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Everything posted by Inliytened1

  1. @Joseph Maynor did you make that up?
  2. @EvilAngel @Odysseus is correct but his response to you may have been a bit harsh. you are still early on in this work. Don't get discouraged. Discover Truth for yourself and you shall find liberation.
  3. @EvilAngel why do you feel that way?
  4. @Jkris and for that matter nothing is "bad" from God's perspective. Bad is a duality that we as egos imagine. Being conscious of this gives you immense power over emotions because you ARE emotions
  5. @Neorez he's not talking about direct experience in terms of the Absolute there. I think you are thinking of Absolute Truth with a capital T there. That is when you become the Absolute via mystical experience. That's something different which he will touch on in later episodes.
  6. @Jkris is that Love though or is that the ego coming in and creating dualities?
  7. @Templesign there are but language can't really capture them because language is inherently dualistic. But the Absolute just is. It is itself. (Groundless). Is itself = being itself = knowing itself.
  8. Notice the difference between mastering emotions and not having emotions. Two very different things. Mastering emotions involves going meta and letting them pass through you free of thought. Just stop thinking about whatever triggered the emotion and it will flow though you and pass. That's not to say all emotions are bad. Love is wonderful
  9. @Gili Trawangan that's a great reply. @Mikael89 True meditation really can't be explained to a Materialist unless they have an extremely open mind and are willing to sit down and listen to an explanation of how reality works and how meditation can help you to actually become reality - not in the sense of becoming it literally because you already ARE it literally. I mean in the sense of DISCOVERING you are it literally through a mystical experience in which you as consciousness shift from being the part to the whole. The nature of reality is mystical. Science and logic were imagined by reality and are within reality, just like you are Don't let anyone tell you its not. You can discover this for yourself. So try explaining this to a close minded materialist? I would say it quiets the mind - and can reveal the Truth of all of reality. And if they laugh at you just laugh with them - because there is no helping 'em.
  10. @Pouya ironically if you could really do this you wouldn't have an identity issue in the first place. In other words you wouldn't have been clinging to any particular identity. Just try to keep an open mind and you'll be fine. Don't be rigid.
  11. @fridjonk and since reality is a dream too its just different dreams. Of course its all One dream in the end. Awakening from the waking dream is the ultimate.
  12. @fridjonk have you had good success? What happens when you become aware that your dreaming (sorta like dream enlightenment haha)
  13. Not sure one can do that at will... Just like one cannot see through this dream whenever they want to. Enlightenment just happens on its own. Inside the dream it appears real - its only after you awake that you realize it was an illusion. From inside the matrix one cannot know they are in the matrix. A fish in water doesn't know its in water. Lucid dreaming probably happens spontaneously.
  14. Sorry just saw this. Thats exactly right. It is One so it collapses in both directions. Formlessness is itself, so in order to be itself it collapses into Form. So you get the perceiver - which is ultimately an illusion since its substance is nothing. So the perceiver has coopted Being or formlessness. The collapse back into Being is the dissolution of the perceiver into its purest form - the formless or pure potential, where the perceiver was a particular possibility. This is mysticism or eniightenment in which the perceiver dissolves and God reveals Absolutes to itself. The perceiver was the relative. Also The present moment absent of thought is pure consciousness or the formless. The form is imagination and concept.
  15. @StarStruck yes but try to be absent of it doesn't matter if you are looking at a clock or outside. Just staring at the wall may be easier to connect with Being. As Being is the absence of thought or anything. Looking outside may make it more difficult for someone new to this to "not know". You will notice you can't go more than 30 seconds without a thought..its hard. So bring your awareness back on awareness or consciousness itself when that happens. At some point you should feel a type of Kundalini type energy flow through you. I call Kundalini Being. It is the beginning of the collapse of the ego into Being in my direct experience. This may not happen after one sitting but keep at it.
  16. @LiberatedMonkey 8 hrs is incredible man hats off. Most people can't sit and do nothing for more than 5 minutes LOL (when not forced). Yes the do nothing method is extremely powerful and it was the very first method of meditation i tried because i found Leo after looking into an alcohol addiction and wanting to fix it. I knew he was onto something. Simply Being and doing nothing in the face of a craving will bring suffering and withdrawal symptoms. If you can sit and suffer through cravings long enough eventually they subside. It leads to great growth for beating addictions. But its also good for spiritual growth. You may have tapped into something spiritual there or mystical and the ego reacted out of that way in a survival defense mechanism. Either way bravo. That's how you do it. I used that and self inquiry when i first started in spirituality. Again originally to beat an addiction.
  17. @Shaun can you try just Being and living in present with no overly conceptualizing? Im not a Dr but maybe anxiety meds might help if it gets so bad you can't function.
  18. @whoareyou i exposed him as a troll. I knew what he was the moment i saw his posts. I didn't stalk you down...i had a discussion with you and you spent the entire time insulting me. Go back and read it.
  19. @Salvijus no i seriously haven't seen his posts on it...I've only been a member since November of 2018.
  20. @Arhattobe oh no thats fine i totally understand.
  21. @Umar_uk now your'e catchin' on!
  22. @Umar_uk no..we are having a duality war. You are not seeing that duality and non-duality are One. Duality is a part within non-duality. You as little Umar are a finitude of Infinity. Its fine I'm hitting the sack for now so it's all good.