaneously.
  12. @ajasatya Oh i do...i see both perspectives. If that came off as arrogant it was not my intent. That's what non-dual awareness is all about. That's what allows you to play in the sandbox.
  13. @Umar_uk it doesn't seem like you grasp Oneness at all if you are the least bit bothered by Leo at all. Leo is you! You imagined him! You have much to learn my friend. But then again I'm talking to myself right now so it doesn't matter (when i shift to God mode.) Its only when i shift to my finite form that it matters. In the dreamworld. It seems you do not have non-dual awareness yet. You see, i am able to shift my awareness. Being God is incredibly powerful because nothing bothers you. Meltdowns become nonexistent. Keep working at it though! You might get there one day. I hope you do, but at the same time i could care less.
  14. @Umar_uk can you keep your egoic meltdowns private? We get enough of those around here Just kidding with you.
  15. @Umar_uk i understand that i understand Oneness. But the beauty of Infinity allows one to also virtually escape oneself through division. Infinity wouldn't be infinity without the ability to limit. So one can shift perspectives. That is all reality is. Your words are evidence of that. Turn your gaze inwards and see the beauty of duality - do not limit yourself I'm fully awake - you are not telling me anything i don't know. I am God imagining you. That is the highest realization. I hope you see that someday - its beautiful. I just asked you a simple question on how you were raised..i didn't ask for a lecture on Oneness. I showed myself that.
  16. @Preetom i can't speak to part 3 but as for all of the rest i loved reading it. Great post! As far as part 3 just from what i have seen from Leo's experiences with it, it does alter consciousness and expand it permanently - so maybe that's why he says they have to be done right - which is probably very tricky for most people - hence your point?
  17. Yes this is an interesting topic. One can have many mystical experiences and have many deep realizations about Reality, including discovering they ARE reality itself. Rebirth of the ego shall yield much higher deeper levels of consciousness. The ability to now see through the ego. But seeing through the ego is not the same as purifying the ego. But one must see through it first to begin the purification process. That can take decades. But i would not say anything is impossible.
  18. Consciousness forever changes with mystical experiences. Its not the substance its mysticism. The substance only helps consciousness mystically shift. Consciousnes is infinite and you are a sliver that continually grows and merges with universal consciousness.
  19. @Umar_uk that's very beautiful to hear - your awakening. It truly is. You must be very spiritually gifted. Were you also raised studying Advaita Vedanta? I noticed you bring it up an in earlier post. Most of us here are raised in the Materialist paradigm making things even harder We have to break through that first.
  20. @tedens my first mystical experience came doing self inquiry so no. But the question of if a tree falls in the forest and there are no observers does it make a sound? Or for that matter is there even a tree? That question just bothered me ever since i was very young and someone brought it up. I never forgot that always lingered in my mind. I felt there was something not right with the materialist paradigm.
  21. @tedens you must have a mystical will be revealed to you and literally your mind opens before your eyes and you become conscious that this is all in your mind. Its the most indescribable feeling ever. To be One. IT. Alone. After you come back down its always in the background. There is no going back. I can forget for a little while but its not like before. But now for me its total liberation. And i can also enjoy being in duality as well. Its the best of both worlds. I hope all of you reach it someday.
  22. @Umar_uk you are God right now. So tell us Umar - what have you revealed to yourself during your awakening to yourself? Because no, God just isn't God. When you as the ego die and become God, you will be become conscious of the Absolute, and the Absolutes of the Absolute. So please tell is what has been revealed to you upon rebirth. Tell us how your consciousness has expanded?
  23. @whoareyou no they're not. You just forgot yourself. And Shaun can forget too. That's the beauty. By the way what does Ball think about Solipsism. Or maybe he hasn't had a high enough realization yet? Cuz lemme tell ya buddy - it's the real deal - when you are in that perspective. And that's a key point.